It’s weird how normalized over cap billing became acceptable simply because chargeable metrics were not collected/resolved until after the fact. Seems like an obvious gap in the process or a little bit shady.
Exactly. Why the fixation on one strategy for handling this not so uncommon scenario. It is so common that handling it should be defacto.
This isn’t a pre-paid gas pump use, but that could be one way to present it. We all want to fill as fast as possible. And if your fill spout can handle top rates, you get top fill rates, until you close in on the hard limit. Then it trickles down to the metered drop. Then stops precisely where it needs to.
By accepting/requesting a hard cap, the provider can make clear that in order to be precise, soft caps will go into affect earlier and induce progressive throttling where applicable. If the throttle doesn’t catch the final milliliter or two of gasoline, before the pump shuts off, the provider can and should just let it go. It’s a loss, but comparatively a figurative drop in the bucket.
The other obvious route is predictive where prior usage guide the guardrails. Ordering two eggs is typical for a single meal. Ordering twelve is not. Ordering three or four is unusual for most but if you are a regular diner your habits will be observable.
Any of this predicated on the provider to want to do something. They seem to lack incentives at this point for making it easy. It is stories like op that I avoid well known problematic providers like Firebase who don’t respect and foster long term relationships.
Better wouldn’t necessarily be the right qualifier, but faster, typically more repeatable, and greatly more economical with scale/workload would certainly fit as better from different vantages.
With high novelty? Probably not until machine learning and compilers are deeply entangled.
That very much depends on the code. Program synthesis is an active area of research and the programs found would often be very difficult for a human to figure out. Of course a sufficiently determined human can always do whatever these programs do, but I do think it is unfair to give an unlimited amount of time to human optimizers.
Likewise, the trivial or novel that you borrow for free isn’t really free when you need to use it suddenly in ways that the license doesn’t permit or it is just technically inconvenient. It is sort of like leasing vs buying, but not really a good analogy.
So far I haven’t seen a comment point this out or suggest similar, so let’s say that instead of trying to maintain an application level list of email addresses that is used in a breach (or for other reasons), rely on the exercising service (email) which by formerly sending a verification email, has a record of the destination at least in a log, and maybe during registration placed in a “verified member” list, all more or less managed within the mail service.
The B52 first was first rolled out for production use on 18 March 1954. The "...long-rifle of the air age..." -- Nathan Twining. It has not been manufactured since 1962. They are still in active military service, the ones that remain, and continue to see upgrades and evolving mission scope. 100 years of service is feasible.
They also spend comparatively little time in the air. Compared with passenger aircraft where their return-on-investment strongly incentivises them being airborne as much as possible, military aircraft spend _a lot_ of time sitting around, either unused or in maintenance.
It's very easy to upgrade a strategic bomber. All strategic bombers are prone to interception so the only way to stand out is by having a bigger and modern payload. You can see the same development with tank cannons. Bigger calibers aren't necessary. The Rheinmetall 120mm cannon can be upgraded by simply shooting modern munition.
Use the tools you have to identify problems and turn them into opportunities that present high value returns. Be specific and address problems that can be observed to be clearly within measurable bounds of satisfaction. Employ YAGNI.
Today’s biggest concern is specifically about police treatment of the public it serves. The part that is maddening is the poor treatment and poor handling of people they interact with. Equally concerning but less articulated is the polar opposite, where the shining standouts are part of the training set for tuning the model of law enforcement appropriateness and effectiveness.
Agricultural efficiency, and food handling and storage are big cornerstones in this past century too. We were a world of frequent famine and hunger and now one of abject abundance.