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Are the owners not enforcing time limits or drink minimums?

Have you considered that linguists have studied jargon before? There might even be books about it.

I'm sure they blame it all on remote work, which has nothing at all to do with trying to prop up commercial real estate.

No, I'm sorry, there actually are true believers. I think some people just have trouble countenancing the idea that maybe some of the people we've given all the wealth and power to really are just dolts. This tends to have an unraveling effect on people's personal beliefs.

It's true. Everyone knows you can actually only judge a book by its cover.

What's more shameful is that we've done nothing to make that behavior illegal, at least in the US.

Won't anyone think of the corporations? :(

I mean, we didn't really allow them to. Presidents who lost the popular vote appointed them, after other appointees were politically blocked under false pretenses in the Senate ("can't do it in an election year, unless you're a very specific president"). In aggregate, Americans poll much further left than this activist, rightwing court, but that doesn't matter when the electoral minority keeps on winning.

Don't worry, though. The Court has made their decision, now let them enforce it.

It will lead to the destruction of the administrative state, which was the intended result, and which people have apparently forgotten helps keep a lot of people alive and cancer-free. I mean, how many rivers need to catch on fire again before we learn this lesson a second time?

It is an unassailable fact that the New Deal and Great Society initiatives did not require Chevron deference. It is odiously brazen to claim otherwise.

No honest person can credit Chevron for the existence of the administrative state, because the administrative state was at its height before Chevron was ever decided.

You're hyperventilating

Which he can only do because he has clean air to breathe…


Can't developers just... not do that? You can write bad code in any language. What is our responsibility as experts to avoid doing things like this, then?

if they know better and have the foresight, they do. But stuff like this might not occur to people who've never been bitten by it. Every step of the way you just make things a little bit messier than before.

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