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Long-time Debian user here. For me, Klode made the right call. Someone who wants the bells-and-whistles edition can install it from flatpak.

Long-term Debian user here. Deviating from the featureset offered by the upstream package that had been stable since forever is an unexpected move. Patches usually fix bugs or improve system integration. It is not normal that running apt upgrade breaks a setup.

I don't personally use (or knew of) any of the network features in keepassxc, but this is the kind of change that you announce in one release, explaining how people that use it can keep using it, and then apply in the next release. Or, indeed, just make a second package for those who want the hardened setup.

There is an argument for the hardened version being the default, but moving from featureful to hardened is a significant change and warrants more than just pushing it and waiting for people to trip over it

Agreed. It's ok to find the extras useful, but it's not automatically right to include them let alone arm them by default.

It may not be automatically wrong either because there are a few imo weak arguments that some of the extensions outweigh their own increased attack surface by increasing usage of better passwords genetally and decreasing usage of the copy-paste buffer, so I won't go as far as to say that.

But what is wrong is acting like the opposite is also automatically wrong.

KeePassXC tooted something like "warning: debian removed all functions" obviously ridiculous unless they removed the function of encrypting and storing passwords. I replied "warning: KeePassXC has confused KeePass users with Lastpass users"

If you want convenience over all else, then why are you even using keepass? Google and MS will happily store all your passwords for free and in the cloud and automatically fill them into forms. So convenient! Let alone onepass/lastpass etc.

Security is not incidental to this particular apps purpose, it's the central and indeed only purpose.

"This is why no one should use debian"? What a ridiculous statement.

> it's not automatically right to include them let alone arm them by default.

That's an entirely reasonable position when deciding which features to enable when adding a new package to Debian. But it's not reasonable to rip existing features out from under people.

It's not about convenience above all else, it's about that practical balance that allows for the best practical security.

Do you understand why Klode's behaviour is probably pushing people away from using & contributing to Debian?

This is what keep me using debian. Debian have (at least) three flavour of vim, depends on I want lua python ruby or x11 supports. I can install what I need without pulling in gigabytes of dependency.

If they start copycating other distro, I will move to other distro.

Those people are what we call Ubuntu users. For Debian users, Klode is our new sexy-time boyfriend.

no thank you

It was once written on the SQLite site:

"SQLite is not designed to replace Oracle. It is designed to replace fopen()."

I recommend it because: A) I never know how far a program is going to go. No point limiting myself to CSV dumps when sqlite is so easy to integrate. B) Less likely to trash my own data using something that has already had so much engineering & QA poured into it. C) It's a standard file format, so it's easier to integrate other programs into the workflow if I ever need to.

But for quick-and-dirty, it's hard to beat plain CSV.

Elixir is a combinatorics mess (circa 2020: two different string types, three different types of exception, return AND throw versions for almost every func, slow compiler without much in the way of compile-time checking, constant breakages over trivial renamings "just because", having to burrow into erlang errs half the time since many elixir funcs are just wrappers). Half the libraries we used were abandoned. I take every recommendation with a grain of salt. I think people got invested in the hype, and are trying to keep the sinking ship afloat.

Erlang is a different story. If you're interested in the BEAM, it isn't terrible. It has a few of the same problems, but the combinatorics are reduced.

> Half the libraries we used were abandoned

People really need to unwarp their brains from how they judge libraries in Elixir compared to other ecosystems. Erlang is 30 years old. Elixir sits on top of that stability. Elixir will very likely never reach 2.0 because it doesn't need to. And if a 2.0 does come it will be simply to remove deprecated functionality.

Not having 12 major version releases per year means what you think are "abandoned" are actually stable and perfectly fine to use.

In Elixir, we don't really care about the last time a version was pushed. I regularly use and rely on libraries that haven't been touched in years because they don't need to be touched.

If the libraries worked, we wouldn't have had to play code archaeologist and find out that half our dependencies had been abandoned since 2017. Even something as simple as a JSON encoder--which is rock-solid in every other language I've used--had a number of bugs (this was four years ago, so memory is hazy, but it had something to do with ambiguity between arrays, lists, or tuples) Erlang is stable, but Elixir sure as hell isn't. Back in 2019, it seemed as though every point release brought a slew of breakages--and usually over the most trivial and pointless things, like adding an underscore to a built-in for "consistency". I've been developing for over 20 years, have used all of the mainstream languages, and Elixir was the absolute worst.

> Even something as simple as a JSON encoder--which is rock-solid in every other language I've used

JSON will be built into the next release of the BEAM: https://erlangforums.com/t/erlang-otp-27-0-rc3-released/3506...

How are there three different types of exception?

As for "two string types" maybe I'm not working on hard enough problems, but in ~4 years of Elixir I've never once needed to use a charlist. My understanding is that it's a backwards-compatibility thing from Erlang and I'm not even sure when I'd ever need to use it over a string.

raises, throws, & exits. rescue vs catch. as for binary vs charlist, some dependencies wanted binary, others wanted charlist. faced with the choice of re-write the dependency to use binaries, or wrap it with pre/post converters, we chose the latter. after the third or fourth global search-and-replace thanks to elixir's renaming of built-ins just for the hell of it, we re-wrote it in go, and never looked back.

We’ve had Elixir in production since 2017 and have not found any of the items you have mentioned to be issues.

- two different string types: You have undercounted (three types in Erlang, and Elixir adds a fourth), and suggested that something which is a non-issue for the vast majority of Elixir code. Most Elixir code deals with `String.t()` (`"string"`), which is an Erlang `binary()` type (`"string"` in Elixir, `<<"string">>` in Erlang) with a UTF-8 guarantee on top. A variant of the Erlang `binary()` type is `bitstring()` which uses `binary()` to efficiently store bits in interoperable ways. Code interacting directly with Erlang often needs to use `charlist()`, which is literally a list of integer values mapping to byte values (specified as `'charlist'` in Elixir and `"charlist"` in Erlang; most Elixir code would use `String.to_charlist(stringvar)` in the cases where required.

Compare and contrast this with the py2 to py3 string changes and the proliferation of string prefix types in py3 (https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#li...).

- three different types of exception: true, but inherited from Erlang and the difference is mostly irrelevant. The three types are exceptions (these work pretty much as people expect), throws (non-local returns, see throw/catch in Ruby; these are more structured than `goto LABEL` or `break LABEL` for the most part), and process exits. In general, you only need to worry about exceptions in most code, and process exits only if you are writing something outside of your typical genserver.

- return AND throw versions for almost every func: trivially untrue, but also irrelevant. Elixir is more sparse than Ruby, but still comes more from the TIMTOWTDI approach so most libraries that offer bang versions usually do so in terms of one as the default version. That is, `Keyword.fetch!` effectively calls `Keyword.fetch` and throws an exception if the result is `:error`. It also doesn't affect you if you don’t use it. (Compare the fact that anyone who programs C++ is choosing a 30–40% subset of C++ because the language is too big and strange.)

- slow compiler without much in the way of compile-time checking: I disagree with "slow", even from a 2020 perspective, and "compile-time checking" is something that has only improved since you decided that Elixir wasn't for you. Even there, though, different people expect different things from compilers, and not every compiler is going to be the Elm compiler where you can more or less say that if it compiles it will run as intended. (I mean, the C++ compiler is both slow and provides compile time checks that don't improve the safety of your code.)

- constant breakages over trivial renamings "just because": false‡. Elixir 1.0 code will still compile (it may have deprecation warnings). To the best of my knowledge, nothing from 1.0 has been hard deprecated. ‡If you always compile `--warnings-as-errors`, then yes you will have to deal with the renaming. But that is a choice to turn that on, even though it is good practice.

- having to burrow into erlang errs half the time since many elixir funcs are just wrappers: not an issue in my experience, and I can only think of a handful of times where I have had the Erlang functions leak out in a way where I needed to look at Erlang error messages.

Elixir isn't suitable for everything, but frankly your list of so-called shortcomings is pure sour grapes.

I guess I will just have to stay sour with my sub-second compile times, actual compile-time type checks, stable naming of built-ins, single-binary deployments, and uniform error handling.

Better to say that whatever your resulting platform is (probably Go based on what you’ve said), it suits your constraints.

We've found that our constraints are better met for our most important project by Elixir. We are building something else in Go (mostly because it will be easier to find cheaper contractors to build these boring things once we have the first version done) and we still deliver a number of things in Ruby, and there's Typescript for some things. Use what works at the time you need it.

I personally find Go to be a tedious language and think it could use a fair number of DX improvements, ranging from adopting some form of Rust's terminal `?` sugar to just better recommendations on project structure and layout. It took far too long for Go to get generics, and the platform-specific build files being based on filename (e.g., `foo_aix.go`) is clever with all of the hatred I can put into that.

I have shipped software in ~40 different programming languages and distinct dialects over my career. Go does a number of things well, but some of the choices made are frankly bizarre. There are restrictions on how you can name things because of the platform bit and `internal/`, but then there's no recommendation on how to lay out a project otherwise. I’ll still use it any time over most other lower-level languages, but the language itself does not spark joy. The compiler is good and fast, but I have less confidence that I have built the right thing from it than when I use Rust.

your handle is also appropriate given the epic amounts of electricity needed to power all of that gear. so many articles on the energy consumption of cryptocurrency, yet so few for model training.

Meta / Facebook has 650,000 GPUs. Including overheads for the networking and the servers, these pull about 500 watts each. That adds up to “just” 325 megawatts, which is nowhere near crypto mining levels. (Tens of gigawatts)

Also, most of their compute goes towards inference, not training.

For the benefit of two companies vs the benefit of hundreds of millions of individuals (esp. in a currency crisis).

disgusting. with a name like "zero trust" i would expect something in-line with the decentralized web, while this is just a built-in windows web lockdown for office drones.

It is a useful feature for very specific environments; nothing to do with decentralised web.

Your comment is like saying that firewalls are disgusting because they can be used to lockdown machines.

firewalls are used to lock-down machines. this is intended to lock-down people.

fix pulseaudio and then we can talk.

Someone else did it and the better pulseaudio is called pipewire. Can't wait for that to happen to all the parts of systemd too, one day.

Even if the labor components of fabrication were identical, his preferred streetlight has a lot more metal in it. Going by the catalogs, the ornamental ones are up to 5x costlier than the basic model. Even if it were only slightly more expensive, a city has to maintain thousands of them.

With all of the keto grifters on the internet, I suspect this is merely a pendulum-swing to another mistake. There are so many novelties in what the average person eats today--dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, packaging residue, thickeners, artificial sweeteners, preservatives... and the manufacture of each one is a moving target (changing feedstocks, equipment, process, etc). Some are used in such minute quantities, or are legally classified so broadly, that they don't even have to be specifically labeled.

All I know is that the boomers of the family ate fat and sugar like it was going out of style, and lived in decent health to a ripe old age, while the fair-trade free-range organic millennials seem to be falling apart at the seams. Before anyone lectures me on epistemology, I offered this as a data point, not an academic study.

Industry wants to move product. If fat is the problem--or at least if people think it is--industry moves to sugar. If sugar is the problem, they'll move back to fat. An inconvenience, but an easily surmountable one. Packaging and preservatives would be a tougher nut to crack--far fewer options. An entire market segment could be up-ended if a single option were suddenly forbidden.

It may not even be the food. The younger generation has been on a staggering number of medications in their formative years. Boomers are also inveterate pill-poppers, but not from early childhood. Think of the difference between giving aspirin to a child or to an adult. There may be another "reye's syndrome" hiding here.

I remember reading studies about how parents diet had an impact on their kids through epigenetics.

While I have no proof of this, I suspect many of the Millenials' health problems are more mental (including psychosomatic) than dietary. To stereotype a bit, they generally seem less resilient and more prone to catastrophizing minor physical problems that older generations would have just dealt with.

Psychosomatic, and(/or) psychogenic. There comes a point where the influence of the mind actually makes things physiologically wrong, which becomes even harder to untangle.

They also barely move their bodies.

I think this is the elephant in the room that is generationally hard to address. At least in America, all demographics have gotten more sedentary over time, but Millennials in particular. To your point, it doesn't really matter what you eat if you live a sedentary lifestyle with more screentime and less physical activity than is ideal. To put it in a neutral way, I would not be surprised if many emergent cultural wars nominally about body acceptance are actually more a societal reaction to this root cause.

Some humour/sarcasm to illustrate your point:

"No better way to sum up the generations"


> All I know is that the boomers of the family ate fat and sugar like it was going out of style, and lived in decent health to a ripe old age

That's a data point.

> while the fair-trade free-range organic millennials seem to be falling apart at the seams.

That's not a data point. That's a broad statement that generalizes about a population, and yes: It would be a good to see a source that indicates that an entire generation is "falling apart at the seams" either as a result of their preference for "fair trade free range organic" food or their avoidance of fat and sugar -- if, indeed, that is even true of the population in question.

It is a data point because it is the same family, similar genetics, similar upbringing, similar socioeconomic status. One generation ate crap and did okay. Another was more cautious, but to no avail. As to whether or not that diet is causal, I made no statement or suggestion. I don't even have an opinion on it. I am merely stating that, according to the science of the day, they did "the right thing", but the situation did not improve.

Forgive me, I think I read you wrong. It sounds like you meant, "the millennials in my family". Which, yes: I see what you're saying.

When boomers were the age of millennials, they were eating foods that were just foods. They weren't overly engineered. The 80s came about, scientists decided that fat was a problem, and so they started removing fat from food. But in order to make those foods palatable, they needed to add a filler. They chose the cheapest one, most addictive one: sugar. Then when people got tired of eating oat bran with everything, they added the fat back but kept the sugar. So now you've got the very worst of both worlds. Likewise, when boomers were growing up, even the pre-packaged food they ate was packaged in wax paper and glass. Everything today is some form of plastic.

It's much harder to become obese if you aren't eating products that come out of food labs.

You would seem to have a valid point about the tendency for "pendulum swings" in diet trends (well, especially in fads), as well the additives that are seemingly much more common in processed foods made for the American market (I mean, if you simply look at the number of those additives that are specifically prohibited elsewhere, it can almost be alarming.)

However, when you say "boomers of the family ate fat and sugar like it was going out of style", 1) I'm assuming you meant "my family", and 2) the point of the link is that Boomers as a whole didn't eat a lot of sugar until fat was demonized by campaigns specifically intended to "downplay the risks of sugar and highlight the hazards of fat"†.

And I don't believe they consumed comparatively nearly as much sugar as their children. And let's not even get started on the topic of high fructose corn syrup (which is problematic for more reasons than potential negative health effects.) Seriously, if you look at just how many food products in a typical American supermarket have added sweeteners, it's can be staggering.


Another thing that’s changed since young boomers roamed the earth is soil depletion. Decades of farming the heartland in the US midwest have used up all the zinc and boron and other minerals in the soil. If you consult the USDA food tables, they list the nutrients in foods, but those measurements were done back int 1940s and 50s, and things have changed.

I’ve found in general (from a few years back, not based on this submission) that the arguments of the low-carb camp are very convincing. Fat is an essential macro. carb-sugar is entirely optional.

> With all of the keto grifters on the internet, I suspect this is merely a pendulum-swing to another mistake.

You suspect. In a vacuum (without data) this pendulum-swing argument is equally convincing as both carbo-macros-are-good and fat-macros-are-good. You don’t get any extra points for seemingly taking a step back and concluding it’s-all-the-same. Exactly because it’s just “I suspect”.

The grift in keto seems entirely optional. You can eat low-carb or keto based on things you get at the supermarket.

> Industry wants to move product.

We have to eat. So I guess anything but calorie-deficit or photosynthesis can be accused of being a grift?

> the arguments of the low-carb camp are very convincing. Fat is an essential macro. carb-sugar is entirely optional.

Why would this be convincing? We don't need antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, nor all sorts of nutrients to survive, yet consuming those things improve our health outcomes.

Exercise isn't essential either for survival.

What I see is that the low carb community is full of story-telling sophists convincing people to give up "carbs" like beans and broccoli to eat foods full of saturated fats (usually avoiding unsaturated fats). And then weaving more convenient stories about how elevated LDL / ApoB isn't a concern when the saturated fat comes home to roost.

> Why would this be convincing? We don't need antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, nor all sorts of nutrients to survive, yet consuming those things improve our health outcomes.

Seems like I was being coy again. What I meant was: some fatty acids are essential for us to function at all. Meanwhile there are no health benefits to carb-sugars. It’s only function is as an energy source. And then pile on top of that the documented drawbacks of carb-sugars. And this was just an off-hand example.

> What I see is that the low carb community is full of story-telling sophists convincing people to give up "carbs" like beans and broccoli to eat foods full of saturated fats (usually avoiding unsaturated fats). And then weaving more convenient stories about how elevated LDL / ApoB isn't a concern when the saturated fat comes home to roost.

Broccoli is entirely kosher. So are leafy greens, fish, nuts, eggs, salads, etc. as long as they don’t contain some glycemic sinners…

Academia pumped-out paper after paper--for over 50 years--on how terrible fat was for you, and now that it has become so very difficult to convince people that that emperor has clothes, they are pivoting to a different bogey-man. This was never the slow march of science, and it still isn't. One guy gets his money from Procter and Gamble, another gets it from publishing royalties, another gets it from youtube monetization. It is all a grift. The actual truth is probably hiding on some Peruvian amateur scientist's blog these days.

I never wrote "it's all the same". I did write that it may be something else entirely, and that some of the more likely suspects are not investigated with the same intensity--probably because a conclusive answer would upset many apple carts.

to ta988: for publishing royalties, i'm not talking about research papers, but popular books / articles. teicholz is a one-woman industry in that respect. not saying that she's right or wrong, but that she (like many others in this space) is both financially and reputationally locked-into a narrative, which is not really science.

To be fair, all the actual results of the studies that claimed bad effects of fat have been only about certain particular kinds of fat, i.e. either saturated fat or artificial hydrogenated fat or burned fat.

Unfortunately, such results about certain kinds of fat have been wrongly used to justify bad nutritional advice that any fat is unhealthy.

From my personal experience, I am convinced that eating the wrong kind of fat can be harmful.

For a large part of my life, I had been eating large amounts of dairy products. Some years ago, at a medical consult, I was surprised to learn that I show signs of atherosclerosis.

My best guess was that this must have been caused by eating excessive amounts of saturated fat. Based on this supposition, I have changed immediately my diet. I have stopped eating dairy products and from that day on about 90% of my daily intake of fat is provided by a mixture of vegetable oils, extra-virgin olive oil with cold-pressed sunflower oil in the proportion 5:2 (the latter is added for an adequate intake of linoleic acid and vitamin E). Typically about one third of my daily energy intake is provided by fat.

One year later, there were no longer any signs of atherosclerosis and there was a very noticeable improvement in my peripheric circulation. Since then, my cardiovascular health has only improved, so I presume that my guess about the saturated fat from dairy being the culprit must have been right.

You're probably the only person in the whole thread who is going to bring up saturated vs unsaturated fat which is always missing from the "they lied about fat" / "we need fat" story-telling.

It's (probably accidental) motte-and-bailey rhetoric where someone provides the motte "fat isn't bad for you" and then grants themself the bailey "therefore I can eat saturated fat ad libitum" when in reality you'd want to minimize saturated fats while allowing unsaturated fats in the diet.

Yet "low carb" is basically a euphemism for eating butter, eggs, meat, and cheese rather than unsaturated fats. The whole thing seems built on that motte-and-bailey.

Publishing royalties? For papers? There is no such thing. Even for most academic books.

Yo are somewhat correct but honestly you just must have become aware of keto after it had passed through the cultural meat grinder of consumerism. Back in like 2012, keto was extremely fringe, niche, and almost all of the keto literature online was genuine science/nutritional hobbyists who were enthusiastic about revealing the deception inherent in our nations nutritional guidelines as a result of lobbying. There was no grift there whatsoever.

Now theres lots of grifters, but the core idea of keto is an incredibly powerful dieting strategy for many people and has very positive effects on symptoms of a number of difference health problems.

I can’t help but feel like, while the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not’ data’, lots and lots of people make the same observation about “Boomers”.

The human body has been working with fat and sugar and such a lot longer than all the newer, more engineered stuff, making it seem even more reasonable.

It's been known for a long time that these things cause health problems especially among sedentary people, however. It wasn't uncommon for the rich to be fat and ill hundreds of years ago.

I was reading Emma by Jane Austen recently which was written in the late 1800s and the story opens with the main father going on a tirade about cake being bad for you and nobody else caring. It is a scene that would fit all over the place today. It feels as though abundant, cheap and rich food has simply been scaled up to the level where the damage it does has become too visible to ignore anymore. It's not just a few lazy rich guys getting plump, it's the entire population.

The human body has been working with fat and sugar

Most people didn't have much access to sugar until the sugar islands were cultivated a few hundred years ago. Before that it was just fruit which was probably less sweet, has fiber in it and was more rare.

all the newer, more engineered stuff

Like what specifically?

azo dyes (already banned in the EU), trisodium phospate (we used to use this to clean walls for painting, now we use it in noodle manufacture to keep the machine from clogging), titanium dioxide (colorant and possible carcinogen), plasticizers leached from the packaging (BPA [a weak synthetic estrogen], BPS, BPF)... the soaps, lotions, and cosmetics also have a number of novel (to human consumption anyway) components, which can enter the bloodstream dermally. One of my chemistry professors remarked that bodies take longer to decompose now due to the residual amounts of tetrasodium EDTA in our bodies from hair shampoo. For a while, many young men were getting gynecomastia from the lavender and tea tree oil in their shampoos and body washes. Many of the crops are doused in glyphosate during both growth and harvest, so there's weed killer in the cheerios now, and we're just supposed to accept that. Most of us do.

+ Brominated vegetable oil (also banned in the EU)

Pretty sure people eate rice and grains before few hundred years ago. They eate a lot of carbohydrates.

"Rice and grains" and the like contain only starch.

The physiological effects of starch, which is composed only of glucose, are very different from the effects of sugar, half of which is fructose.

Until about two hundred years ago, all the sources of concentrated sugar, i.e. honey, cane sugar, dried fruits and boiled fruit juice were very expensive in comparison with other kinds of food and very few people could afford to eat them more frequently than a few times per year, at more important holidays.

Almost nobody could eat food with high content of sugar every day, like most people do now.

The availability of sugar or glucose-fructose mixtures that are cheaper than almost any other kind of food, so they are now added to reduce the cost of industrially-processed food, is a very recent phenomenon.

Hunter-gatherer tribes such as the Hadza get a significant fraction of their calories from honey and other simple sugars. They don't seem worse off for it.


They also are so active that all the ingested fructose must be oxidized immediately, instead of being converted by the liver into fat, as it happens in the more sedentary modern people.

Historically, they would not had that many vegetables available to eat daily either. Likewise, meat was quite expensive. In quite a lot of places, beans and such vegetable proteins were not available all that much on regular basis. Majority of contemporary diets, including keto, vegan, vegetarian were impossible or expensive. Raising bees for honey is not a new thing by any standard.

Another thing is that historically, malnutrition was a thing, not just something rare. The people would be getting serious diseases or be dying because of this or that missing in the food, there were whole epidemics of diseases that basically do not exist anymore.

The context here is fructose, you're mixing it up with glucose. Both technically sugars, but very different effects. People have had access to lactose for a long time too, but fructose is the issue.

The context here is "fat vs sugar". To which reaction was "they were eating fruits not sugar".

The context here is that major food group that was pretty significant source of calories - complex carbohydrates was skipped creating dichotomy between sugar and fat.

Fresh fruits have only a low content of sugar.

The recommendations that I have seen are that up to around 50 g of sugar per day (25 g of fructose) should be fine.

Most fresh fruits have about 10% of sugar, so you need to eat more than a pound or a half of kg to reach levels of sugar intake that could be unhealthy.

Only a few fruits have more sugar, above 15%, e.g. grapes, fresh figs or fresh dates. Even with those you must eat an amount over what would satiate most people, in order to get too much sugar.

On the other hand, if you eat one chocolate (many of which contain 60% or more sugar) or a few candies you are likely to have already exceeded an acceptable daily intake.

Like, who cares. My argument was about potatoes, rice, bread, ... Sure if you eat full chocolate every day and are nor teenager or weightlifter you probably eat too much of it.

And still, that doew not mean you nmed to cut complex carbohydrates and go keto ... especially if argument is how people 300 years ago eate. It was not keto.

Again, sugar is a shorthand for fructose. Whenever this comes up someone muddies the water by saying that glucose is a sugar too but that isn't what is being talked about.

I never seen sugar used as shorthand for fructose. It would mean majority of candies dont have sugar in them - they dont have simple fructos

And it is not used that way by people who push keto and low carbohydrates diets on HN.

And again, it renders fat vs sugar dichotomy meaningless.

I don't know what you mean by 'simple fructose'. You're the only one who has said that. Candy usually has high fructose corn syrup which is about 60% fructose and 40% sucrose.

Your article is a review of one language model (GPT-4) in diagnostics, while the original comment was an inquiry about world models.

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