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I think you're confusing js with node. node typically doesn't run on the frontend, but can be used when developing the front but it won't be running on the users browser.

No confusion here. Node.js is an entire ecosystem, and npm is a child of that mess. It is absolutely famous for the massive gobs of absolutely junk it pulls in to satisfy dependencies a frontend dev could manage with 4 lines of native js.

You may rail on about how npm != node, but everyone considers npm to be 'node package manager', no matter what the initialism actually stands for.

Node.js is a server runtime, it does not run clientside at all. NPM can be used to download server OR client JS packages. A frontend bundler tool (e.g. webpack) can analyze a dependency graph of your client-side entrypoint and bundle all the NPM deps used, which will then be sent and executed on the client. No Node.js components or code are run client-side at any point (caveat - some packages can work server- and client-side).


Node.js is an ecosystem. The server is a component.

depending on the publication the reviewers might not even know who the authors are.

But the journal editor should.

you could do an ios shortcut that fills a numbers sheet for you

hmm tell me more

that's the easier part of eye tracking. eye tracker sensors work by working out where your eyes are and determine where you're looking by calculating the angle of your pupils and approximating the direction.

Bitwig is made by ex-Ableton engineers and honestly, it blows Live out of the water in terms of flexibility.

I was so impressed by Bitwig since the beta. Just couldn't find anything major enough to make the switch from Live. Also, M4L is such an amazing ecosystem, I would miss it.

Any features in more recent Bitwig versions that stand out?

I’m not sure how recently they were added, but the Grid (modular environment) and the modulation sources are really powerful, particularly for adding organic/generative elements to a production. I’ve heard that Bitwig routing is another workflow enhancement, but haven’t used it too extensively.

It would be cool if Bitwig would introduce a scripting environment similar to Max for Live.

If Bitwig would add user-modules to the Grid, along with a scripting language, it would be perfect.

Where they both fall down is in less capability for the piano roll and midi for more complex compositions and styles (orchestration) and although Live has made some moves towards improving that recently, they're both still way behind in that area.

Totally agree regarding the piano roll. Same with the sample editor.

Saying that, DAWs just have different specialization. E.g. for a long time midi support in ProTools was extremely limited. Cakewalk already had an excellent piano roll in the late 90s.

I have had issues where a restore point didn't revert certain registry settings and have had to do a full reinstall.

Can you give some more info? Which version of Windows? Because I've never had a system restore go crazy unless a hard drive has gotten corrupted.

off-topic but I thought you might find this interesting or helpful :)

generally, when adding post scriptums, p.s. notes, it's common to add a p for each following note. So, p.s., p.p.s. etc :)

I'm pretty sure this is the worst website I've visited in a long long time.

Vivaldi at least is closed source and I had a hard time understanding their revenue model so it's hard to gauge how privacy respecting they actually are.

I prefer my OS in dark but every website in light, it's always a hassle when a website decides for me based on my OS setting which I wouldn't want to extend beyond the OS chrome.

Sounds like a problem both caused and solvable by your web browser.

At least with Firefox it is possible to style it dark while setting prefers-color-scheme to light.

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