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I think humans have a natural instinct to share what they find cool / interesting.

Before this was mostly done through in person communicate, now this is primarily done through smart phones.

I'd bet that most of such recordings are not even shared or perhaps even looked at by the author (personally, I'm guilty of this). It's just some sort of compulsion to record it.

You realize that it will only be replaced with something MORE addicting? People won't exactly start reading newspapers when Tik Tok dies..

We could all just burn out. Kind of like peak world of warcraft. We didn't get even more addictive mmos.

I'm sure the rise of smartphones had as much to do with that as anything. At its peak, WoW had 12M players; Pokemon Go had 4x that many daily actives at its peak.

Define learn.

Define people.

Define "define".

Define "

Equity data usually represents a big part of compensation and is basically impossible to value objectively as there are too many factors at play.

> YouTube is practically holding an incredible amount of knowledge and information hostage to feed Google’s insatiable desire for profits.

Free storage of data uploaded by willing users = hosting the data hostage?

Yes, because YouTube is changing their stance between when a large part of the data was uploaded and now. If they chose to compete fairly from the beginning instead of using their search ad revenue to kill off all the competitors we might have had something resembling a remotely free market instead of the unthinking, unfeeling monolith we have right now.

> Yes, because YouTube is changing their stance between when a large part of the data was uploaded and now.

This is untrue. As there was significantly less users on Youtube early on, it's highly likely that most of their total content consists of recently uploaded videos. This becomes more and more true as time goes on.

Huh?! You can sell your car, or take a loan against it. You can convert US dollars into your local currency.

Your individual data is worthless. Data is only worth something in aggregate.

Is it not like saying that any individual worth nothing because their social value is zero outside a collective?

I can give away some data to use a service. Companies generate money using this data. It is not useless.

TikTok absolutely is a competitor. I'm not sure why it has to host long form content for it to be considered a competitor.

If more people get their video entertainment from TikTok, then they watch YouTube less.

Most blatantly, YouTube literally launched shorts recently - an exact TikTok competitor clone.


Also - just because it doesn't have the content that you, personally, watch, does not make it not a competitor.

> A huge amount of videos on YouTube are created for their own sake, with no expectation of going viral or making money off them.

It's estimated that there are 1 billion YouTube videos, compared to 600k videos hosted by PeerTube. Thats a 4 order of magnitude difference. Saying that PeerTube can "fill this role" is an outrageous assumption about scaling.

Sure, I should have said "P2P based video sharing like PeerTube". The point is that for videos with no expectation of making money, P2P is a better model than YouTube, as it is both free and ad-free.

I am not saying that PeerTube is better and that people should be using it. I am saying that it is worse, because of the way YouTube developed and made competition impossible.

Statements like these make it hard not to discount the whole article:

> By their nature, fiat currencies are manipulatable.

Like it's some kind of big revelation, when it's basic AP macroeconomics monetary policy.

Not everyone knows macroeconomics monetary policy.

Luckily, they can learn about it all for free, right here!


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