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If other distros allow pip-installing into the system, that could be considered a bug or at least an anti-feature, because it's almost always a bad idea: it can clash with distro-managed Python packages, it will break on Python upgrades, and sooner or later you will run into version conflicts (a.k.a. DLL Hell). Recent versions of pip refuse to install into the system by default, for all of these reasons.

It's better to instead pip-install Python packages into virtual environments, recent Pythons havr `venv` built in for this purpose. For user-scoped or system-scoped utilities, `pipx` can manage dedicated virtual environments and symlink them into the search path.

When driving in the UK, I found myself practicing my 16-table a lot: when seeing a 50 mph max speed sign, I'd multiply 5 by 16 to get 80 km/h.

Given (official*) UK speed limits are always in multiples of 5, using the 8/5 rule would be quicker and work just as well.

* There are occasional places where private property has speed limits with weird factors, but they're so rare as not to worry about. (the one example I remember is when I used to cycle to work and took shortcuts through a sewage plant that had an '11 mph' speed limit, why? who knows.

Hah I've just been driving in France and kept multiplying by 0.6. Much simpler than 16!

IIRC the GitHub UI started showimg commit date instead of author date some years ago.

I think using pathlib instead of the more old-school os.walk and os.path.getmtime would clean that code up substantially!

I agree, and if I’d written this code by hand I would have used pathlib. I basically stopped caring as soon as I ran Claude’s code and it did the thing I wanted it to do.

I think metered internet and a rolling distro is never going to be a great fit. Putting packages on the installation medium only inflates the ISO download, and those packages will be out of date sooner rather than later. It's not like Ubuntu, macOS or Windows updates wouldn't hurt metered connections.

> Secure by Default: Security protections are enabled and enforced by default, require no extra effort, and are not optional.

This is great! I take it we no longer have to pay extra to enable basic auditability features in Entra ID (f.k.a. Azure AD)?

And if the tradeoff is profitability vs. security:

> If you’re faced with the tradeoff between security and another priority, your answer is clear: Do security.


> Mr. Poopering

This is childish and petty, I suggest you delete your account.

You can't delete your HN account.

Interesting! IANAL, but I think this should be basic functionality, ever since the recent-ish European and Californian privacy regulations. Although I think a quick e-mail to hn@ycombinator.com would suffice.

Would it really? Asking cause genuinely curious, literally the only online forum I can't remove my past public information from is HN.

Even if you delete your account, it wouldn't really matter that much. Whole HN is probably crawled and archived on a daily basis due to a simplistic API

No thanks!

Wishful thinking: nobody is volunteering to maintain X, let alone rewriting it from scratch, along with its architectural deficiencies.

Micro payments, I might want to pay some small amount for this one article but not subscribe to the whole publication.

This has been tried many times and nobody has been able to make it work. What would you do differently?

if that were an economical model for the Wall Street Journal, they would do it.

the truth is that microtransactions would cannabilize their existing subscriber base more than raise revenue.

Yup. I'd pay 10-20 cents. And if i could pay $1-$2.00 for a good article to let the next 5-10 ppl read it on me i'd do that too.

The Portugal model consists of decriminalisation, harm reduction and rehabilitation, but the Portuguese government has basically defunded the rehabilitation programs. Seems to me no wonder that the approach is failing if you take away the one factor that would reduce addictions, but also disingenuous to claim that the entire approach was a mistake. It worked, and now after defending an important part of it, it no longer works.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/07/portugal-dru...

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