Feeling vindicated for the double entry transaction system we built at clearvoice.com for our two-sided marketplace, leveraging the fantastic DoubleEntry Ruby Gem from Envato.
Linear is the best project management for software I've ever used, highly recommend. They've added many many amazing features this year... Incredible team over there that are just a joy to work with.
+1. Linear is a great PM tool, maybe even the best. What makes it awesome is their support team. I’ve been in touch with them a handful of times over the past ~5 years, and each time, they’ve been excellent — fast response times, with genuine and tech savvy people on the other side.
Linear is starting to hit against the boundary of enterprise requirements: tracking and compliance where as a product company needs to ship great products. The VC returns is in the former so it will be interesting to see which path they choose.
We aim to build the product in a way that it works well for smaller/early stage teams as well as all the way to the enterprise. So I think lot of the “enterprise” stuff will be optional.
There are many differences, is this a difference that will reverse a historic trend of world powers rising and faliing, of waxing and waning?
Will the diversity within the US enable it to pull together as a nation, overcome infighting, and out innovate China with it's plethora of phone and EV types, overnight pprototyping, on demand cheap bulk bespoke pharma production, etc?
Apple doesn't manufacture the chips, they subcontract that out to TSMC/Samsung. In this case Intel is the contract manufacturer, not the chip designer fulfilling the same role as TSMC does for Apple.
Good news, you tend to care less about stylish by the time you need bifocals. I have leveled up to the point at which I can wear bifocals and suspenders without giving any fucks. Probably because they no longer alter my probability of getting one.
Agree fully, as I put on the dorkiest headband in the world to capture sweat from my forehead as I work outside. It's not that we older folds don't care what people think, but more like we now realize that people rarely care or think about others who aren't close to them. Those few dozen people that see me in my dorky headband won't even remember my face in 15 seconds.
Indeed, though they could-- outside of dense multi-tenant facilities-- and it would improve the indoor air quality with almost certain health benefits.
AFAICT demonizing gas will not have a significant improvement to indoor air quality, as it doesn't address the root cause of poor ventilation.
It may cause health harm by making people falsely believe the issue is addressed by not using gas. At least with gas it is relatively obvious that ventilation is an issue.
This is great! Hearing aids are stupidly expensive and I hope we see more solutions leveraging mass production to improve accessibility of hearing aid tech
Another thing I'd love to see is affordable AR glasses with auto captioning for noisy environments with many speakers. My mother struggles with hearing loss, and it's apparent to me that audio-only solutions are not sufficient for many situations and types of hearing loss.
The problem is that folks who are hard of hearing want to be part of the conversation and make eye contact. The transcripts in the audio recorder app on Pixel phones is quite good, though combining computer vision and audio processing is necessary for loud and complex social environments.
We were Urchin users prior to the acquisition and were also Google AdWords customers...
I remember being shocked at the idea of putting Google's JavaScript in our secure e-commerce site. We wanted to pay as little as possible for traffic and were mining the long tail of keywords. We certainly did not want AdWords to know what our economics were.
Ultimately AdWords evolved into a very efficient system that groups similar keywords and takes as much margin as the advertisers can handle. The golden days of a level playing field in ppc advertising were over and Google won the game :)