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Wouldn’t that vary from person to person? I have several medications that I objectively need in order to remain healthy. The cost of those would be prohibitively expensive without a good job and/or health insurance.

I think they're trying to suggest that since they survived a period in their life without health insurance and did not experience calamity, that everyone else who needs to live must also be able to do so.

And thus, by extension: Those who cannot live without health insurance needn't remain alive.

I remember getting charged $3 every time I returned a rented game without the manual.

Haha. I completely forgot that game rentals came with a manual. I remember them always being absolutely beat up, and near shredded, but usually there!

I’ve been using it for years! It’s a wonderful app.

I write apps for a large regional grocery store chain, and we have to support N-2. Even then we get support emails every time we bump it up.

I work on Android apps for a food company turned media network.

We, to this day...with no talks of changing it any time soon, support all the way back to Android 5.0 (released in November on 2014).

I mostly work on Windows apps. People still complain when software drops support of Windows 7 released in 2009, or Windows 8 released in 2012. Despite none of them are supported by Microsoft.

It'd be a more fair comparison to take into account Windows 7's EOL which was just a year ago IIRC if you coughed up Extended Support money, its broad install base, and it being the last actually truly decent Windows that had a consistent UI across the place and no ads.

Windows 7 didn't have a consistent UI, though. In multiple places you could find Vista and XP-decorated panels. Your nostalgia is wrong.

That only continued to degrade with Windows 8 and 10 though.

Honestly we’ll probably just figure out how much a football field costs and use that.


He recently did a show in my city. Before the show he visited the art museum where my wife works as a curator. He spent a good amount of time chatting with the staff, and then mentioned how nice the museum was during his show that night.

Completely unrelated, but it was fairly recent and I found it super charming. He’s always been one of those celebrities I want to like.

> ACF says the extra cash gave participants breathing room to make investments that could improve their job prospects.

Earlier on it also mentions that they were able to get car repairs and find better jobs. I would assume that means that the $440 is in addition to the $500 they were given.

“The new sets are more complex and detailed, but god do I hate the franchised sets. Nothing kills kids creativity more than that.”

I haven’t noticed this with my son, fortunately. What I have noticed is that franchised characters immediately detach from their property when they enter his LEGO world. Lately I think Chewbacca has been dating an elderly woman, and every time Luke Skywalker talks about the rebellion his hair falls off. We have a Porg that runs a food delivery service with a Goomba and Harry Potter. I played in a similar way when I was a kid. I think in many cases the characters can be jumping off points, but a lot of kids take plenty of liberties from there.

That’s great to know. I’m literally watching them install in my neighborhood as I type this.

To be fair to metronet, aside from that and some hiccups during the initial install, I've been pretty happy with the service. The speed is fantastic, and it's been fairly reliable.

The price keeps slowly going up, but that seems to be par for the course with ISPs.

Admittedly, the time you know if a ISP is good or not isn't reached _until_ there's a problem. Because it's all about how they work with you to get it resolved.

The world has doctors. You chose a path that added your unique voice to the artistic chorus of our species. I’d almost guarantee that the effects of your work have rippled out there in unknowable ways. Very few artists ever get the chance to see exactly how their work has influenced the world, but pay attention to how the illustrations you see around you impact you. Which ones do you remember from childhood? Even things like logos and magazine covers can have deep personal meaning that anchors people to their humanity.

Very well said.

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