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Wow, such impressive work! Congratulations on receiving your well-destined bug bounty.

Don’t much about quantum physics. Please bear with. Many years back when I was in school, I learned that weight is not primary property of matter but mass is the primary property of matter. So now mass is not the primary property of matter and it happens because of the interaction with Higgs field? If mass is no longer a primary property of matter, then what is?

Weight is a measure of a force on an object due to gravity or acceleration. Mass is a measure of a object's inertia -- it's resistance to change in velocity due to an outside force.

Rest mass is a fixed quantity inherent to the object), weight changes based on the environment/reference frame -- your weight is different on the moon, but your mass is the same.

Matter is just perturbations in a variety of fields that have complex interactions with each other -- those interactions are what give rise to mass. the higgs field is one of the fields that create mass, most importantly in electrons, but when you measure the mass of any full sized object, almost all of the mass has nothing to do with the higgs field and has to do with the fact that protons are actually balls of quarks and gluons moving very rapidly in a confined space because of their self interactions.

Hum... Your framing as "the primary property" is bad here, and it looks like all properties appear because of the interaction with some field.

(But well, there's a "then explain gravity!" that you can throw at any generic explanation.)

In the spirit of openness which is the hallmark of FOSS such as GNU/Linux, would this book be scanned and published for all to see? That would be great. Like FOSS, math too belongs to the world. I heard someone say that the university has not published many of his works. That would be sad. If published someone like Terrence Tao could write formal proofs for them like he and his team did some improvements for the work by Yitang Zhang.

The notebook (like Ramanujan's three previously known notebooks) has already been published, in 5 volumes by Bruce Berndt and George Andrews, with extensive annotation (e.g. just flipping at random, in the third volume Chapter 6 is called "Theorems about the Partition Function on Pages 189 and 182", and occupies 24 pages, and indeed contains formal proofs etc). A raw scan of the notebook(s) is even available online: http://ramanujan.sirinudi.org

Unfortunately the actual notebook links on that site appear broken

Just enter a page number; it works fine. Or if you wish, here are the direct links:





Ramanujan's total known/preserved output today is 37 published papers and these four notebooks; all of it is available on the site. The notebooks have been transcribed and published in several volumes with explanation (as mentioned above); those are the only thing not included on this site (and arguably, not "by" Ramanujan).

This sounds exactly like the thing I’ve kind of wanted—a compilation/overview of Ramanujan’s work, ideally with commentary. I’ll have to take a closer look at this. What I’d really like is something akin to Yves Hellegouarch’s Invitation to the Mathematics of Fermat-Wiles which seems to be not only out of print, but rather rare now (it’s listed on Amazon at over 400 bucks although that could be algorithmic madness among the sellers).

I think Bruce Berndt's Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan (2006) may be along the lines of what you're looking for, and also possibly G. H. Hardy's Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures on subjects Suggested by His Life and Work (originally 1940, but republished 1991/1999 by AMS with further commentary by Berndt). I'm not qualified to say for sure, as they get too hard for me pretty fast. :) [Some of Ramanujan's easier papers I was able to read (very slowly) for quite a few pages though, such as the one on highly composite numbers.]

That is quite possibly the most disappointing URL in the history of URLs. Invitation to Math Hell, indeed.

His penmanship is quite aesthetic

Yeah, when I read "more than one hundred pages written [...] in Ramanujan's distinctive handwriting" in the Wikipedia article, I was thinking "almost indecipherable scrawl", but this borders on calligraphy...

All those links 404 for me

They are http ... some browsers may default to not loading them.

Thanks, I'd set my browser to always switch to https

The page number selector appears to link to working PDFs.

> If published someone like Terrence Tao could write formal proofs for them like he and his team did some improvements for the work by Yitang Zhang.

From the second paragraph:

> George Andrews and Bruce C. Berndt (2005, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2018) have published several books in which they give proofs for Ramanujan's formulas included in the notebook

FOSS != piracy

And, frankly, I find it pretty upsetting that you seem to negate that equation.

He's been dead for 104 years, where's the piracy?

Sorry for nitpicking, but just trying to clarify what seems like a double negative - do you mean "to affirm that equation", i.e. that the author claims they are equal?

I guess you're right, negating an inequality is likely the same as affirming an equality? I am not a native speaker.

Is that not the same logically in every language?

No, in Spanish double negations are not positive statements.

I think the parent commenter was using the word 'equation' in its colloquial sense to refer to any mathematical expression or statement, despite their statement containing a 'not equals to' symbol, rather than actually equating them (which would have an equals sign).

Yes, I felt the same too. You said what has been in my mind but I was unable to articulate it. Sometimes I would be shown random post from extremely distasteful subreddits which I never subscribed to (awefuleverything I think). Sometimes I would get messages from random fake accounts with nude pictures of women asking me I am indeed. I haven’t used Reddit in a while. I used to be addicted to it. At its beginning Reddit represented freedom promised by the internet. Maybe because if that people don’t dis Reddit but focus on Instagram.

Two days back I got a notification for my Google user id being in a compromised list on my iPhone. I never shared my Google user id and password with anyone else. How could it get compromised? I am mot too worried since I have enabled 2FA for my Google account. I save user ids and passwords in an app called pwSafe. Does it mean someone got access to that file on my phone?

Edit: clarification

Since the satellites are in zero gravity will they continue to be in orbit forever?

Or do satellites need some power to continue to stay in orbit?

If satellites can deorbit without power what forces would cause that?

There's wisps of atmosphere where they are. The drag causes them to slow down, which lowers their orbit. Then they hit thicker air and get more drag and go lower yet. And then they get so hot from all the friction the cook to bits.


Yup. There's not much atmosphere way up there, but if you hit it at 17,000 miles per hour even a little bit can be significant!

How is it possible to create such amazing software for free?! I am astounded at how many great developers there must be in the world. I am trying to get back to coding but find it hard as I am not able to focus these days.

I found daycare very expensive. It was close to $1200 per month. With two kids, it was forbiddingly expensive. My wife wanted a 3rd child but I did not because of high cost having babies. Then there is college fee when they grow up. I van empathize with people who are not able to have kids due to coat.

Could you please explain what that command does.

There is a movie by the name Ship of Theseus which explores the idea in the context of organ donation and transplantation.

I loved the movie. There is one actor by the name of Neeraj Kabi who lost a lot of weight for his role as a monk.

Here is the trailer: https://youtu.be/tzw1ezTTVEY?si=NfsG9sY1R1JjmbVV

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