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I appreciate someone from the project commenting here. I left Nix because it just has too many warts, and unfortunately, they've only increased over time, which is the opposite of what I expected.

- I'd update Nixpkgs, and my build would stop working. The logging was awful, so fixing it took hours.

- The mono repo sounds nice, but selective updates are almost impossible.

- Building our Go project in a Nix package was nearly impossible with private GitHub repos, so we moved on.

- Bash scripts never work because binaries are never where they should be in Linux.

I could go on, but my experience with Nix and NixOS left me with significant scars. I’m hopeful that someone will eventually create a more user-friendly deterministic OS.

> - Building our Go project in a Nix package was nearly impossible with private GitHub repos, so we moved on.

Yes. This is a nightmare, and is the literal step-one problem FlakeHub is designed to solve.

Regarding the monorepo causing big-bang updates that broke all your stuff: continued, strong, agreement. I think as nixpkgs continues to grow, and usage grows, we'll see a wider adoption of flakes from a pure "how do we all work together?" perspective. That's the flip side of FlakeHub's initial concept.

Please keep at it! Doing what GitHub did for Git is a real opportunity I think for Nix. We'll be keeping an eye on Determinate's work...

Thank you, we will! =). I think there is a lot of opportunity here around a cohesive workflow around Nix. That is a big part about what I was consulting on for so many years.

Maybe check out our demo on our home page: https://determinate.systems/ -- you might like it.

Not sure if you know this, but this is the way to add dependencies to bash scripts:


It should add everything to $PATH, so unless you've got hardcoded bin paths, there shouldn't be any problems.

To me, these RTOs are nothing but silent layoffs. Their best and probably most expensive talent, who have the skills to land remote gigs, will depart. Amazon's smart enough to know this; I understand from friends who worked there they believe everyone is replaceable. I disagree.

Nearly everyone is replaceable. There is some cost, some transition pain, but everyone is replaceable. Irreplaceable employees is a management failure. This is totally going to drive out employees. But I do wonder if we have data on who is actually quitting over RTO. Is it actually their top-performing employees?

This move absolutely will drive out some of their best talent… but the job market isn’t great. Genuinely, are there many desirable workplaces left that are remote? Amazon pays extremely well, I can’t think of many organizations that can afford to compete.

How about this: Anyone is replaceable. Everyone is certainly not replaceable, at least not without significant pain.

It's not about the one guy that's the only guy that knows how to do something. It's about how if you decimate your workforce, cracks may very well start to appear.

And that's precisely why I'm look for the moment people realize the power of being united and say "from now ANY company mandating RTO will found next to zero workers interesting in working for them"...

Amazon isn't really a growth company anymore, they don't need the highest talent individuals to maintain market dominance. To that end they probably don't care about the "best" talent leaving for other places anyway.

> This move absolutely will drive out some of their best talent

IMHO, from my personal insider experience, this is actually the goal in some places.

Best talent is often not the most cost effective talent, especially in parts of the business where the company has switched from innovating to maintaining.

Replaceable which screwed up the company and replaceable and continue same productivity are 2 different thing. The former is real and happened for millenia, the later only exist in CEO's and Wallstreet mind. When I buy stock I look out for changes to their staff (some engineers and mid managers are worth keep track of to indicate companies growth projection). Warren also famously did so. You can investigate Intel and Boeing staff movements over the years...I can guarantee you 300% their talented staff left and hence gameover for them.

Facebook has full time remote, Airbnb too.

Facebook only if you don't care about being promoted, from a pretty senior friend of mine who works there.

I don’t care about getting promoted. Sign me up!

I want to grow as a Software Engineer. And for some reason companies conflate growing as a Software Engineer with becoming a manager.

> Nearly everyone is replaceable.

At scale.

> Genuinely, are there many desirable workplaces left that are remote?

Smaller companies don't have this mindset and are great places to work. To them you are a person and have value unique to you, what you know and what you can provide. Everyone being a replaceable cog is an enterprise mindset that is avoidable as long as you don't require top tier pay. And small to mid-sized companies have been some of the biggest adopters of remote work and it has stuck there.

> Is it actually their top-performing employees?

People who are top-performing often have a lot more choice and flexibility, taking that away isn't going to sit well. I'm sure there will top-performers that prefer the office and they will happily go back but the others? They will start looking for new jobs.

> This move absolutely will drive out some of their best talent… but the job market isn’t great

I hear this a lot and I've interviewed a number of people who said as much. Here's the thing, the people that mentioned the market wasn't good were people that we didn't hire. Not because they mentioned the market wasn't good but because they didn't pass our tests. So I'm skeptical of how much this holds true when we are talking about "top performers".

> Genuinely, are there many desirable workplaces left that are remote?

This is a silly statement. You must be in a bubble to think this. Money is not the only driving factor for people.

> Here's the thing, the people that mentioned the market wasn't good were people that we didn't hire.

Well of course. The people that got hired wouldn’t think it’s bad. But objectively, the number of open jobs has declined and layoffs have increased. Mathematically, it’s worse. And if you were employed at Amazon, you had one of the “best” jobs (on paper) in corporate America, so most things would look “worse”.

> This is a silly statement. You must be in a bubble to think this. Money is not the only driving factor for people.

Money absolutely is a driving factor for most people. If you’re working at Amazon already, you’re not doing it for the culture and good vibes, you’re probably doing it for the money. Maybe you’re doing it because you can have the impact of hundreds of millions of dollars or hundreds of millions of users. All the “RTO quitters” that are hoping to move for greener pastures won’t find many companies paying 500k to someone with <10y of experience. There aren’t that many businesses that have so many individual products generating so much revenue, nor do many customers or traffic.

> but because they didn't pass our tests

I'd love to see what your tests consist of.

I can't post the exact tests but these aren't difficult tests, they are smoke tests and representative of the type of work we do every day (I'm not asking anyone to invert a b-tree or <insert any other stupid "look how smart we are"-type test>).

Our interview process is 4 steps:

1. Get to know you interview, talk about your resume a little, go through a set of questions we ask all applicants - 1hr

2. Very basic test where you need to fetch data from an endpoint, and render content based on what your retrieved. It's very straightforward and simple (HTML/JS), after this we run you through a real issue we ran into giving you all the background information and ask you to talk through how you would solve it (and you can ask any/all questions). We guide you as you go and it's not a "gotcha" question at all. You don't need to guess exactly how we solved it to "pass". - 2hr

3. Simple debugging test, existing HTML/JS + PHP code with a few bugs scattered through it. We are talking raw PHP here and a TLOC of <300. None of these bugs are "gotchas" either. You can find them all by looking at the logs and/or the server response (basic debugging skills for this kind of job). After this you meet some more of the team - 1.5hr

4. Meet the owners, talk compensation, etc - 1hr

Consolidate step 2 and 3 into one and cut it down from 4 hours to 1 or you’ll have a lot of people “fail” because they don’t want their time wasted (usually companies pay for extensive tests with programming). You can still kick people out during their trial period even in countries with strict labor laws too.

> Consolidate step 2 and 3 into one and cut it down from 4 hours to 1 or you’ll have a lot of people “fail” because they don’t want their time wasted

That’s not been our experience at at all. We did not have a single candidate drop out of their own accord. Our interview process is not long and the coding is minimal (most the people we hired finished in less than half the allotted time, even that can be attributed to stress, these aren’t hard tests).

> usually companies pay for extensive tests with programming

2hrs of coding is not “extensive” by any stretch of the imagination. This isn’t a 4-8hr+ take home test.

> You can still kick people out during their trial period even in countries with strict labor laws too.

Spoken like someone who has never hired/managed. Firing, even with cause, is never quite so simple. I’ll gladly take a couple hours (HOURS! You act like I’m asking for weeks of people’s time) to confirm they will be a good fit upfront instead of going through the onboarding and off-boarding hassle. Not to mention it’s a super asshole move to hire people that are considering letting go just because it makes for an easier interviewing process. Honestly that’s kind of fucked up, especially if they are leaving another job to come work for you. I would absolutely fire someone new if they lied or if their work ethic did not match what they said/did in the interview process (probably after a couple warnings) but hiring with a high chance of firing? No, I won’t do that just to save a couple of hours upfront.

It’s not even firing, it’s “not continuing employment after the trial period formally agreed to in the contract and national law” in my country. There’s nothing dishonest or fucked up about it. There is also no legal hurdle.

Meanwhile your candidates go to multiple companies, spend “just” 4 hours at each uncompensated, without any guarantee to get hired. You should be aware that there are a lot of HR departments doing window shopping as well as issuing fake job openings due to legal reasons when they already have an internal candidate due to nepotism.

If the employee is truly that valuable, Amazon will make an exception for them. The proles will still have to come in or get fired.

You're assuming that the employee wants that exception made and doesn't see the writing on the wall.

If I were that employee, I'd take the exception, quiet quit and start looking for a better job elsewhere.

> Genuinely, are there many desirable workplaces left that are remote?

Are you serious? Try the entire tech industry except Amazon and Apple.

Not even close, a lot of places are hybrid and there's a valid concern that we'll see more tech companies (large and small) follow in Amazon's lead just because Amazon did it first.

Currently trying to leave Amazon and it's been a slog to even get an interview for anything fully remote despite a decade of experience.

While I agree with the "are you serious?" part, there are plenty of other companies that are backtracking on remote work, including quite a few small and/or early-stage startups that I see posting in the monthly "Who's Hiring" threads here on HN.

I know of no studies that show that RTO mandates improve any measurable statistic for a company, and remote work has done wonders for my commute and well-being, so I will no longer consider working for a company who does not have a majority of its employees working remotely. I'm a staff engineer with a couple decades of experience. My current company is 100% remote and it's lovely.

Is Amazon even desirable to work for? (I'm not even including their recent RTO policy)

Everyone in the industry knows Amazon has very poor work life balance (and a brutal on call load). It's even in that letter you get from Jeff Bezos when you apply: "You can work smart, hard, or long. At Amazon you don't get to pick just two."

If you are fresh out of college, get a couple years in to get it on your resume.

For anyone else, if you are in the Seattle area I don't see why you wouldn't just work for Microsoft. Microsoft does pay the worst out of all the big tech companies (until you get to L67+), but the work life balance is so much better, and allows fully remote.


It worked very well as a layoff for me. The contrast between open office with 15 tables and quiet room dedicated for work was dramatic. I will not work in places with open offices anymore for sure.

Many companies work on the assumption everyone is replaceable because upper management doesn’t know or/and doesn’t care who is valuable.

Most of the downsides of losing critical staff aren’t visible short term. The opportunity cost and loss of sustainability is never factored in and later attributed to employees not working hard enough.

management can't tell who is valuable. I am senior IC but even with cloning people's repos it isn't particularly easy to tell how good someone is.you have people who speak very confidently but don't make good code, in those subtle details that make the difference between 90% chance of serious bugs per project and 25%. Nor the difference between able to fulfill a one sentence requirement with specific technical language vs needing ,"add this to that function and this to that function then make a configuration item to control it." And maybe all the shy smart coders aren't usable with some management styles and some great managers can coax excellent work out of all sort of people.

Worse, not even owners are legally allowed to tell who is valuable, beyond a certain point

That's why they've waited to do this until the job market is at a downturn and it's getting harder to find positions. Especially for people at the upper end of the seniority bracket at FAANGs who are used to a very high compensation package.

I walked away from my Google job 3 years ago knowing I could comfortably go wherever (and work remote, too), and took months off in-between, too. I wouldn't take that risk now.

The best and most expensive have always been accommodated. They still will be. And they will still hire for fully remote roles.

But there are probably thousands of engineers who think they are the best..

There is no shortage of "yes men" overachievers in FAANG that are fully capable of replacing another person. I have at least one on my team. They will happily take on multiple projects, more responsibility, and work over-time without fuss. Even then, it doesn't really matter much as Amazon and others are also banking heavily on generative AI to replace workers (no matter how unachievable this is currently). Andy Jassy will continue to make many millions of dollars regardless of what he does here. It's not going to matter to him if he loses a hundred top notch engineers because the products have already been built and they can always pull a Twitter and just keep things afloat as-is with plenty of people willing to come into the office 5 days a week. They simply don't give a shit.

I imagine if there's an employee that's super valuable there is possibly arrangements that can be made with them; these cases would be handled individually.

The rest of them though? Yeah, they can quit.

This game is a lot of fun. Highly recommended if you like destructible environments and puzzle solving.

Will this game work well on a Steamdeck or do you need a keyboard and mouse?

It works (it's had gamepad support for awhile, probably since around console release).

If you're interested in running SteamOS on a Linux PC, I'd recommend: https://github.com/HoloISO/holoiso

> No. Not even questionable. If you have an NVIDIA GPU, You're on your own. Latest Valve updates for Steam client including normal and Jupiter bootstraps have broken gamepadui on NVIDIA GPUs, and if so, no support will be provided for you.

Bummer. This rules out 76% of steam users, according to their hardware surveys.

NVidia on Linux is an unholy mess, and always has been (at the very least since 2004, which is my earliest memory of fighting it). It's true even on NVidia's own SoC (Jetson).

It almost feels like they're trying hard to make the experience worse for everyone: users, OS developers, app developers, hardware developers... I don't know what to make of it, if you want NVidia you should pick an OS other than Linux (I've heard FreeBSD actually works fine), if you want Linux pick a GPU other than NVidia.

I tried PopOS! recently and nvidia GPU worked 100% fine out of the box, without doing anything.

When projects like Sway only enable NVidia support behind a flag named --my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia, I have sincere doubts that a different gift wrapping will change anything.

Does it do video hardware decoding in the browser? - I tried it and it didn't do it on nvidia.

That description is pretty hyperbolic. The SteamOS UI (eg. the Steam Deck-looking part) is very broken on Nvidia right now, but the actual gaming part (eg Proton and the Steam launcher) works fine. If you just want to play mouse-and-keyboard in desktop mode, recent Nvidia cards are generally pretty cooperative.

Well, I'm not smart enough to know if it's hyperbolic but it's a pretty damning statement right there in the README. Certainly enough to turn me away from ever trying it on one of my machines.

Your loss.

It’s a bummer indeed, but more an issue of iOS not supporting 3rd party search engines without a wonky extension.

I don't think this is why -- this behavior was hardcoded for certain search providers. See: https://github.com/kagisearch/Kagi-Search-for-Safari-iOS/blo...

The last 1.x version specifically doesn't seem to do this on Google searches. In addition, the old version did not require you to change your default search engine to one you don't use. This is because they changed their framework:

> We've updated the Kagi Search for Safari extension to be cross-platform, using Safari Web Extensions instead of Safari App Extension framework. This will require you to grant access to the Extension on the search engine during your first run. See the instructions in the app for details

> - [Fixed] Redirects should not experience intermittent failures

> - [Changed] You can override which search engine redirects to Kagi manually. The first time you install/ upgrade to this version, the extension will attempt to detect your current Safari search engine

> - [Changed] You only need to provide extension access to urls on the search engine you are overriding.

I totally agree. I love and hate Nix every day that I use it. I hope that someday they'll make it more user friendly, but I suspect it'll be someone else with a new approach.

I struggle to see how another tool will take the spot. I think the power of Nix is that the underpinnings are so pure, academic and well thought out that you can rethink package management in a much cleaner and sane way. Unfortunately that results in the UI not being the priority, though I think the opposite approach results in a conventional package manager with their many flaws and trade offs.

I generally think the UI first approach is a better way of building tools, but there are special cases where it doesn’t work due to their being so many edge cases that you need pure underpinnings to make it actually work (e.g. version control).

I feel this.

I ~empathize with people who wish it were simpler, and agree there are too many sharp corners. (For example, the traditional CLI certainly left a lot of room for improvement.)

I can vaguely imagine the prospect that something new gets this more-right than Nix, but on some level I also suspect most ~complainers aren't appreciating the scale of the domain complexity Nix closes over in order to forge The Nix Way and square decades of contrary software development/packaging/deployment practices with it.

The irony here is that Dbrand used to taunt Sony to sue them for making nearly identical, but black instead of white "fins" for the PlayStation 5.

I believe they had to end up changing the design in their 2nd iteration...

While Dbrand definitely seems keen to pull some stunts, the difference between this versus that is that at least in that case, Dbrand still had to put in the work to replicate the PlayStation 5 faceplates. It's not as though Dbrand owns the inside of a phone: had Casetify done the work and simply created a similar product to Dbrand, this wouldn't be a lawsuit. It's because they stole the end product from Dbrand, which would be more like if Dbrand stole Sony's design files to make the faceplates. Whether what they were trying to pull with the PS5 was actually legal or not is another question, but also, in my opinion it certainly wasn't a dirty theft either way.

It would be unsurprising if that was all intended from the start as a viral marketing campaign. I don't remember hearing that they ever got in any trouble with Sony, and they're pretty infamous for "taunting" others to sue them (and similar stunt language like "our lawyers told us we couldn't make this") in all their marketing.

they significantly changed the "darkplates". The 2.0 lawyer-approved version doesn't even have the distinctive "fins" (or collar or whatever you want to call it) .

The dark plate 2.0 without the popped collar look is a lot cleaner in my opinion anyway.

I have a similar address. I’m sure you can guess. It’s insane how much daily mail I get that isn’t for me. I get completed contracts, credit card statements, you name it.

One thing I occasionally do after a beer or two is reset someone’s password using my email address — just revenge in my opinion.

I have one guy - I know EVERYTHING about him. I keep telling his contacts to let him know he keeps giving out the wrong address. We're talking very sensitive contractual stuff. I figure it's on him by now.

The best is when the lawyers get all official with me. Yeah, no - this is your mistake, don't get all uppity that you sent sensitive stuff to the wrong address.

From time to time I think about responding with a Goatse, but that's too much even for me.

I know everything about my email doppelganger except her real email address. To be fair, seems like she does not know it either.

I've matched some of them by googling ('a'..'z').each {|l| puts "first#{l}last@gmail.com"}

The one who handed out thousands of business cards, and who has the same MI as the start of our last name, has caused the most sensitive information to be sent to me, by far.

I'm having a hard time understanding what you are saying you Google.

The first name and last name with each middle initial e.g. if you know they're John Smith then search for johnasmith@gmail.com, johnbsmith@gmail.com, etc.

Thank you, and fun fact: johnsmith@gmail.com is a special address that returns a 'does not exist' error.

My landlord does this. Every email, no matter how mundane, ends with an all caps warning that the information in it might be privileged or confidential, etc. and how I'm to delete it posthaste if I was not the intended recipient.

Like … I don't take orders from an email. You're basically begging to be uploaded to the Internet like that.

I mean, these are the same people who nickel and dime tenants for repairs the owners are legally responsible for, expecting to get it through bluster.

> reset someone’s password using my email address

Don't you risk a crime of breaking into someone's account? Regardless, that could cause someone real harm.

If somebody else creates an account tied to your email adress they implicitly agree to have anybody who controls that account use these features.

If they don't like that they should use their own email address instead. If it was unintentional, it is their fault for not paying attention.

That may be how you feel about it, but the court may see it differently. If someone's paycheck is mistakenly mailed to you, even in cash, you can't deposit it.

I don't live in the US, but if I receive an emvelope with my name and address on it I am allowed to read it.

And if in that envelope it says I opened a bank account, I am allowed to close it or at least ask the bank wtf they are doing.

Now I'd always argue for not acting destructively and be nice to people, e.g. assume they made a mistake and help them fix it. But if you are confusing my inbox with your own, you shouldn't be surprised if I read your mail. Mail that might expose other people's secrets.

Sounds like an American thing, as most of the world don't have "paychecks".

The internet is global, and American laws aren't super relevant.

I agree that we should be mindful that there are many global legal traditions, but "unjust enrichment" is an English Common Law concept and much broader than American laws.

Fair point, but the "paycheck" example was an analogy around an account being opened in your name, and a poor one.

>Reset someone's password using my email address

How does that work?

They setup the account with his email on accident because it’s likely close to a lot of other emails.

Essentially it’s his account although legally I don’t know how that would go if say you emptied someones bank account

If someone signs up with your email, you can trigger a password reset and it sends an email - to you.

Ahh I didn't grok that, Thx it makes sense now.

Sometimes the creativity and passion of a child can just completely shake up the doldrums of being an adult! Thanks for sharing this.

Let's not forget to praise the adult here for seeing possibilities, instead of impossibilities, either! Plenty of parents would find plenty of reasons why such a thing would be impossible.

This, and Roboto Mono, are my two desert island monospace typefaces. Are you allowed to have two desert island mono typefaces? I don't think I could could choose between them.

If you were to extend it to three then this would be me, but with the addition of agave and mononoki.

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