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> and the real reasons why only men are drafted are somewhere between biology and misogyny.

Sounds about right. Historically, the military culture is obviously deeply rooted in patriarchy. Men are to defend their countries, in the same way that 'women and children' have been supposed to go first into lifeboats.

There are some arguments to be found in the above mentioned Rostker v. Goldberg, and in the legal debate that followed:

Once the combat issue is put in proper perspective and the evidence of women's recognized ability to perform military functions is assessed, it becomes apparent that an exclusion of women from a draft registration requirement would be the product of the archaic notion that women must remain 'as the center of home and family.'


Congress followed the teachings of history that if a nation is to survive, men must provide the first line of defense while women keep the home fires burning.


Not really a universal index, but interesting nevertheless: MIT Treepedia has indexed some cities based on tree canopies from Google street view.

Some (to me) surprising finds, like Paris (8.8%) vs NY (13.5%).


This brings back fond memories of the various Blue Meanies easter eggs in System 7.0.1 on my first Mac (actually my dad's LC).

"Help! Help! We're being held prisoner in a system software factory!"

System 7.0: "Help! Help! We're being held prisoner in a system software factory!"

System 7.1: "Help! Help! We're still being held prisoner in a system software factory!"

System 7.5: "Help! Help! He's STILL being held prisoner in a system software factory!"

System 7.5.3: "Mercenaries hit the software factory and freed the prisoners."

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