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Super cool! Looking forward to the public beta

Thanks! We're working hard on those last things haha!

Looks super cool! Having a few issues with Win10: i) Antivirus kept blocking the installer, so had to manually add an exception ii) Can't log in using the desktop app. After creating an account using email and adding the code sent to my email I get an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.

Also a bit curious about the Windows app - seems to be running on Microsoft Edge? Why did you end up choosing Edge?

It's built on Tauri, so it picks the system default browser I think. We had applied for getting an EV certificate for the Win desktop app, but it's taking time to get that process done for some weird reason.

I'll get the FE dev to look at the too many redirects issue. Seems strange. Does it open fine on your Edge browser: https://app.struct.ai?

Super cool! Built something similar a few years back to assign kids to boats on a sailing camp using Google's OR Tools. Don't recommend OR Tools, solver was super slow vs cplex but didn't find any good OS solver. I used two objectives in my objective function to ensure someone didn't get left out, probably need to do something similar for the prioritization in the roadmap?


Yea, I went with Optaplanner, which is definitely more "user friendly".

Prioritization of parties is on the roadmap, related to table ranking. Were you thinking of prioritization in a different manner?

How were you thinking about "someone getting left out"?

Thanks for the thoughts!

Do any of you happen to have any thoughts wrgds to OR-tools vs optaplanner? I've been trying to use OR-tools for a vehicle routing problem (with lots of constraints) and found it is really bad at finding solutions in our case, and it has only auto-gen documentation more or less, very sparse set of examples and a single dev supporting on the forums it seems (still thankful for that it's open source and HAS some support!).

Take a look at the two Timefold (continuation/fork of OptaPlanner, open source Apache License) quickstarts for vehicle routing: https://github.com/TimefoldAI/timefold-quickstarts/tree/stab...

We regularly answer questions on StackOverflow if you run into any issues with it.

Disclaimer: I am part of the team behind OptaPlanner/Timefold.

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