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Love to see these type of applications that improve on how de do and think about health.

Rich is the shit. Go show https://github.com/willmcgugan some love.

Over 11 × 10^9 units sold per year? This number seems unreal to me.

I wonder about the deterring effect. How many attacks do not occur because security is there. It's hard to measure, with a high risk to reward factor.

Yea, that's what I tell people when they tell me this rock hasn't been protecting me from tiger attacks. Maybe the rock isn't doing anything, but is the risk of being mauled by a tiger worth testing this? Use your head people!

Implemented my own quicksort that seems to have better performance than the built-in one.

  q = (lo, hi) =>
    # highlight range
    p = VA.get(lo)
    l = lo
    r = hi
    # test pivot position
    t = false
    while (l < r)
      if VA.gt(l,r)
        t = !t
      if t
    if (l > lo)
      q(lo, l - 1)
    if (hi > l + 1)
      q(l + 1, hi)
  q(0,VA.length - 1)

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