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> i can't believe how out of touch some of these rich corporate execs are, as if everyone's aim in life should be to pour every ounce of their energy to make some massive trillion dollar corporation even richer

You must consider their objectives and incentives... making shareholders richer makes them richer. Making employees happier doesn't. (At least in the short term...)

Another point to consider: the environmental impact of having hundreds of thousands of people commuting to work every day.

Transport is the second most important source of greenhouse gas emissions, after electricity and heat.

I'm not sure if large office spaces are more energy efficient than home offices.

Any improvement in heating/cooling efficiency will be greatly nullified by the environmental effects of commuting

And the fact that their homes are still being heated and cooled while they’re in the office too

ironic since one of their LPs is Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

> We must be humble and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions. Our local communities, planet, and future generations need us to be better every day.


and the job market is likely to be flooded with even more people looking for fully remote jobs over the coming months. Should be good for some companies looking to hire remotely, but it will be tough time for job-seekers.

Yea it would be more efficient to have "living pods" essentially little chambers where the employee can sleep in after a long 16 hour day a work. The personal home emits too much energy and waste. It would be better for the employee to just go into the pod, plug in their nutritional tube, and watch netflix for a few hours before falling into an induced asleep at the mandated time as set by their work schedule.

Don't give them any ideas.

Person one: hey driving is bad for the environment, why don't we drive less? Besides, wouldn't everyone enjoy that?

Person two: this is slavery and you're a commie. I want muh freedom to be forced to drive 2 hours a day!

Are you seeing how this isn't a reasonable response? Like, at all?

This does not make sense. Who are you talking to and what is your point?

We saw that taking all those cars off the road could really accelerate our climate goals.

And I’m sure those same execs love to carp on about ask the sacrifices everyone else needs to make to stop climate change.

Let me see if I understand it.

If someone knows that a given address has a huge sum of money, they can create a bot to monitor that particular address, overriding any transactions to his own address?

Would that be possible???

No that’s not how it works. When a transaction is submitted on the blockchain to withdraw funds from an address it needs to be signed by the private key and it exposes the full public key. A bot that would monitor such transactions would therefore see the public key. With just the public key you can’t create a valid signature, you still need the private key, however for this particular case, knowing the public key reduces the entropy of the puzzle by a factor of 2 (from 66 bits to 33 bits), so this puzzle was easier to solve for the bot knowing the public key published by the person who found the private key. This is very specific to this specific puzzle which had 66 bits of entropy. In general, bitcoin transactions have 256 bits of entropy.

If you have the private key you can send money as you see fit.

The purpose of the puzzle is to find the private key given only 75% of it.

Let’s imagine that takes 1 year to brute force the last 25%. But if you have the public key as well, it only takes 1 minute.

As soon as the coins were sent, the private key was known since it inherently revealed the public key.

Commercial interests associated to hypocrisy.

We can find thousands of hours of discussions about popular papers such as "Attention is All You Need". It should be possible to generate something similar without using the paper as a source -- and I suspect that's what the AI is doing here.

In other words: it's not summarising the paper in a clever way, it is summarising all the discussions that have been made about it.

By now, we can find thousands of hours of discussions online about popular papers such as "Attention is All You Need". It should be possible to generate something similar without using the paper as a source -- and I suspect that's what the AI does.

In other words: I suspect that the output is heavily derivative from online discussions, and not based on the papers.

Of course, the real proof would be to see the output for entirely new papers.

There are much newer papers shown than "Attention is All You Need" (all of them?) and much less talked about (probably all of them, too).

It shouldn't be surprising that a LLM is able to understand a paper, just upload one to Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Of course, "Attention is All You Need" was one of the most discussed papers in our field; there are entire podcast episodes dedicated to it, so it should be easy for a LLM to create a new one.

For all the other papers, assuming they were impactful, they must have been referred by others, highlighting what their contribution is, what is controversial, etc.

In other words: the LLM doesn't have to "understand" the paper; it can simply parrot what others have been saying/writing about it.

(For example: a podcast about Google Illuminate could use our brief exchange to discuss the possible merits of this technology.)

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