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Anything attempting to proxy public Internet traffic and buffer the entire body at all times is in big trouble.

Either it has to have a very low body buffer limit and reject anything more (making it impossible to download any files through the proxy, or do anything similar) or it's trivially vulnerable to DoS where any client or server involved can crash the whole caboodle.

These are often devices or services used in the enterprise that do a lot of things that would surprise you, and just break applications willy nilly. We often have to request that exceptions be added for specific endpoints that use some of the aforementioned methods and are why I would shy away from them.

It's always fun to Response.Flush() in your server side application only to find the client receives nothing. They typically have limits to the amount they buffer, yes, usually pretty low. However, when all your trying to send is something as simple as "<script>Report.Progress(30)</script>" "<script>Report.Progress(35)</script>" that's part of some legacy code, you often see a sudden completion or jumps in the completion that are not representative of what's happened on the server side.

The best ones are the ones that try to handle mobile connections by holding open connections in weird ways, I'm talking about you NetMotion....

In quite a few countries, the vast majority of Internet users (in Kenya, 97%!) use whatsapp at least once a month: https://www.verint.com/blog/what-countries-are-the-biggest-w...

In India alone, whatsapp MAU already reaches nearly 50% of imessage MAU worldwide, and rapidly rising.

I too loved Knockout's observable model - I've found Mobx a worth successor. As it's entirely independent of any framework it is very practical for general purpose usage. I use it for reactive state with both React and in backend Node code with no problems.

Counter example: I've lived here for most of a decade, and I'm a big fan of the superillas, ejes verdes, and other plans.

There's definitely some short term pain from all the construction works, but they're making steady progress, the city has already become noticeably more walkable & cycleable in many places, and I'm quite convinced that moving away from cars within the city is the right direction in the long term.

It sounds like you're not talking about superblocks, you're just talking about the existing blocks of Eixample.

The superblocks concept is that they'd be grouped together into 3x3 grids, by changing traffic rules and building urban furniture to block off streets, creating new squares and one-way systems. The goal being that everything would be far more walkable and you'd see far more local community - i.e. less of the cookie cutter shops you describe.

I was at c pallars and d alaba.

Technically voluntary, but every major phone manufacturer (including Apple) committed to it and followed it (although in Apple's case, with a dongle).

But, crucially, they were able to effortlessly move to a better connector when one came along. They were not legally forced to stick with Micro-B. Now they are legally stuck with USB-C indefinitely.

> A private, trusted, permissioned blockchain is pointless

Not at all - it's a verifiable audit log. Git is an example of exactly this.

Git is not a blockchain. An audit log doesn't need to be blockchain. The whole point of blockchain is that is is decentralized, trust-less and permission-less. You take it away and what is left?

That is largely an issue of nomenclature, but there is a school of thought that distinguishes between public, open, trust-less blockchains (which then need a consensus mechanism), and private, permissioned blockchains (which have a central authority and thus don't need a consensus mechanism).

Whether the latter has many use cases is a good question, but git certainly fits the definition.

Slightly off topic, but I love the site design here - the demos at the top illustrate it perfectly and simply, and it's one of few scroll-to-reveals I've seen that actually makes sense, and doesn't feel over the top.

Thanks! I made it the website from scratch using Nuxt.js and some simple CSS. I'll share the source code in Github during this week :)

This is really impressive! I mostly use Inkscape normally, but it feels dated and painful in all sorts of ways, and a capable web alternative is a great thing.

Personally, the most obvious limitation I can see here is font choices. Is there a way I can use custom fonts? Really just being able to pick from google fonts would be amazing.

I'm struggling to imagine the use case where anyone would use this. Who wants to run an arbitrary script from the internet directly on their machine, instead of just looking at a web page? How do you even find this without looking at the page first?

Cool demo nonetheless though.

It'd be really neat actually (and more practical) if these were autogenerated and available more widely with something like `npm whois [username]`

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