I think it's relatively unlikely that having an agent write graph queries will outperform vector search against graph information outputted into text and then transformed into vectors.
The related issue that I think is being conflated in this thread is that even if your goal was to directly support graph queries, you could accomplish this with a vanilla database much easier than running a specialized graph db
Outperform in what way? There's some distinct things it already does better on like multi-hop and aggregate reasoning than a similarity context window dump. In general, tool-assisted, of which KG querying is one tool, does pretty good on the benchmarks and many of the LLM chats cutting over to it as the default.
> if your goal was to directly support graph queries, you could accomplish this with a vanilla database much easier than running a specialized graph db
Postgres and MySQL do have pretty reasonable graph query extensions/features. If by easier, you mean effort to get up a MVP, I'd agree, but I'm a bit more dubious on the scale up, as you'd probably get something like Facebook and Tao.
A prominent new donor gets is responsible for a massive financial collapse and likely fraud, resulting in major losses for retail investors. Options are:
1. Claim ignorance of shady practices and disown donor.
2. Pull strings to avoid a real prosecution, and claim the guy did nothing wrong.
People really think politicians are going to choose option 2?
I'd also like to hear skeptics explain how he's going to continue donating. Because politicians have a lot more to gain by keeping past donations and throwing him to the wolves.
Short answer, tribal gaming leadership shenanigans. No betting propositions will ever pass in CA without their approval, but they continuously want way too much of the gambling pie.
1. Prop 26 — sports betting at tribal casinos and four race tracks. Tribal casinos can do dice and roulette.
- even more power at tribal casinos.
- “ The proposition also would have created a new way of enforcing some gaming laws, allowing anyone to bring a lawsuit if they believe the laws are being violated and the state Justice Department declines to act”. Basically any card room that was not tribal was going to be sued non-stop.
2. Prop 27 - online sports betting.
- even more centralized gambling control by tribes.
- extremely high threshold for gaming companies seeking licenses would have made it unusually tough for small but viable vendors to compete.
They both tried to be too creative, like they both thought they needed to walk on eggshells to get tribal equity or partnership backdoors for sports gambling in the state
If any of them just said “yo, ya’ll wanna have sports gambling everywhere so ya’ll stop getting excluded from apps?” we would have voted for it (imo)
nobody here cares about tribal drama, both propositions heavily miscalculated that and got into immature campaigns against each other, they thought their proposals couldn't stand on their own merits and needed these complicated handouts
The ironic thing is that, as discussed in this thread, the article is really focused on upwardly mobile college graduates who have transitioned into marriage / kids.
This fits me and my friend group to a T, but the bits about Facebook don't land because me and all of my friends have abandoned that platform.
Employee counts still being about 2018 is pretty cold comfort for someone looking for a job right now, especially if it's their first job. And if you think the wave of cuts has come and gone you are more optimistic than I am.
Nevertheless, it's unclear what your complaint actually is. That since the industry recently went through a surge in hiring (ie, a boom), it's not newsworthy that there are widespread layoffs for the first time in more than a decade?
The odd piece of this is characterizing VR as a bridge to AR from the user's perspective. An AR that is out of the way when you don't want it is somewhat plausible, but for most people the idea of strapping a VR headset to your face and completely blocking off the outside world is a nightmare. How do you get from one to the other?
The related issue that I think is being conflated in this thread is that even if your goal was to directly support graph queries, you could accomplish this with a vanilla database much easier than running a specialized graph db