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For an alternative, maybe relay the texts to a slack channel (that's easy enough to receive on a phone for your coworkers). Zapier can probably integrate twilio/slack quickly.

Yes, I will do something like this. However it doesn't alleviate the overarching concern that they are behaving in a way that treats my business very recklessly.

I use Slack like this for various notifications. I just setup a new Slack instance and created channels for each notification area (smart home, media server, etc). Now all the software in those various areas can send messages (via webhook) and I can set the alert preferences per channel. Makes it easy to quickly look at Slack and know things are running fine.

I also have a #critical channel anything can post to that always has alerts enabled on my phone so I don't miss anything important.

It actually works pretty well and costs nothing.

Then what do you do when Slack bans your account?

Self-host Zulip - which in my opinion is better than Slack anyway and supports slack incoming webhooks.


I'm going to guess that slack would not ban for this reason. It would not make sense at all.

SQLalchemy is exceptionally good at all of these -- and I'm not even a power user so I don't know all the tricks.

Re: Composability

You can generate something like the WHERE clause of a query in a function and return it alone (rather than as a SELECT query) or even combine it with another WHERE.

e.g. In SA the "select" and "where" portions aren't tightly coupled.

Re: Expressivity

Right now you can easily build up ef.core queries by chaining IQueryable.Where, which is nice but you can only do that for selects and something like OR conditions are difficult to implement.

e.g. in SA you can just pass a list of predicates to the or_() function.

e.g. in SA you can build a WHERE clause and then pass the same clause to a select or a bulk operation.

The developers have constrained themselves by refusing anything that falls outside of the scope of a strongly typed unit-of-work implementation.

This means we will probably never get: 1. Ability to pull non entity types out of the database without a whole lot of boilerplate. See the bizarre obstinacy here: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/issues/10753

2. Any kind of bulk insert/delete/update ability. It's been a "to do" for years now.

3. Much better query composability.

Basically their response is to just use raw SQL for anything that isn't a unit-of-work feature. They're missing a lot of benefits that a ORM could provide when they say that.

The ef.core team feels like a lot of rejects that were stack ranked out to their own team. I know that is mean to say, but they iterate extremely slowly compared to teams like asp.net .core, visual studio code, c# language group, f# language group.

Here's another cool visualization - with different figures however.


Though very neat diagram (and the figures are correct), it is confusing - the title says 'Biomass of Life' but it highlights the animal biomass at the top, which is a tiny fraction of overall.

One has to see the bottom portion to realize the bigger contributing components of 'Biomass of Life'.. Plants, Bacterias etc.

The original research paper:


I always say to my wife - bugs rule the earth.

When I look to Jira, I have to agree with you.

It's hard to find bugs now, because they are killed by insecticides/pesticides.

What? Maybe certain specific bugs “I’m looking for a honey bee and having trouble finding one” but I have no shortage of bugs in/around my suburban home if you’re looking for bugs in general.

Man I wish I lived wherever you do

I'm currently reading logs via command line by ssh as you describe for a simple service and not satisfied with this. What would be a step up without a lot of extra infrastructure?

Log forwarding to a single server running rsyslogd, and then view consolidated logs there.

I’ve personally used Graylog[1] with success in the past. However, I’ve had an excellent time with Grafana and have been following their Loki[2] project. My company uses other solutions, so I haven’t needed it, but the Grafana stack might suit your use case.

[1] https://www.graylog.org/products/open-source [2] https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/

The question was: "What would be a step up [from ssh] without a lot of extra infrastructure?"

I think you just way overshot it.

My attempt at a simple step up would be mounting the logs with sshfs and using your favorite editor.

Run vector [1] on each host to collect logs and send them to New Relic's free tier.

No need to manage extra infrastructure for logging, New Relic works pretty well and also has alerts, and Vector makes it easy to move to a new provider or self-hosted solution without reinstalling agents: just add a new sink to your config file.

[1] https://github.com/vectordotdev/vector

New Relic has a free tier, just install their agent (or another compatible logging agent).

I feel like the rural coverage issue is misleading and overused. Look at their coverage maps:


Most of my province (BC) is not covered. They cover the urban areas and some wider areas along highways in plateau regions. Where is this burdensome coverage that is keeping them expensive?

It's not your province that's the problem, it's Ontario, Manitoba, and Quebec mostly keeping your internet and phone expensive. I don't think people in those provinces are oblivious to that either, and I'm sure they thank you for being a good Canadian, we are after all a country, not say, a collection of states that are "united".

And that is also why we have every foreign origin covid variant floating around in Canada. Quarantine by honor system clearly hasn't worked.

I wish we had been stricter with international travel so that we could have had less restrictions at home.

I was dumbfounded by the "restrictions" myself.

You can't drive over the border, but you can fly? Makes 0 sense.

I'd put Twilio and Cloudflare in the same category for vision (expanding product offering) and execution.

Yep, these are all examples of top engineering organizations.

I thought that too - until I tried to use Twillo for the first time in a couple of years. Holy crap they overcomplicated the interface! There's 3 or 4 levels of menu all shown at the same time in different directions. The docs are also way worse. The product is still great, but the interface is a complete mess!

I know this is a digression, but can you expand on the checkpoints a bit? Are there actually random roadblocks within 100 miles of the border where you get stopped and need to provide proof of residency or citizenship?

Just curious as a Canadian.

> Are there actually random roadblocks within 100 miles of the border where you get stopped

Yes, there's a combination of established locations and "surprise" locations where Border Patrol stops every car on the interstate.

> you...need to provide proof of residency or citizenship?

I don't think they can legally make you produce this unless they have reasonable suspension of a crime. Every time I've been through they have you roll down your window and ask if everyone in the car is a US citizen. Usually there are dogs on both sides of your vehicle while you're asked. I've never had any trouble or had to produce my license.

In this conversation, I only bring it up because I assume when most people see a large police presence, they're nervous that (a) there's probably a reason to need that many police, and (b) what if the police mistakenly believe I'm a criminal? It's just not a pleasant environment, even though I haven't ever been personally hassled at a checkpoint.

Yeah, it's a thing. They're primarily in the 100 miles of the southern border, and generally you only get stopped if you have brown skin if you're worried about being a Canadian in the US.

Check out the term "constitution free zone" if you want to learn more.

I spend a lot of time near the TX/Mexico border. Everyone gets stopped, you get asked a couple questions and that's it. I haven't been required to show ID or anything like that. They do a walk around your car with a dog and then wave you through.

By stopped, I meant a situation where they don't just wave you through the checkpoint.

The dog they use around the car is to let them harass certain people based on what the dog handler thinks of them. https://health.ucdavis.edu/welcome/features/2010-2011/02/201...

> you only get stopped if you have brown skin

Maybe, though I think it's fair to point out a large number of CPB agents on the border also have brown skin, if for no other reason than they need a huge percentage of native Spanish speakers.

You can be racist and of the same race. You just see yourself as "one of the few good ones" and internally hate yourself a bit.

This is the general law enforcement mindset, a classist superiority complex that overcomes even one's own racial identity.

As a Canadian that is also a US permanent resident, yes, ICE and CBP have broad authority to set up checkpoints pretty much wherever they please. "100 miles" includes the coastline. They also can do warrant-free detention, and there have been cases of US citizens detained, sometimes for over a week IIRC, over nothing more than suspicion on the part of the ICE officer than the person in question wasn't actually a citizen.

Where it gets dicey is that they can stop you, but constitutionally they can't force you to produce documentation or detain you. But not many people actually know that, or can stomach saying no to federal officers, and so in practice they can.

It is a part of US law that has a great deal of grey area. The policy was retained under Obama and Trump expanded it although not really by very much. In general the abuses seem to be limited but that's not a great deal of consolation.

Also they have these in southern arizona. If you go to Tucson, you'll see them. And you see people driving past them sometimes. They are of questionable legality in practice, but I never was brave enough not to stop. There were endless stories of people refusing to stop & talk to the these border guards, and then there were strange legal arguments in court where the federal govt seemed like they didn't really want the cases to go to trial for not stopping, and I though it was because of the fear they'd lose the court case and set a precident.

They can make life hard for you, search your car for drugs or illegals, harass you for your citizenship details. A scourge on our country - a true "show me you papers" place. I heard from non-white friends that they were a little afraid of being harassed. It was a living embodiment of unfair policing.

Google AppEngine (python variant) has been rotting forever. It's still stuck on Python 2 and has received no API improvements.

1. That doesn't mean killing it is worse, and I'd go as far as to say this case is objectively better to let rot. Imagine the outrage and brand stink that would create for Google, who is already known for killing things liberally, in a product space that is focused on longterm reliability. By letting it rot, people who deployed and are just leaving on autopilot don't have to do anything, and GCP offers lots of alternatives that can use Python 3.

2. Bad product management / development speed seems to be the case here, not rot or killing, as it seems it's actually not stuck on Python 2 anymore, or for long [1]

3. Even if neither of the two things above were true, I have seen no bad press on GCP due to this, and I'm a heavy GCP user, though just not in this niche. I've used Python cloud functions as well as GAE though.

[1] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python3

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