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I don't know what this mostly empty page is doing but just having it open is using so much cpu time that my fans need to ramp up. I'm not inclined to browse more than that one page.

Why is it so important that it runs on the JVM?

If all it provided was an API server then it wouldn't really matter. But this is pitched one level down ie: you can integrate this into your existing app as a library and expose it. I don't know what the utility of that is, but I'm kind of assuming it might mean you can add in interceptors and business logic to customise the API behavior which I think is pretty useful.

So the fact that it lets you do this with any JVM language is actually a key property that gives it very wide application.

Because then people know it can be used by languages that run on the JVM...? E.g. Java, Clojure, Scala, Groovy...

It seems to have been written in Clojure.

Software is bought based on how big the vendor is, by people who will never use the software.

This is painfully on point where I currently am.

I'm curious to know why you think separations don't really make sense any more. Care to elaborate?

Personally I prefer anything that is restrictive, I would take the price of less flexibility for the ability to stop people doing stupid things.

I would have thought dependency resolution would be a solved problem by now, given how many different projects all need to do it well.

Can anyone explain why there needs to be a new solver just for pip instead of adding support for python packages to something like libsolv[0].

[0] https://github.com/openSUSE/libsolv

I would imagine that evaluating solutions like that would be part of this contract.

SAT solutions, including libsolv, is (somewhat surprisingly) not a suitable solution for pip, and Python packages in general, at least at the present time. The Google Doc link in dimino’s comment[1] covers the issues quite thoroughly (at around page 10–12).

What I understand from the RfP is that evaluating work is basically done, and the main work is to integrate the backtracking implementation into pip. But one of the more important task listed IMO is to untangle the current resolver implementation from other pip components. This implies that 1) the new resolver will be a relatively isolated component, allowing code reuse for alternative package managers, and 2) the resolver can more easily switch to a SAT solution when it becomes viable to do so.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21512322

Here is my lot

  # setting common options
  alias cp='cp -iv'
  alias mv='mv -iv'
  alias rmdir='rmdir -v'
  alias ln='ln -v'
  alias ls='ls --color=auto --human-readable --group-directories-first --classify'
  alias grep='grep --color=auto'

  # shortcuts
  alias e=vim
  alias music=ncmpcpp
  alias g='git status'
  alias gp='git push'

  # show pretty git diff
  alias gitdiff='git difftool -y -x "colordiff -y -W $COLUMNS" | less -R'
  # go to root git directory
  alias cdgit='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)'
  # view csv files in columns
  alias csv='column -s, -t'
  # activate python venv
  alias v='source ./venv/bin/activate'

  # show weather
  alias weather='curl wttr.in/Manchester'
  # get my calendar
  alias c='gcalcli --calendar <redacted> --monday calw'
  # alternate view of calendar
  alias agenda='gcalcli --calendar <redacted> agenda `date --iso-8601`T08 `date --iso-8601`T15'

  # rot13 some text
  alias rot13="tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]'"

  # I always forget how to echo status code
  alias exitcode='echo $?'

  # make directory and enter it
  mdc() { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@"; }
  # create a file and make git track it
  ga() { touch "$@" && git add "$@" }
  # open a twitch stream in mpv
  twitch() { livestreamer --player "mpv -" "http://twitch.tv/$@" best }
  # set terminal window title
  title() { print -Pn "\e]2;$@\a" }
  # open a file with less or a directory with ls
  l() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then less "$1"; else ls "${1:-`pwd`}"; fi }

livestreamer is dead, long live streamlink

I'd be interested to know if anyone actually seriously uses something like this. I can't imagine there is much crossover in the irc audience and the people who would want to use a web based client. Even less so when you need to self host it.

I've been using it daily for about a year. I run it behind Apache (for SSL with LetsEncrypt) on a 1 year reserved T2.Nano VM in AWS ($3.125/month) that I also occasionally use for other things.

I'm involved in a lot of open source but had used IRC only intermittently until I got The Lounge running.

I've really enjoyed it. I'm able to log in and see the same unreads and direct messages across my work PC, personal PC, and phone and iPad. The software has been reliable and relatively painless to update. The UI functions nicely on touch devices.

Before The Lounge I operated ZNC in EC2, but configuring device-specific clients to use it was a chore, and I didn't find myself using IRC very much. Now, I use IRC all the time.

Obviously if you're not comfortable maintaining a server then this isn't the option for you, but as a "power user" I've found the web UI perfectly tolerable. Instead of maintaining IRC clients on multiple devices and pointing them at ZNC, I maintain a single IRC client -- The Lounge.

irccloud.com ($50/year) is a good option for people who don't want to run their own server. Only costs $13/year more than your solution.

Though paying money to receive messages while offline (or fiddling with ZNC) is one of the reasons IRC getting its lunch eaten by everything.

> I'd be interested to know if anyone actually seriously uses something like this. I can't imagine there is much crossover in the irc audience and the people who would want to use a web based client. Even less so when you need to self host it.

It's our default web-based client that we offer for public use over at EsperNet (which as an IRC network has been around since the 90s) - https://webchat.esper.net.

The fact it is modern, easy-to-use and has better security characteristics made it a bit of a no-brainer to switch from Iris.

I'm considering using it. It's really nice to be able to idle in chatrooms without risking losing history if my computer dies as well as have a unified experience supported across web clients in all my platforms (I'm not really a fan of any of the windows-based or linux based IRC clients out there).

It seems worth it for me to throw this on a DO droplet, give it a URL and totally forget about having missed something again. Right now I just use Textual with all the default configs installed and don't do anything fancy. For a casual IRC user who doesn't want to go into much more effort than that to preserve history or have seamless client experience/settings and am willing to pay 5 bucks a month to host in the cloud somewhere, I think I'm the target audience here.

I used it for a while when first getting into IRC communities; it serves as a really nice gateway into it - extremely user-friendly, hackable, usable from my phone if I wanted. Generally just a really good client overall, despite the bloat.

I have been for.the past five or.so years. I hop on.and.off withoit much thinking. It just works whether im on or offline

I know a lot of deeply technical people that prefer web-based IRC clients.

I like Phabricator, it doesn't offer as much combustibility as Jira but the options it does have are good for software development workflows. Plus it is open source which is always a bonus


Is this link a joke? Reading down the page it gets progressively snarkier, definitely in a way that leads me to think this is satire.

The phabricator people used to have extremely bad taste in diffs and version control. See eg https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20756320/how-to-prevent-...

(I think you can turn most of the annoyances off. But it leaves a bad impression. They also seem to like PHP.)

No, it’s entirely legitimate. And thank $deity for those small pockets of humor.

Thx for the advice this looks like a nice tool. If there was enough "drive" of some dev's and a thriving community this could become a standalone alternative for Jira one day.

> doesn't offer as much combustibility as Jira

Autocorrect is such a prankster

I would really like to use this as my primary browser, unfortunately Atlassian's login flow doesn't work in this browser. I suspect it is actually Atlassian at fault here but since I am forced to use Jira for work I have no choice.

Can you try setting "content.cookies.accept" to "all" instead of the default "no-3rdparty"? If that doesn't help, can you set with --temp-basedir?

> "The evaluation version is fully functional, but is restricted to the light theme only."

They really know their target audience.

Also I think they learned a lesson from how many people simply grew a habit to click "cancel" in the "please buy this" reminder in Sublime Text.

After years of clicking cancel as a student, I was more than happy to shell out the full amount for a license after my first paycheck. Don't think I would've stuck around if the free versoin was gimped in any way.

I'm so lazy and it's too easy to click "Cancel"... I have a license but a year after re-installing ST I still haven't added it :/

Just search your inbox for "sublime license", and copy the license into Sublime. The whole operation takes me below 1 minute on a new machine.

It'd be nice if there was a command line option for this actually. I have my machine setup almost entirely automated, but this is one of the manual steps I have to do.

As far as I know, it used to be just a matter of writing the plaintext license into the appropriate file: https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/license-installation-silentl...

That's still supported, and the same technique works for Sublime Merge, fwiw.

Awesome – thanks for sharing!

Completely off topic but would you care to describe how you install your system automatically?

It's really nothing fancy, just based on strap[1] but then modified a bit. I keep my dotfiles in github and leverage homebrew for installing pretty much everything.

[1]: https://github.com/mikemcquaid/strap

Sounds like NixOS: https://nixos.org/

I haven't used it in a while, but wasn't this also the main differentiator between Unity and Unity Pro (or whatever the paid version was called)?

It was an excellent motivator. :)

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