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The age of automated warfare is beginning.

I think the least common PIN codes are fascinating. I'm surprised by the number of 7s in these. They looks like numbers you would end up with if you asked someone to think of a random 4 digit number.

List transcribed by ChatGPT: 8557, 8438, 9539, 7063, 6827, 0859, 6793, 0738, 6835, 8093, 9047, 0439, 8196, 6693, 7394, 9480, 8398, 7637, 9629, 8068.

During tax season (in US), for security, you may optionally create a 5 digit pin. I wanted mine to be unaffiliated with any existing pin I have, and chose a 'random' number and wrote it down. A year later I repeated this (and had long since forgotten the previous pin), went to go write it in the same place, and saw that both 'random' numbers had the same first four digits. I now use a computer to choose random numbers because I no longer trust myself to be random.

I thought the self selected PIN for filing a return was required for online filing, and that it was just an indicator of intent, like a signature.

Does it serve a security function? Am I supposed to remember what it is?

I know the IRS does have an identity protection PIN process, but that's separate.

I know about the identity protection PIN, so I've been assuming this whole time that's what I was choosing a number for. It is possible I was just doing the self selected PIN and wasn't aware that I should be doing something additional for other one. FWIW I haven't needed the PIN later but saved them in case I did.

Extremely cool, made me clean my screen.

The only thing this glosses over is RL. I guess you can see agents interacting in environments as a type of "dataset", but it _feels_ different.

I started by destroying the universe:

> Initiating universe destruction sequence... Pausing simulation clock. Inverting expansion into contraction. Galaxies colliding and merging. Stars exploding in supernovae. Black holes swallowing stellar remnants. Planets disintegrating into asteroid fields. Interstellar gas clouds dissipating. Dark matter halos evaporating. Universe contracting into a hot dense state. Fundamental forces unifying. Spacetime curvature reaching singularity. Matter and energy condensing into a point. Quantum fields collapsing. Physical laws breaking down. Information and causality erasing.

It ended with

> All possibilities have collapsed into the null set.

EDIT: Formating

Every day I'm getting closer to buying a kagi subscription.

Just do it.

Sorry for feeding the trolls, but: I feel like I observe way more people complaining about people getting triggered by M/F sex than I actually see people complain about it. That is why this person had to make up the triggered person, because you will not find them in this comment section.

I just want to say that dynomight also has a great article on air purification in general: https://dynomight.net/air/.

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