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I’ve experienced excessive garbage production, but also excessive verbosity, even when it’s giving helpful responses. “Here’s the code I just wrote in the previous message!”

What a neat project.

This paper is the advanced version of a YouTube video by Japhy Riddle that I watched recently: https://youtu.be/qeUAHHPt-LY?si=b21Op1nmi_o-M6Od

I recognize the majority of those datasets as being included in the base `datasets` package. Are there differences you’re looking for?

Yeah, where is lottery

There's a copy of the dataset at http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/~hchen/Prediction/timeseries1.htm...

There is lottery.number, lottery.payoff, lottery2, lottery3. Further info is provided in the 1988 book The new S language: a programming environment for data analysis and graphics by Becker, Chambers & Wilks.

Yeah, I started to read that book, then looked into R installation on my machine, but felt sorry not finding those datasets

I even installed S-PLUS 8.0 in order to look for this - but Sdatasets doesn't seem to have been shipped in the base install. If anyone knows...

Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1425/

This was from before modern AI. It's not relevant any more. In fact it's remarkable for just quite how irrelevant it has become in such a short time.

There are gaps everywhere, especially in science/research.

Consider looking into a Ph.D. if you’re hungry to find, master, and close a gap. Not being sarcastic, btw.

The more you know, the more you realize how little you know and how many gaps there are in your field.

No. Absolutely No. See the chart labelled "Not So Very Serious Stuff" at https://philip.greenspun.com/careers/

Avoid the Ph.D., take a BS/BA and an MS if you have the time, but avoid even trying for a Ph.D.

? Where are the data from for his ascii graph? Your claim is absolutely contrary to everything I’ve read.

Opposite sources: https://grad.msu.edu/phdcareers/career-support/phdsalaries https://www.wes.org/advisor-blog/salary-difference-masters-p...

Wow. I haven't even thought about Philip in almost 20 years :-)

Do not do this. This is a trap. Research and higher academics are in effect a scam in modern day. At one point they were useful, but now everything done is overwhelmingly private R&D. In academia you will scrounge for scraps and never pay off the loans.

FWIW, I did my PhD in neuroscience and am now working in R&D in biopharma. It would be very difficult to have landed my current position without a PhD. Lastly, most STEM PhD programs pay a stipend (a small one, mine was 30k/year), so you’re not going into debt to get one.

I agree with your sentiment. Academia as a career path isn’t viable (or even feasible) for the majority of people who get a PhD

But most people doing research at private companies have a PhD at the very least, if not experience in academia, do they not?

Brain research

I watched a lecture series on the brain and my take away was that we really don't know "how the brain works"

Surprised me how much is unknown compared to say fields like physics/chemistry

Seconded: I am doing a PhD in the area that I previously created a start-up in, and I have a handful of small start-up involvements as well.

I love creating things to solidify my intuition about topics. When I learned about gradient descent, I saw this repo and was inspired to create my own toy Python package for visualizing gradient descent.

My package, which uses PyVista for visualization:


It’s exciting to see this released to the public.

Arc on Windows still feels like the early versions of Arc on macOS, but I’ve genuinely enjoyed my beta access anyway. I also love how transparent the browser company is.

I hope the company can find some way to stay alive, but I’m not sure what a path to profitability would look like for them. Subscription fees?

maybe charging for some features like AI, or even creating features for teams

Probably not much if any “free will”… Check out “Determined” by Robert Sapolsky [0]

[0] https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/592344/determined-b...

If this is exciting to you, I’d recommend “Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life” by Nick Lane [0].

It’s a fascinating and captivating (albeit dense) exploration into the concept that mitochondria were central to the success of eukaryotic life. I read it in a book club during my PhD.

[0] https://nick-lane.net/books/power-sex-suicide-mitochondria-m...

I agree. I stopped at the Kaczynski worship.

I don’t understand why people are so fascinated with talking about the ideals of insane serial killers.

There are plenty of other highly intelligent individuals with the same ideologies to discuss. Why glorify a murderer?

I read Kaczynski long ago and saw a huge hole immediately.

So surrogate activities replace the authentic struggle for survival. I can get that. But why is the struggle for survival better? Isn’t it just another game?

Kaczynski like many other romantics rails against the system, but isn’t nature just another system? It’s an older one that we didn’t design, but didn’t we learn in the end that the matrix was inside an even older matrix which was inside an even older one…?

What would it even mean to escape the “system?” How can you do that except death? If you are breathing you are playing some kind of game.

Instead the question is: can we exercise some choice over what systems we give our energy to and can we influence these systems? I do think we give our energy to a lot of dumb pointless or even evil systems today, so how do we turn our attention elsewhere?

For the natural system of subsistence hunting and gathering or farming the answers to these questions are “no” (little choice, play or die) and “no” (the system is billions of years old and isn’t even ours). We have more choice today in our complicated mesh of systems, or at least we have the potential of choice.

This is ultimately a big part of why I am not a primitivist, reactionary, or traditionalist. Sure what we have sucks sometimes. Are we sure it was better back then? Or was it just different? I always want to ask “trads” of various types if they are sure they would be happy in the traditional state they imagine.

Maybe the people who railed against nature and sought to command it with science to escape its constraints were malcontents not entirely different from Kaczynski in their emotional and personality structure. Send Ted back to 1400 and you might have an enlightenment radical materialist.

It's been many years since I last read it, but I seem to recall Kaczynski defined surrogate activities as those beyond what one would feel substantively deprived should they be without. He gives the example of pursuit of social fulfillment like romantic affection to be not a surrogate activity, since we're programmed to feel deprived without any at all, but being a sex addict to be one.

If you combine this with his notion of the power process, surrogate activities ultimately unsatisfying in the context of that. Modern man lacks the ability to fulfill the power process, and surrogate activities is the result. Kaczynski draws arrows from the fact that that man lacks autonomy and fulfillment of the power process, to surrogate activities, then to various societal problems (of which he enumerates many).

So, the point isn't that surrogate activities is the terrible end state to be avoided at all costs, it's what results when they're load-bearing at a societal level.

But the power process is just a game, or perhaps more accurately a built in biological addiction to games that caused us to pass on our genes in the past. Why is it truly metaphysically better than, say, racking up Reddit karma?

What I really think is that most humans have never had meaning. They’ve just been too busy surviving to stop and think about it. When societies get rich enough to afford time to think and universal literacy to discuss then we start noticing that life is “meaningless” and discussing the metaphysical emptiness that was always there below the surface.

Huxley’s brave new world is accurate but is neither brave nor new.

You always get a faction that thinks the absence of such discourse in the past meant we had meaning back then. They’re wrong.

Going back in time to when we were still deeply embedded in the “power process” or whatever you call it is no different from drowning yourself in TikTok or MMORPGs. It’s just another way to stop thinking about big deep questions that in fact have never been solved.

We do not truly know what we are, where we came from, if we truly have any “purpose” beyond just catalyzing the dissipation of energy, whether consciousness ends at death or has some eternal component, etc. We can have various religious and spiritual faiths but these do not come with proof. The honest ones tell you that up front.

Becoming too busy to care, whether in the old traditional way or some new way, does not change this.

"But the power process is just a game, or perhaps more accurately a built in biological addiction to games that caused us to pass on our genes in the past. Why is it truly metaphysically better than, say, racking up Reddit karma?" Because it gives us psychological fulfilment. We are conditioned through millions of years of evolution to find it psychologically fulfilling. That's the point. His argument is that living a life that may be less physically secure, but psychologically fulfilling is a better life to live. That's why it's better.

"But why is the struggle for survival better? Isn’t it just another game?" The reason why the struggle for survival is better is because that is what we are psychologically predisposed to be fulfilled by. Millions of years of evolution have created reward pathways and we get deep fulfillment from these goals, and community. Not all games are the same when it comes to how it affects us psychologically.

>> What would it even mean to escape the “system?” How can you do that except death? If you are breathing you are playing some kind of game.

I think yogic/buddhist enlightenment or nirvana is freedom from constraints due to nature.. the solution (as far as I understand) is essentially a state like death or physical non-existence but somehow still fully conscious and absolutely blissful

The blog doesn't condone the bombings or the violence. It talks about Kaczynski writings. For you, this is equivalent to glorifying a murderer. Wow, this is some poor comprehension.

I listen to all sorts of music and I love them. More often than not the artists are degenerates and drug addicts. I hate it but I can still enjoy the genius of their music. For example, Nirvana. Kurt committed suicide but his music is genius. Does not mean i gloirfy suicide or worship Kurt.

> The blog doesn't condone the bombings or the violence. It talks about Kaczynski writings. For you, this is equivalent to glorifying a murderer. Wow, this is some poor comprehension.

I think this might be a part of what Ted was talking about.

Ted was actually a very interesting thinker, very underrated in my opinion, and definitely misrepresented.

The fact that he is a murderer is completely irrelevant to the discussion, nor was he insane. A genius mathematician, actually

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