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Correction: Now they’re back up, but in read-only mode

Update: https://twitter.com/Nick_Craver/status/1156243864182804480

"We're having a SQL Server instability issue and digging into it now."

I'm only reading about people getting really uncomfortable looking at this (on reddit).

To me it did nothing, although I also couldn't recognise any of the items in the picture.

Does anyone else have the same experience?

Part of the reason people on reddit are reacting like that is because the OP on Reddit framed it with the bullshit title about it simulating a stroke.

Frame it differently and people would be more likely to go “huh, that’s weird”

I found it unsettling.

At first glance it's "oh easy I can easily spot something in there, like that... Oh... Uh?"

I guess its been crafted to tickle the pattern matching part of the brain, so it looks familiar, but not? Like the uncanny valley?

There’s at least a jewelry stand in that image you see at a flea market.

Yes, same here. Mild amusement but no discomfort. Had a discussion about it in a Facebook comment thread, and asked on or two of my friends. From my _very_ small sample size the number of neutral vs uncomfortable people seems about equal.

I suspect the people who feel most uncomfortable are the most vocal. Would be interesting to do a poll.

I can't say why, but these kind of images are really disturbing to me. They give me a mixture of disgust and anxiety...

I suspect there's more neurodiversity in our image processing stacks than we realize, and we've never before been able to observe it because all of our prior input was actually from a relatively small part of the possible image sample space that the real world can generate.

I find this mildly amusing, but I do the surreal and bizarre for entertainment routinely anyhow. But for the same reasons that I seek out those sensations, I find myself having sympathy for those who rather than seeking them out for occasional changes of pace, can't get away from them as they are haunted every moment of the day and night. That would be much less fun, to put it exceedingly mildly.

Compared to most DeepDream images this one isn't unsettling at all to me. I guess if you have seen a lot generated images, they become more familiar and less unsettling.

The first time I was the same. I looked at it a second time and the longer I looked it felt increasingly uncomfortable, almost to the point of panic.

i felt nothing until i read the comments saying it was unsettling, THEN i got a bit unsettled viewing it. i must be easily led!


The FAQ of the company responsible for selling ISBNs in Germany (1000 ISBNs cost ~310 EUR incl. VAT here) states that the country of the publisher is the decisive factor on where to buy the ISBNs. So if a book written by the author got translated to German, would he have to buy a German ISBN?

Otherwise he could just acquire all his ISBNs in Canada for free?

Note: Lynx is called Axe in other countries.

I was just thinking how a terminal web browser gets you laid :)

resmio (https://www.resmio.com) – Berlin, Germany (ONSITE, VISA)

Founded 11/2011, we're doing marketing automation (newsletters, yield management, simplified SEM) and a CRM & table plan for restaurants. In short, helping restaurants getting online.

We're looking for an iOS developer who is able to enhance/clean up/rewrite our existing iPad app made by freelancers. You will be the only iOS developer in the team (8 developers right now) and working with our designer on improving the app. Our backend stack is based on Heroku, Django, Postgres, Redis and some Go.

The resmio office is in the heart of Kreuzberg. While being a growing team (currently ~25 employees), there's still plenty of room to express yourself and shape the whole company culture with your ideas!

We'll help with any potential visa / work permit issues.

Our jobs page: https://www.resmio.com/jobs/

Contact: jobs@resmio.com (or me directly at jann@resmio.com)

Actually, is there some analysis on that?

I always suspected that, with all the high-tech equipment, after the initial stockpile is gone (and a few hundred planes is not a lot if you look at WW2), it's much harder to scale up production (if one country alone even produces all the necessary parts like semiconductors, rocket engines, etc.).

It's probably not going to be a free for all but a 2-3 sided conflict with alliances of several countries on either.

US+EU+allies can probably manufacture all the war machines they need, as does China+allies.

I was actually asked some of these for a position in a SRE team. So these are interview questions you might encounter.

He meant sites offering you a free product or a months worth of credit for sending a message to X of your friends if they sign up as well (and if they're smart they get your friends email addresses like that even if they don't sign up)

This is really fascinating, I didn't know about ASMR until now, but I'm experiencing the feeling since childhood.

I found it so cool as a child that I trained myself to reproduce it without any external stimulus or thought pattern.

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