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I made this after trying a bunch of solutions (gRPC, cap'n proto, rpclib) and getting frustrated over not being able to use other socket types (e.g. vsock).

Hmm, not to detract from what you've done, but I'm curious -- what stopped you from using Cap'n Proto with vsock?

Partly down to the branding of the project, and the perceived added complexity which was not required, I just wanted a a simple extensible RPC mechanism, not a "Infinitely faster" "cerealization protocol" with "time travel" and "distributed objects". Cap'n proto is a lot to take in and wrap your head around.

Edit: I didn't "stop" with cap'n proto, I never started because the project rubbed me the wrong way :/ maybe I should have given it a go, but heh, I made a thing instead.

Heh, fair enough. The branding is just meant to be silly (and to make fun of misleading benchmarks) but I totally get how it might be off-putting to some.

FWIW the Cap'n Proto C++ implementation ought to be able to layer on top of vsock pretty easily. You can pass an arbitrary kj::AsyncIoStream to capnp::TwoParty{Client,Server}, and you can construct an AsyncIoStream wrapping any socket file descriptor.

But yeah, capnp RPC is definitely one of the more complicated RPC implementations out there and if you don't need that power it may be too much.

Wanna make people who suffer with mental health issues, imposter syndrome, and self image issues feel instantly crappy? Write a headline like that.

They still might be more of a jerk than they think. Someone with self image issues might still treat others miserably, for example...

Bang, right in the feels, well shit that's familiar

Sounds great, but I'll probably forget to check back for the android version.

Couldn't agree more.

Not really, previous gig broke me in many ways, I have incredibly low self confidence, I feel low and broken, had to move out of the country I began to love, and I'm not sure how to continue my career feeling like this.

setw synchronize-panes would help perhaps?

Another reason I'm glad I quit

Both. No point using an operating system that is a malware and privacy nightmare, just so I can fiddle with it more. It's not a computer, it's just a phone.

And no point using Facebook, really. Still with Whatsapp (and passively Instagram) as my friends are massively on those.

Whatsapp and Instagram are Facebook. The same company owns and runs all three.

I am well aware of that. Thus I mentioned I am still with those apps (involuntarily). So still with Facebook Inc, but not Facebook.com/App

Android or Facebook?

Both for me. But my drug of choice is Instagram, so FB still has me...

One company has had one approved, the FC2 Internal Condom (previously called the FC2 Female Condom). You can buy a three pack on Amazon for $28.99. Insane pricing.

So for the same reasons: - No one should fund your child birth because of your personal preferences. - No one should fund your ER visit because of your own personal preferences. - No one should fund your mental health care because of your own personal preferences.

Where do you stop with the personal preferences? Sexuality? Being transgender? Choosing to skydive? Ending up in poverty? Having sex? Abuse victims living with depression and anxiety? Paying through the nose for the same private insurance as you? I am not suggesting the above are personal preference, but some people use arguments that they are, and that people should be denied healthcare treatment because of it.

Your insurance is covering a lot more than you spend on healthcare, that's how insurance works (and makes a tonne of profit doing so). A lot of people take pharmaceutical drugs to keep themselves healthy, PrEP is one of the many.

I'm fully aware of the side effects, I'm one of the few who had a severe allergic reaction to it, that was a hellish few days I do not wish to repeat; but I'm still for people who can take it being prescribed it if it helps reduce risk.

As for cost, maybe the patent system needs an overhaul, or maybe drug companies should have the same price for all customers, or perhaps healthcare should be centralized and and the current dictatorship of insurance and drug companies reduced to mere socialism instead, but that's a whole other discussion.

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