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Location - Bangalore, India

Remote - Yes

Willing to relocate - Nope

Technologies - Typescript, React, Nextjs, Vue, Nuxtjs, Nodejs, MongoDB

Resume - https://haxzie.com

Email - musthaq.gm@gmail.com

Hey, I'm a senior fronted engineer with focus on product and design. I have worked with multiple early stage startups to go from 0-launch. My expertise lies in architecting data intensive applications, elegant design, and product maangement. I have professional experience in design, frontend and backend work. One the side, I build a bunch of tools to solve problems, some of them are (https://apico.dev, https://krata.app, https://snipp.in and a lot more). I'm open to working with small/early teams who are product focused.

This is pretty neat! I had built snipp.in to solve my own problems with other note taking app. It works completely offline + looks a lot like VS code for folks who love using .txt files

Hey, I was building something similar a while back for a specific usecase around shopify stores. Wondering is this a sustainable business and how long have you been running this for?

Hey, sorry for the slow reply, didn't get any notifications from this site.

Sustainable - Perhaps, we have daily signups but people are not converting to paid users. I plan to change are pricing strategy to credit based usage, and I'll see if that will improve things.

We are also going into e-commerce direction with a spin off product, so hopefully that will go a bit better.

Do you mind sharing what is the tool that you build?

This is wonderful feedback! Will try to fix some of these soon, thanks. The project was built around 2 years ago, but it failed in giving any signs of generating revenue. It was abandoned for a while, I shut down the cloud version and open sourced part of the codebase.

Creator of Apico here. This is a tiny example of how to use SaaS apps as backend for your small projects. As folks outlined in other comments I will clarify a few things.

> How is this different from using the SDKs, or APIs directly from Google? Honestly it's very similar, the APIs offered by this app and Google are very similar. The only difference is that you get the APIs literally within a single click and added benefit of fine-grained access control over individual endpoints. You can make endpoints public (access to anyone) vs private (only be accessed with an auth token)

> Why don't just use Google APIs then? Most of the APIs are server side considering security, you cannot expose these credentials to the client side, unless you only allow specific scopes that can be exposed. And then create a different set of credentials to be used on your server side to handle other actions. With this app, it acts as a proxy and firewall on top of the Google APIs, so you can expose specific endpoints to be public and rest to be private.

Adding to that you need to spend more time looking through docs and setting up Postman or similar tool to test the APIs, the app literally gives everything you need, APIs, Playground and a proxy for you to play around.

> Rate limits? Right now, I haven't looked into this, but hopefully soon :)

This is pretty cool. Quite similar to the solution I have posted. The actual benefit comes when you use it for other APIs, because the app allows you to setup access control rules over individual endpoints, so that you can expose endpoints to frontends and no-code apps without worrying about security.

This is exactly similar to using google APIs as well, just that you are exposing the credentials client side unless you are planning to put the logic on server. With this service you can only allow read APIs and block write APIs, similar to scopes. But you get the APIs within just a few clicks with an API playground and proxy with additional security.

I see myself, and it's scary.

Well here we are

Probably with all the LLMs out there and AI gadgets popping out, it wouldn't be too far to have a new kind of Human Computer Interaction Interface, maybe not voice, but maybe even thoughts or some sort of new ways of interactions, subtle but way more context aware and versatile with the amount of input required to be very very less.

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