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You're getting very close to the motivation behind VisionOS, aka a 3D spatially oriented operating system.

Sounds like you're doing the right thing: trying to find a moderate position

That is because this waste is the natural excrement of an exploitative economy that lives in disharmony with its own natural ecosystem.

We need more engines not less.

Your wants are not necessarily the best business strategy. Basing their browser off Chromium and then innovating off of it could lead to more user value being delivered.

I use BEL + IFFTT webhooks to trigger a notification on my laptop and my iPhone whenever something finishes. Echo hi; notification

With an alias for notification

Start by filtering out every publicly traded company. Eliminate every company not still run by the founder. Nothing that's about to IPO. Nothing involving ads. That's a start.

Says something rather concerning about our economy's ability to innovate. Short term profits always end up eating at the core like this. I see why Elon has kept several of his companies private. The market lacks vision.

I'd say startups. At the very least, it seems like companies where the founder stays on after getting rich tend to do better. Avoid Day 2 companies.

Startups are shit on pay and as an early tech employee you are basically the one that gets screwed the hardest of all. A huge gamble with very little upside even in the best of cases. I'm gonna have to pass.

It's called a union. This is what will always happen as long as the employees do not collectively bargain. Their strength in numbers is completely neutered by a lack of organization.

I often have an issue with authority because it tends to be applied at the macro level and I differ from the average so the rules often manifest as oppressive.

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