For sure they can! The vast majority of our reviewers make a few extra $hundred every week around their day jobs in aviation. Our target audience for this is the folks who enjoy spending their free time watching YouTube videos like VASAviation or PilotDebrief (like me). We get a kick out of listening to air traffic control audio and hearing what's going on in the airspace system.
And doing the quickmath based on the UI saying that 25,150 pts == $50.30 along with them saying 600 pts ~= 15 minutes of work... this is coming out to be ~$4.80/hr. No thanks.
EDIT: and that assumes perfect accuracy, the actual pay will be lower if you miss anything
I've always thought, in a single-surname system, it would be most fair to give girls their mother's surname and boys their father's (throw a dice for intersex children).