Yep, that would for sure be more serious, but I liked the juxtaposition between a website about eloquent language and the clumsy, middle-school-like description of "fancy words".
would it not be more intellectually honest, and make for a more serious business to put payments to the authors in front of profits? because these payments they are a business expense.
It's interesting to see Gruber repeatedly mocking Apple's CEO. I also find it curious that so many in the tech blog / news sphere can't stop denouncing everything to do with the new administration. To me it seems like a sort of signaling "I will not bend, I have integrity", when in fact they are just being ignorant.
Exactly. Before Elon it was an echo chamber for the previous administration (policy wise) like Reddit and other social media companies. Try to say anything against DEI on Reddit and you get immediately suspended(at least on the technology subreddit)
What surprises me the most is the extreme black and white view of things. Like nothing good can come out of it if it is not from my party.
Anyway, let's enjoy our downvotes :-)
Apple has also built a reputation for depending on China for manufacturing, and bending to their will in multiple cases. So Apple is not only supporting progressive causes.
This is impressive but, why would I use this over other DAWs? Why name it openDAW if it is not open source?
edit: I like the idea of the "Discoverable Toys" and can see how this could develop into something new. But why not just concentrate on that and bring it to other DAWs in form of a plugin, instead of writing a whole new DAW in the browser?
Good question, I read the about page[0] which says:
> Will the DAW be open source from the start or only become open source later?
> To make the most of being open-source, we believe that there should be an appropriate infrastructure for documentation and quality assessment of code contributions. Our current focus is to lay the foundation for an MVP and release a public standalone version 1 by the end of the year.
So it seems that they intend to open source it later. Still a bit of a strange move, but fair enough I guess.
> instead of writing a whole new DAW in the browser?
Ease of use. Login without installing anything, work on a project on the tabled on the train, later on continue the project without syncing it somehow, all while working in collaboration with a friend.
I would welcome a new open source DAW. Ardour is the go-to option now, and is very capable, but it's starting to show its age and the UI is quite clunky (or an acquired taste at least).
Also the open source audio editor situation is quite dismal. Audacity is really the only game in town. It's showing its age too and its trajectory doesn't look great. A more editing-focused DAW, which OpenDAW seems to be, would be very welcome.
also cave explorer on a rope.