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It's like explaining a hand with four fingers and a thumb. The whole story is... ugh. But you can grasp enough of it to start using almost right away.

At a glance, it looks like it would have quite a few accessibility issues.

LLMs can't massively decrease the net amount of entropy of the universe

Are you trying to get us killed?

Insufficient data for a meaningful answer.

> Rust's type system is good enough

Good enough for what?

> close enough to Haskell

Close enough for what?

> with new paradigms that Haskell hasn't yet fully adopted (borrowing, etc)

Honestly, I don't want to think about borrowing. For my gamedev/rendering tasks I have resource regions (as a library) and trust the runtime to do its thing.

If you don't know how to make one already you will be racing towards the precipice, not steering away from it.

Yeah. Pretty high stakes. If we assume that work is already underway to create unaligned AIs, what’s the alternative?

No reason other than making a kernel with a sane security model?

Like we have a bunch of those under each tree in a park...

Fuchsia has nearly been 10 years in the making but has yet to make any meaningful impact. They probably could have spent a quarter or two with Yocto to create a stripped down linux for Nest devices and called it a day.

Instead they had 400(!) full time staff pulling in $300k+ developing something which nobody wanted and has not had any meaningful impact.

Maybe in 10 more years they will manage to replace Android…

I don't know abut NN prediction, but apparently you can bootstrap anything* with strategically placed 15 gliders.


This one is absolutely golden. Read down typeclassopedia, do this one and you're basically ready to ship.

Security is resilience with respect to your threat model. The usual security objectives are confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Nothing is "secure" forever and ever. For each objective you need to state some assumptions that are required to uphold it.

Haskell allows you to express more assumptions in code, not just comments, to be enforced at compile time. And with some careful handling Haskell types provide a solid foundation without going into full deductive verification mode.

ListT removal isn't bold. It was known for a long time that it needs to go and you should use one of the explicit alternatives instead.

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