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if you cut out all processed sugar, this is a good amount. I only eat meat and veggies and adding small amounts of honey and fruit made a difference

technically you are correct but this isn't a thread of lawyers/attorneys, this is a thread with higher than average autism. Cleaving words and being clever with 'harmless' misdirection and turn of phrase is not welcome.

reminder for all the twitter haters: Twitter's good!

Yes, I know there's plenty of reasons you'll nitpick twitter and I can nitpick bluesky as well.

More competition is good and I like to see it. Go where your friends are and have a good time.

If you want the edge of Ai/ML, I suggest twitter. Lots of world class accounts. Bluesky is good, has more old school... like 'harry potter' type nerds on it. They post interesting stuff. You should also have a discord. Maybe an insta if you're trying to get a gf

I don’t think my wife would be happy with me getting a girlfriend.

;) she wants to see you happy

>Twitter's good!

It's really not. It was good for a short while, way before the Muskquisition but the quality both of the service and of discourse have declined.

If you get this often, I've noticed it's tied to sleeping position. I'm often at an angle where I'm getting poor oxygenation, sorta like sleep apnea.

For me this is on my back with no pillow (angle of neck/throat) but I'm fine on my side or stomach.

Sleep paralysis is consciousness when you are supposed to be knocked out, AFAIK unrelated to oxygen levels. There is possibly a correlation to sleep apnea but I think that is more likely due to hEDS being a common cause for both. hEDS not rare, it is pretty common, far more than doctors think. People with hEDS have very weird drug interactions, many often have a genetic resistance to local and general anesthesia. I think a reasonable explanation is they are also resistant to whatever the chemical the brain uses that causes sleep induced loss of consciousness to the point they are more prone to sleep paralysis.

The N of 1 with changing positions is interesting though.

I can consistently give myself sleep paralysis in that position 90% of the time. I am tall, but I don't have any symptoms of hEDS. They'll figure it out someday. I thought more people got sleep paralysis, and just never clued it to it being a certain position (which I believe pinches the neck in a certain angle).

> I think a reasonable explanation is they are also resistant to whatever the chemical the brain uses that causes sleep induced loss of consciousness to the point they are more prone to sleep paralysis.

I cant rule out your explanation, but I personally in favor of another one. It is not a supression of consciousness doesn't work, it is the clearing blood from whatever the chemical that stops propagating signals to muscles. When everything works good you are relieved of paralisys at the same time your consciousness wakes up. I never experienced sleep paralisys, but when I wake up suddenly and try to move instantly I can sometime feel a fleeting sensation of it. I never gave it a second thought before I learned about sleep paralysis.

It may be linked to a sleeping position, but I'd bet not on poor oxigenation, but on obstructed blood stream that makes it hard to spread that chemical that turns sleep paralysis off.

I do not remember details of phisiology of sleep paralysis, what is the paralysing chemical, and which one is stopping it, and where from they come, but it seems plausible that sometimes a sleeping position can make it hard for chemicals to reach muscles and free them from paralysis.

I didn't see good moderation anywhere on reddit. From 2012-2023, nothing close to dang and I'm being generous with my criteria for moderation. Okayish for 'free' perhaps

What is “good moderation” to you is bad moderation to someone else. It’s entirely subjective.

“Bad moderation” complaints vary widely. Without elaboration, a person complaining about it gets lumped in with people also complaining about:

- “I was banned” (and the community didn’t like the behavior)

- “I used language that should be allowed” (that offended the community and automod removed it)

the moderation on /r/askhistorians' lead it to get a lot of high quality comments.

i complained of this but finally bought a larger phone and it fixed most of my complaints. i was using an iphone 4 till last year

i think the overton window is quite large for ideas you can discuss on hn unlike reddit. you can go anywhere really but if your bot-ing or selling something you get swatted. also overtly political takes get nuked but it's both sides

You can't even make a joke on HN without an entire subthread being created to chastise you for it. Most political stories get flagged by default because they tend to degenerate into flamewars, to say nothing of any subject even tangentially related to race, gender, religion, physics or medicine, when the bigots and cranks come out of their crawlspaces. And plenty of people flag any non "technical" subject because they believe (erroneously) that HN is only for programming, CS and startups.

And God forbid javascript runs on the site hosting TFA, or it's behind a paywall, or it has too much whitespace or uses the wrong font or margins or there's a typo. Because if so, that is now the entire topic of conversation.

Compared to the entirety of Reddit, including all of the topic-specific, well moderated subs? Hacker News is unfortunately a dismal place to discuss most topics.

FWIW I agree with almost everything you said, but I think there's a few things that HN has that Reddit doesn't. Reddit's larger American user base tends to dominate most subs with American perspectives but HN seems to have a decently large EU population, especially during EU daytime. Reddit also has a pretty strong anti-capitalist bias in most medium sized subreddits that HN doesn't have, and I perceive that Reddit's average user age is in university while HN's average user age is probably approaching middle age (which probably contributes to the political differences.) I generally think your criticism is spot on.

reddit is lame too. it's facebook for millennials.

facebook: boomers posting cringe rightwing/normie (back in my day we worked hard!) stuff with occasional wholesome bits

reddit: millennials posting cringe leftwing/normie stuff (my dog might be gay, am i the asshole? btw i like ukraine) with occasional wholesome animal photos

Instagram is facebook for millennials.

I barely know a single person IRL outside of tech who uses reddit and I'm a millennial. Like, they know about it, and occassionally reference a post on it but they aren't on it anywhere near like my friends on instagram. My millennial friends are on instagram 24/7. I might make a story once a month and as soon as I post it I have 100+ people who have looked at it. And I have so many friends who post stories every single day. They're on it non-stop during any idle time.

Reddit has an atrocious new user experience. That's why Digg was so much more popular and reddit was incredibly niche until digg died. I didn't use reddit pre-digg-death because I had no idea how it worked it looked so confusing.

works for me!

If you find sex with a stranger okay there is nothing wrong with a prostitute. If you find laying bare your emotional self with a stranger okay there is nothing wrong with a therapist.

oh but only one is an expert? they both are.

both are doing it for money.

there is no free lunch

Not sure what argument you’re trying to make here.

I would consider them both to be experts.

Not so:

It’s very different a stranger that wants to have sex with me because they want to, rather than just because they were given money.

Also: even if not the majority, volunteer psychologists are a thing.

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