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We're still developing this proposal. be patient LOL

Wow that's a proposal! I really like the idea of pattern matching, and I'm glad you're steering clear of modifying switch, but I find the sketches in the proposal pretty hard to read, especially with the combinator examples. I hope you guys take your time and stay more proud of what you leave out than what you put in.

The combinator example is the JS equivalent of what was discussed in another comment on this article, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35247615. I like having the clarity of using different "and" and "or" keywords instead of overloading && and ||.

But I definitely agree with the sentiment - every new feature is another thing that a developer needs to learn if they encounter that code. There should be a large "barrier to entry" for new features.

This is something that far too few folks put in their progress/change logs.

"We didn't do ..." is so incredibly important.

I've got infinite patience for the brave souls who propose and implement TC-39 specs. =)

Sorry, that was rude of me. I know it's a ton of work, and am endlessly appreciative of the work you (I assume?) and others have been doing to push this forward.

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