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I doubt this can happen unless we start calling them something else. Any better fitting ideas?

MySpace. That's where they are heading.

Do you mean orientalism?


I'd prefer 'generative ai' as the common term. It rubs me the wrong way that human artists are 'content creators' while this is supposed to be 'art'

And in case it wasn't clear, I agree 100% with you. There's an amazing generative scene I've been following since the early naughties

Entirely clear, thanks - and yeah some truly astonishing stuff in generative art

Content saturation is gonna be bad enough without us voluntarily diluting nomenclature

That's a really interesting point, "content creators" always gave me a weird feeling but I never really thought on it, assuming it was just because it reeked of euphemism

Odd that we've collectively ended up giving human creativity a term that sounds like a tool or automaton, while giving the automatons our term.

Thanks for the chin scratcher!

I used to get sooo many in Australia, but in Austria I only got some during the early covid months.

Yeah, it is pretty bad in Oz now. My wife and I have fun every night playing our missed call messages to see what spam calls we got for the day.

2.2 billion years ago, and then again 1.6 billion years ago = once in a billion years event?

That means it's an accurate emulator! There's a reason Speccy had a word-per-key input mode for programming

Why stop there? Add more than 15 sails and you could be generating fuel!

> Why stop there? Add more than 15 sails and you could be generating fuel!

AFAIK there are a few companies that have been adding electric drive systems to sailboats that actually do work this way, not only can it be used to maneuver around when the wind is uncooperative but it can generate power when the wind is good, basically acting as a "hybrid" of sorts where hypothetically given enough battery storage and maybe some solar it could be possible to never have to plug in or run a combustion generator.

Why not put a windmill on the ship and generate electricity, turn the screw, and drive the ship? Not as efficient?

If it works what prevented ancient people from building windmill ships?

likely lots of moving parts with a less-than-ideal place to be conducting regular repairs

My guess is it's a "equal and opposite reaction" sort of thing.

Around 2016 or so I had concluded that game dev has just stopped being fun, but luckily a friend talked me into trying pico-8. It's hard to describe what this little piece of software did for me, pure white magic! Just around New Year Godot finally 'clicked' for me and once again I am super excited to tinker and prototype. I'm almost too scared to try out Picotron now. Almost.

True, but let's not forget that the US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin declared the US goal in Ukraine is to 'weaken Russia'. Puts a different perspective on what winning means.

The tool itself is at https://downpour.games/

Thank you, but I would love to read the article.

Thank god that Firefox has the reader mode.

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