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lol I see so many posts about this on this website:

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40566821

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40567028

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40567951

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40569826

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40570525

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40573281

Anyway, in the morning, I and several others started seeing trend headline article for the day appear as:

> "couldn't be verified"

I referenced a bit about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PROGME/comments/1d72zp0/bloomberg_u...

but then later E*trade Morgan Stanley headlines took over. I commented a bunch of links to lots of posts that I saw first on r/Superstonk regarding things mentioned here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PROGME/comments/1d7fmia/etrade_cons...

lol I see so many posts about this on this website:

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40566821

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40567028

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40567951

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40569826

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40570525

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40573281

Anyway, in the morning, I and several others started seeing trend headline article for the day appear as:

> "couldn't be verified"

I referenced a bit about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PROGME/comments/1d72zp0/bloomberg_u...

but then later E*trade Morgan Stanley headlines took over. I commented a bunch of links to lots of posts that I saw first on r/Superstonk regarding things mentioned here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PROGME/comments/1d7fmia/etrade_cons...

"I feel" are the first two words, therefore it is opinion article, the kind of opinion that does not stick to the facts, and rewards opinionated hivemind consent manufacturing. I stopped reading after those two words cuz it's dangerous signaling of ideologies in my nonfactual nonobjective opinion.

For reference, the rest of the sentence is:

[I feel] like I used to spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with suspect hard drives.

Granted, but to be fair, I feel like the whole piece is "I feel like spending inordinate amount of time to describe Mr. Gibson and his software in bad light", without an attempt at an equitable evaluation of the product itself.

I feel that jkhanlar's still going to read the rest of this comment where I call that behavior short sighted and stupid even though they said they wouldn't, because I also started my comment with "I feel". But the problem is, not only did they stop reading there, but they felt it necessary to inform the rest of us about it. Which only makes them look even more like an idiot. Thankfully, by applying their own logic to their post, and halting reading of their comment after the first two words, which are also "I feel", we can save ourselves the trouble. Unfortunately, we don't know to stop there unless we've read the comment, so we're stuck in a paradox.

You're criticizing a mode of behaviour (not reading the thing and commenting on it anyway) as stupid. Which I agree with.

Then you say the problem is they informed us about that stupid behaviour of theirs. I'm not so sure that is the problem here. Maybe it is their strange encrypted way to ask for discussion, or help. And we should explain that behaviour is bad and should evolve for better.

But then you're proposing we should adopt that behaviour to save us the trouble with them. Thus you're proposing using behaviour which you criticize on others, or in general, because it sounds clever/funny in the present case. But it isn't, because as you've realized, it does not work.

If you want to save people trouble from stupid posts, my advice is, explain why they are stupid, but do not propose using any stupid behaviour, including behaviours suggested in other posts, even if it looks like it could work towards the end goal. The reason is that end goal is not important enough, and suggesting people adopt stupid behaviour in one case to save trouble, is still stupid, and unfortunately, promotes use of that stupid behaviour in general.

Reading first two words isn't sufficient work to arrive at such conclusion. Thus you seem to have jumped to conclusion based on just two words, or more likely, you are showing off/asking for interaction with a seemingly cleverly constructed text that has all the negative attributes it criticizes in the other text.

I did not stop reading your comment, because I didn't think it is dangerous to do so, and I thought it was funny. I write here to you because I think now it is not that funny, and you should abandon this behaviour and change it for better. For example, before commenting on an article, I recommend you first read it all to understand what is it that the article says. You will then be in much better position to make a useful and funny comment here.

I think it was from a video I watched a day or two ago, describing how with those uber and lyft and other order delivery services that consumers apparently are placing those orders wtih the services, picking up the items themselves and walking out, and then when the actual delivery person arrives, order is gone, reported as missing, the consumer also reports similarly, even though they picked up the orders themselves, that this is apparently happening more widespread commonly that still is vulnerable with business infrastructures to not prevent the exploit from taking place, I am curious how this may affect industry standards with regards to this concept because I never witnessed it but I wouldn't be surprised if it is not even that widely realized about the issue yet thereby enabling more theft and loss and damages and whatnot.

How many times can one's order be 'stolen' like this before a pattern emerges and the account is banned? This is also fraud and because it requires using the internet, it's going to lead to felony charges.

If memory serves me well, I think some guys in Florida found out how many times they could do it and got busted for fraud against the delivery companies.

System caught the anomaly, humans investigated, law enforcement made the arrests.

Wonder if you could some how arbitrage your own food delivery...

I noticed NVIDIA skyrocket from billions to trillions market cap, so wouldn't NVIDIA be able to help deploy some a.i. simulatedly autonomous homo borg genesis to engage in scripted automated consumer lives to replace traditional homosapiens/humans consumers and takeover what otherwise was economy and market for human people but now they are replaced by redefining human and people to be displaced by the automated scripted a.i. controlled ones? This is already happening, right? Or did I just give them idea to make this a reality? lol, wait, why am I getting raided by the FBI right now? What's going on? HALP!


> 34:24 "Markets are efficient because of active managers setting the prices of securities, firms like Citadel, firms like Fidel.....lity (Fidelity) [...] trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued." - Kenneth Cordelle Griffin, Citadel Securities, November 2023

I thought Amazon was a public company, not private, and since supply and demand is dead and real price discovery is gone, that unless it becomes a private company it likely will not survive, unless there are enough retail investors to DRS directly register shares in their name so that DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) and Cede & Co do not hold all the assets for retail in street name to then bankrupt and collect all the assets leaving retail investors holding worthless securities, but I don't see that Amazon is private? Maybe I missed something that happened and it's a private company now?

> thought Amazon was a public company, not private

Parks, libraries and military bases are publicly owned. Amazon is a private company whose shares are publicly traded.

> since supply and demand is dead

This is wrong.

> so that DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) and Cede & Co do not hold all the assets for retail in street name to then bankrupt and collect all the assets

This is nonsense. (For starters, not how bankruptcy works.)

> Maybe I missed something

Mankiw’s Principles of Economics is a well-regarded introductory text [1].

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principles_of_Economics_(Man...

or using hedgefunds infinte ftd failure to deliver assets as collateral to deploy such an operation that is not as traceable/trackable. where's Jonathan Frakes? https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo

Kind of related, a few weeks ago I've been thinking to myself what happened to the open source free software operating system developments for mobile devices? Specifically, how are operating system environments such as GrapheneOS and CalyxOS, etctera, only able to be used on a single company's (Alphabet Inc) manufactured phone devices and not any other devices and where are the operating systems that work on as many to practically all of the devices that exist and the general idea of linux-style developments that represent collectively compiling all the hardware variations to have drivers and support for practically everything for everyone to get mostly the same experience regardless of which hardware they use

Is the mobile computer hardware industry that hostagedly cowardly locked down that this is no longer possible as it used to be, where people don't even own their own computer devices and instead have to use devices that are owned by other entities? Or what other explanation is there for no such multi-device operating systems? Or did I just miss something that I am blind to?

> how are operating system environments such as GrapheneOS and CalyxOS, etctera

There are ZERO open source OS for mobile. ZERO. NONE.

even the ones you list doesn't have access to essential drivers. What do they do? they get the driver as binary blobs from the original image, and just ship them. So all those projects are 1) full of closed source kernel drivers. 2) stuck on a specific kernel version to be able to use those binary drivers.

So the MOST those open source versions can do, is set a different set of "system apps" everything else must be the same as the closed source OS. It's barely more than theming in practice.

> compiling all the hardware variations to have drivers and support for practically everything for everyone to get mostly the same experience regardless of which hardware they use

Again, there is ZERO open source on those. All you need to support device X is a root exploit so you can get the binary blobs. Done. Now you can ship to that device.

There is Replicant [0] which is completely proprietary blob/firmware free but it has extremely limited hardware support with only support for Samsung devices from 2011-2012.

[0] https://www.replicant.us

you're wrong. I'm a previous maintenaner (before the replicant name change).

the whole project was done by teenagers extracting blobs.

then, one, a single, Samsung model was chosen as the holygrail for no other reason other than two devs had it. they worked on reverse engineering some of the essential blobs and providing very crude drop ins (thing barely functional. absolutely no power efficiency concerns, etc).

that one device then got older and cheaper and more devs got it. continue to reverse engineering.

today, a decade latet, that model is very old. functionality is still stuck on 2g or 3g for a 4g modem.

...if modem is that far behind take a guess how bad is the rest of the components.

it's a shit show. and you are correct in that this one is indeed the best example of a fully open source driver mobile.

> There are ZERO open source OS for mobile. ZERO. NONE.

This is false. Sent from my Librem 5, which runs FSF-endorsed PureOS.

librem5 is a binary blob provider. and you mostly fell for a scam.

they signed the same NDA as other OEM.

your so called open source drivers are full of binary blobs, which ironically are just the chip manufacturer reference implementation code compiled, with little else.

librem5 just shouts the lie louder. it's as closed source as any other device. like raspberrypi in terms of drivers.

...and I'm not going into the illegal investment scam librem company spams every one of their customers.

Did FSF also fall for a scam? Where are the binary blobs in PureOS, show us please. Yes, firmware is proprietary, but it's the best we have. You fell for the security nihilism: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27897975

There is no scam in Purism. I received all my devices, and they're as advertised.

the scam is the illegal investment emails they keep sending to everyone who purchased from them.

about fsf. well, the least worse is still just the least worse. doesn't make it magically open source.

Any source showing the illegality of the investment?

> doesn't make it magically open source

It does make the OS FLOSS, which is all they say.

For example


> "Even if you stomach the Pixel-only requirement"

I have not and will not stomach that at all. Nope!


Nope! I wasn't paying attention, but if I remember, Alphabet/Google was funded to deploy/release Android operating system, and they also were financed to deploy some hardware phones before disappearing to let other companies continue the things and then reappear somehow taking advantage of all the othre companies to outperform all of their manufacturings and whatnot, and then operating systems exist only for the Google phones and none of the others, and this is normal? What? I say F to that coward hijacking others efforts stuff!

I see https://calyxos.org/#Devices Devices section is showing a little bit more than I remember not too long ago http://web.archive.org/web/20230605161332/https://calyxos.or... but still not comparable to what I remember with the likes of OpenWRT, HyperWRT, DD-WRT, Tomato, etcetera. Therefore I do not and will not trust anything GrapheneOS or CalyxOS. Whatever the efforts were that led to wifi routers having lots of open source firmware developments to be supporting lots of different devices, I'd like to see similarly for mobile phones, and whatever concentration there is to finance only developments for Google made phones only, this is red flag hostage coward impression to me, and I will not submit or acquiesce or capitulate to invest in any of that at all, even if nothing else exists.

edited for grammar


> "Base system is open source, but many devices use proprietary drivers for hardware support, and most Android operating systems include Proprietary apps (such as Google Play and other Google apps)."

Okay, so, look at history of AMD GPus and NVIDIA GPUs for proprietary linux drivers and open source/free software alternative drivers that even without the AMD/NVIDIA companies to help at all (regardless of if they did, especially NVIDIA blatantly refusing to help and intentionally making it difficult and whatnot), still there are open source drivers for practically every single AMD and NVIDIA graphics processing unit hardwares to make them work. So, why not the same possibility outcome for mobile computers running Android operating system or other Linux AArch64 or ARM64 architecture o/ses. How is it that barely any signs of strong brave developer programmer humans remain able to dedicate their attention to these efforts that decade ago such skilled programmer developer humans existed but no longer

> "Google Pixel 5a... The last Google product before they went full Apple." - resource_waste https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39733518


first you have wrong facts about the open source drivers for gpus timeline. They are still not 100% complete, and only were usable last couple years.

Second you forget that while not supporting full 3d performance on those gpu, you still had at least a 2d framebuffer to use your system.

On mobile, Without those blobs, the CPU doesn't initialize. The bootloader won't pass some signature safeboot check. The radio won't turn on. Wifi and bluetooth won't work. The screen won't display anything. the digitalizer won't work. no battery charging. usb into otg? nope. etc etc etc.

"Avaya and many others will also loose interoperability" as opposed to tighten interoperability.

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