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From the profile info:

Patrick Wyatt - game developer and programmer (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Guild Wars, battle.net) - co-founder of ArenaNet - blogger: www.codeofhonor.com

Edit: remove backticks

Damn. That reminds me, I really wish there were more information about the early days of ArenaNet. I think what they did with servers and networking in GW1 (and eventually GW2) is legendary. They had instancing, no realm sharding, streaming updates, etc. years before anybody else. And GW1's gameplay design in general was so unique.

oh what a surprise, legend

> whats the alternative? depression? meth?

I certainly don't recommend it for everyone, but for Paul Erdős apparently some drugs worked well.


Exactly this. Runit was designed to be simple and in simple software, at some point, there is just not much to improve.

Initial response from the company:


Basically, "everything's fine, you can trust us".

They've all but gone silent on the official Audacity discord too.

https://www.opennic.org might be useful to you.

No, that really isn't helpful unless you want a novelty domain name that nobody else (roughly speaking) can resolve. (And which, as a result, you can't send or receive email from, obtain an SSL certificate for, get indexed by search engines, etc.)

I still think it might meet OP's requirements: "I just need to type something in that's not the IP address of my VPS".

Sure, there might be other requirements, and it's not clear what the exact use case is, but it also might be useful.

I mean, if your only requirement is "I need it to work on computers that I've specifically configured to make it work on", you might as well make your "domain" an entry in /etc/hosts. It'd even work more reliably.

For sure there are also other use cases, where just putting entries in /etc/hosts is not enough and it's useful to add one more entry to DNS resolver on machines that should be able to reach specific and probably dynamic destinations.

That's actually a fun exercise to come up with these use cases.

linux console user here too :-).

w3m works really great with framebuffer. imho it renders webpages in a cleanset way, compared to all other text browsers. plus it has default vim-like keybindings.

It's still doing good: https://github.com/tats/w3m

I am a very happy using w3m every day. Just occasionally there is a need to use a graphical browser.

There is no JS support though. Don't think there ever was.

What a great comment. It makes sense to not spend too much space on the quality of the script in it, so I want to do it shortly in this one.

This script is beautiful.

I write and read shell scripts mostly for fun, and this one is something I will refer to for quite some time. It really shows that shell scripts can be nice and readable.

__app_dev__, thank you for your 'Show HN' submission.

Thanks so much digitalsushi and h1x!

I really appreciate your nice comments! For the script I made it a readable as I possibly could since scripts like this need as much clarity as possible for security purposes and to help anyone who wants to re-purpose the script for their environment.

h1x you might want to take a look at my other shell script on this project as well. It's about ~1500 lines of well commented code and allows file encryption on many different Linux OS's.


Also thought that some of the technical points were good, but...

Mixing together Linux and Unix? Saying that killing a process from command line in Linux is bad because MacOS has GUI for that? Not explaining in more detail a claim that C is responsible for Spectre? Topping a technical presentation with political statements?

That's too much for 30 minutes I think.

The Activity Monitor is hardly even the fastest way to kill a process in macOS. Usually when I'm working on something that goes haywire needs killing, I already know the process name and a simple `killall example` can be typed out faster than he can ⌘-space his way into the Activity Monitor and navigate that GUI. I don't think that proves anything profound though, just that his example was weak.

I went into this video agreeing with the stated premise (and still do), but this presentation was a bit underwhelming.

linux has pkill as well.

> Not explaining in more detail a claim that C is responsible for Spectre?

He said trying to paper over the concurrency of the hardware to provide the simple in-order model C expects is responsible for Spectre (and he did explain how Spectre works). This is true but I don't think C is really the reason for this; designing a language that productively exposes parallelism but is easy to program the kinds of things that run fast on modern amd64 CPUs, I think that might be an unsolved problem.

> Saying that killing a process from command line in Linux is bad because MacOS has GUI for that?

He wasn't saying that `ps | grep | kill` is bad because MacOS has a GUI. He was saying that it is bad (it is, that's pretty undeniable), and that dogmatically following the "Unix philosophy" would lead you to conclude that it is great, even though there's an obviously better way to do it (through a nice GUI).

To put it another way, "do one thing and do it well" is fine, if all of your users are happy to write all the glue to stick tiny programs together, and the only glue you have is completely unstructured text streams. But most people are not willing to do that.

To take it to an obvious extreme: what is the Unix version of Excel? `set_cell A4 'hello' && recalculate_formula B5 && cat A1:D2 | pi_chart`??

> To take it to an obvious extreme: what is the Unix version of Excel? `set_cell A4 'hello' && recalculate_formula B5 && cat A1:D2 | pi_chart`??

That's a nice question. It's not that obvious extreme for me though.

You could use sc and GNU plot (I know... GNU's not Unix). Simple example:

- first you configure your plot

$ echo "set terminal png\nset output 'plot.png'\nplot '/dev/stdin' with lines" > plotcfg.plg

- then you create a spreadsheet and pass it to gnuplot. It's easier to edit the spreadsheet with sc's TUI

$ echo 'let A0 = 1\nlet B0 = 8\nlet A1 = 2\nlet B1 = 16\nlet A2 = 3\nlet B2 = 32\n' | sc -W '%' - | gnuplot plotcfg.plg

So easy!

yeah, the whole conduct thing was weird and felt like part of a different talk. I kept expecting him to try and bring it back to the rest of his talk and he never really did outside of it being somewhat related to the idea of "lets do things differently in the future".

Here is an article explaining Spectre & Meltdown with regards to C.


It has been discussed previously multiple times here at HN, the latest from three weeks ago.


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