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I think that celiac disease diagnosis is far more limiting than being vegetarian for social events, based on my experience.

Deosil is the counterpart which means reverse-widdershins or sunwise, mentioned in your link.

I don't know the answer to that question, but Card was an editor for Compute! books for nine months[1](video interview), and in that role wrote a two-part series about computer game development 40 years ago, in issues 38[2] and 39[3] of Compute! magazine.

[1] https://archive.org/details/orson-scott-card

[2] https://archive.org/details/1983-07-compute-magazine/page/n3...

[3] https://archive.org/details/1983-08-compute-magazine/page/n7...

His book Lost Boys (which is supposedly semi-autobiographical) is told from the perspective a mormon game developer.

I'm convinced he's dabbled in programming, even though it's not his vocation.

25 years ago, a friend quickly learned how to answer an online MBTI so that he could consistently score neutral on all four axes. I think that was the most entertaining approach that I've seen.

One candidate to consider is https://www.freshports.org/games/flying/ - "Flying is pool, snooker, carrom, hockey + curling with nice animated spinning balls for pool". I'm not sure about redhat, but it seems to have been present in debian from 1998 through 2010.

Thanks for this. Sounds promising. "flying" is a hard search online for screenshots or other info, so I'll follow the lead from the URL when I'm back at my Linux workstation.

Living around Seattle, I disagree, lately there have been articles just about every year about wildfires or drought in Siberia, and many about those fires causing smoky skies in Seattle.

This summer: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/07/05/siberia-forest-fir...

2019: https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/unprecedented-numbe...

2018: https://crosscut.com/2018/07/first-smoky-skies-season-arrive...

Plants such as ghost pipes (saprophytes) can be found in abundance, along with rhododendrons, along the Elbo Creek trail in the Olympic mountains of Washington state. https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/elbo-creek

Adventureland, Pirate Adventure, and Mission Impossible were text adventures by Scott Adams - http://www.msadams.com/ .

I was completely ready for that book to change my life after reading so many glowing testimonials. It did nothing, though I felt worse after reading it a few times, because it was supposed to be so transformative.

I guess the mind-body prescription isn't prescribed for celiac disease or my other health issues, because finding out that I had those conditions was the key, not Dr. Sarno's advice.

Sarno's book didn't help me either. I wasn't even sure what the point was, until I watched a documentary called "All the Rage" (available on Amazon Prime in the US) on Sarno and his method, which at least clarified the whole thing for me.

One of the things Sarno advises before taking him on is that every other medical condition that could possibly be relevant has been investigated and ruled out.

I couldn't agree more!

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