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I have like a dozen bash scripts that automate little actions locally. They each took from a few minutes to a few dozen minutes to make. I use them all the time at work.

I suppose we have different definitions of harm. Providing a product which might contain an allergen and notifying you of that possibility is not harm in my book.

Funny, you are in this category exactly. Don't know if you got this far down.

> 6 users made it to the wow moment, but were so offended at being asked to review that they automatically put a 1* rating.

This can be extrapolated to say something a little more like, every field of study can be used to analyze the world. It means that partially, everything is connected to anything else like the Holographic Theory of Learning[1] states. Creating a field of study is creating a framework for tackling problems. Architecture for spatial and material problems, software for logical and procedural problems, history for causal problems, chemistry for material, etc. Any one of those fields gives you a tool for addressing any problem, and some of those tools are extremely useful in some narrow definition of a problem. Everything has a historical, material and spatial dimension, and everything is processed through our logic and behavior. The goal is to know which hammer to use when, I suppose.

[1]. Discussed here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40439572#40464765

First time reading writing done by architects? As a former practicioner, this text is actually quite, lacking in jargon.

Co-Founder, who helped out [other Co-Founder]

...I would hope that's the case, lol.

Not "helped out", it says "help oust".

reread the subject :)

This is how I feel. GPT and similar LLMs demoes extremely well, but collapses as soon as its put through any kind of real world problem. However, we absolutely are living through press release driven business administration, so it's likely that the realistic approach will be discarded for things that are sexier for the media. Companies will pay for this.

Well, like Soros on the Bank of England or the attack on Terra luna, you can short SEI before the attack as well.

This is actually why "proof of stake" blockchains are fundamentally flawed. They only make sense if the value of the system is denominated in the currency of the system. It's self referential and prone to negative feedback loops. They are secure because the token is expensive, the token is expensive because it provides a secure platform. Short the token, take a loan out, compromise the security, tank the value, profit. All the mechanisms to prevent that are built into the system, like delaying the validator pool entry, but the only real backstop is a hard fork and spinning up a new copy.

Agree and was my first thought as well. A useful 404 seems favorable in most cases, although the author notes that the URLs are constantly changing, being rebranded, and so it might be the simplest solution for the supplement pages. However, I'd probably __not__ apply it to the rest of the website like the author suggests.

Music theory deals with the harmonic series, which studies the motion of sound waves [1]. Sound waves are physical, and are affected by the matter and density of the particles they are traveling in. To understand it deeply, you need to get into the behavior of solids and gases, which is chemistry, something useful to baking.

Similarly from Mandarin to Quantum Mechanics you can take Mandarin -> linguistics -> Probability Theory[2] -> Quantum Probability -> Quantum Mechanics

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_series_(music) 2. https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1100760108

This strains credulity. You do not by osmosis learn how to solve the wave equations or manipulate them by playing the Tuba.

What you are doing is connecting related fields however tangential they may be and implying that learning about one makes you learn about the others which is just not true. Let's take a Music Theory student and give them a series of problems from Landau and Lifshitz, how well do you think they will do?

I think that i'm illustrating the point of the author. That every field is connected with every other field. If you start getting into the harmonic series as a music theory nerd, you will be aided by studying physics and chemistry. Maybe your average music student wouldn't but John Coltrane certainly did draw these types of connections.

More directly, here's superposition (as opposed to classical pure states) in hanzi: https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=64175

[If Google's xlation can be believed, note that syntactically the 3rd and 5th columns repeat in:

yet semantically they group differently between the lines:

compare resonance in aromatics]

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