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It is for sure the same Chris Ferrie, it's even in the foreword of the paper:

Yet in all that time I never thought to write, much less did I actually write, a pithy book called “What You Shouldn't Know About Quantum Computers.” My colleague Chris Ferrie did. He's the same guy who coauthored the surprise bestseller “Quantum Computing for Babies.” Now he's back, with something for those babies to read when they're slightly older.

I enjoy his kids' books and read almost all of them to my kids. They aren't "perfect" (whatever that means for a kids' book), but my kids love them and they start to wrap their brains around otherwise inaccessible topics for their age.

I had to buy my invite then, like a sucker. Apparently, I didn't make the cut of my friends who got legit invites to pass around.

While I had an "ST412 reference" on my bingo card yesterday morning, sadly I do not have it today. Opportunity lost.

Wow, I remember this! Glad you were a-ok. Would love to hear more about your story and your method of egress from that bird.

For those that don't know, LAS to BUR is the best way to get from LA to Vegas (save private) and always has been.

I've been on that Sunday afternoon flight from LAS->BUR many times; with the afternoon flight informally known as the Hangover Express and the morning flight known as the Stripper Express. Good times.

And FWIW, I still prefer FORTRAN over Perl any day...

The slide inflated inside the airplane! Rescue workers laddered uninjured passengers out.

I signed an NDA to get my modest settlement. I still fly Southwest. The pilots were fired.

This seems like the most obvious fix. Create the Payroll Job in the "WAITING FOR APPROVAL" state instead of the "APPROVED" state.

Perhaps the OG JCL cutely encoded the job state into a single bit and no one has dared touch it since the Ford Administration.

Begs a loosely related question: what VCS do you suspect the JCL is stored in? I'm going with the "incremental .BAK system", if any.

I still have a sheet of the write-protect tabs for 5.25" floppies that I, for some unknown reason, refuse to throw away. I have one flash drive that I stuck a tab on ages ago for giggles (I didn't want to lose the contents until I got it replicated), and it still makes me smile.

I'll occasionally show the sheet to groups of engineers and ask them if they know what it is. Only the dinosaurs ever get it.

Fond memories of the ‘true’ floppy 5.25” what an upgrade that was from cassette tape for me!


I also think I still have a 5.25" notcher that I couldn't bring myself to let go of.

I promise I don't have THAT MUCH shit sitting around...

ah the notcher!!

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