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Does this exist for Android TVs, I'd love to get rid of the garbage on them.

I think whatever "linguists" did this "research" must be undergraduate internet searchers. For example in Russian the words "fignya/fignyushka" or the less polite "huynya/huynyushka" are used in a very similar way. They are a noun representing an abstract "thing" that the listener would understand from context.

What about the diesel fuel burned hauling the additional weight of the batteries and panels on those trucks? Is it actually a net win?

Good question. Diesel has a relatively efficient conversion ratio to electricity.

Nevertheless is hauling the extra diesel more economical and environmentally sound than hauling the PV equipment?

It'd be a really cool if there was a browser plugin that showed you the provenance of any news you read. Like first appeared here, then here then here....

Block chain is rudimanting about throwing himself into the discussion :)

*Without burning coals in every corner of the planet when a simple trusted db suffices at 0.01% of the cost

But how can you trust the truth if it hasn't been NFT'd?

Let's chat. I founded a profitable energy business. You can find me in the YC investor list.

Let's chat, I founded a profitable energy business. Find me in the YC investor list.

Is apples lidar resolution good enough to scan an LP?

they "sold it" because they owed a lot of money to svb. silicon valley does not understand debt. this is one of the reasons hardware is hard. actually making stuff is hard and expensive.

Reach out to me, I'd like to test it on 100 person sales floor. I have years of recordings.

if I guessed correctly who you are just reached out to you :) If not, please shoot me a note daria@voiceops.com or lmk what the best way to get in touch would be.

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