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Neat! As an alternative, `home manager (nix)` has an abstraction for defining shell alias[^1] regardless of which shell you use. The main requirement is that home manager also manages your shell for you. [^1]: https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/options.xhtml#o...

If you want to setup Gmail/Gsuite with Mutt/notmuch, I wrote up an article on how to do so here: https://www.jevy.org/articles/neomutt-lieer-notmuch/

Hope it helps!

There are a number of fundamental pieces of Scrum that are needed so all the pieces fit together.

In the Sprint, one of the fundamental elements is having a "Sprint Goal". This allows the team to see the big picture and add/remove work during the sprint to get to that goal.

Without a clear sprint goal, then of course it's easy to loose the essence or "big picture" of what the team is trying to achieve during the sprint.

I sent off a few messages. I'll report back about the discussions if I hear back.

When my kids want to watch something on a topic, I use yt-dlp to download a bunch of videos.

I have that older synced with my Synology, and my kids have that folder syncing with Synology on their iPad.

I've found this to be a good balance for managing it easily for me, giving them what they want to see without giving youtube access.

I got diagnosed with ADHD 3 months ago after discovering a) my daughter had it and b) that it's highly hereditary.

Probably the best introduction to ADHD is a 1.5 lecture by Dr. Russell Barkley, a top researcher in this area. It's technical, empowering and fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzhbAK1pdPM&list=PLzBixSjmbc...

Looking back in my life, I've built sophisticated TODO list and second brain systems to help me manage. Now it's obvious that it's because my working memory is poor because of my neurodivergency. Omnifocus (for GTD) and Obsidian (to be an extension of my brain) are my goto for leveraging my ADHD superpower.

If you're looking for a community to learn more for yourself or for someone else: reddit.com/r/adhd is a great place to start.

Thanks for this playlist. The part describing time blindness and intention deficit hit me on the head. The lack of accountability truly is one of my worst enemies. If I have a task that doesn't have immediate accountability I will not perform it as soon as I should. Looks like I finally found my issue and I can start working on it. You changed my life with just a hyperlink.

originalvichy - You made my week. I hope you find a doc that can support you in this. Don't hesitate to each out to me (email in profile) if you need a sounding board.

If I may suggest, check your magnesium blood levels (and your daughter's).

Magnesium deficiency is also associated with symptoms similar to ADHD. Even for people who really have ADHD, several studies show that magnesium supplementation greatly improves many issues.

Magnesium helps a bit, but sugar in my experience is ADHD in powder form. The least carbs I eat, the better my brain functions. On a complete carnivore (i.e. zero carb) diet experiment, after the initial adaptation, my focus and motivation is increased 10-fold. But then I get bored, I cheat and I go into a deep unmotivated funk for a week.

It makes sense, as ADHD is mostly a dopamine-system imbalance, and carbs tend to increase the levels of tryptophan (serotonin), while proteins increase tyrosine (dopamine). The higher the levels of one, the lower the levels of the other. I'm a layman, this is my pet theory, but there's definitely not enough focus on the dietary aspect of mental health in my opinion.

I have the same experience. Even one meal with excessive carbs and I am going full ADHD.

Dr. Russell Barkley's book, Taking Charge of Adult ADHD, is also good.

Primary care docs should be able to walk with you on this. After pushing my doc a little bit, he gave me a questionnaire to complete and two weeks later I was starting different medications. There are all kinds of storied on reddit.com/r/adhd of people having issues with their doc. A psychiatrist would have a deeper expertise in managing ADHD if you can get access to one.

Zapier | Data Security Engineer | Remote | Full-time | https://zapier.com/jobs/

Zapier builds automation tools for small business. We have been remote first since the company start and we are hiring across pretty much all departments: https://zapier.com/jobs

I'm an Engineering Manager on the Data team and we are looking for a Data Engineer experienced in security. We support the Data Warehouse Engineers by building infrastructure and tooling to make their jobs easier and increasing the rate we make data driven decision in the company. If it sounds like you might be a good fit, please apply! https://zapier.com/jobs/5105760002/data-engineer-open-to-mos...

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Remote: 10 years so far

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Engineering Manager (1 exit), experienced managing/hiring teams of up to 13 engineers in AI space, web/mobile apps. My coding expertise is Java,Rails,React,Python. Expert in rapid development of products.

Resume: http://bit.ly/3ounY6N

Email: jevin@quickjack.ca

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jevinmaltais/

Some of these WiFi statistics used in this paper are typically not exposed at the user level. You would need to have a modified driver. May or may not be easy to do for an iOS or Android phone.

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