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No, that’s just India

At least your honest with your username.

In the same way I would find it hard to read praise on a Jimmy Saville story, I find it hard to read praise on a company which is making the bombs which are killing little children en masse in Gaza.

Whacky is the world.

Seems like a very editorialized title. The podcast is called ‘Aquired’ and it’s recently become semi-popular.

Idolizing and elevating some individuals or groups above others in a cringe-worthy fashion isn't exactly a new thing in media. It's not unlike music fandoms.

Given this is the Wall Street Journal, the author either really likes Wall Street and Silicon Valley, or writing the press article equivalent of a handjob is just what pays the bills.

Acquire a copy of windows long term service contract? LTSC is pretty stable and debloated.

Is there any self hosting documentation that’s not on your discord? I’m personally not a fan of discord, and would rather read documentation on your site or GitHub where it should belong.

we're still working out some issues with our own managed hosting. will have draft docs in the next couple of weeks. It will require a VPS at a host that allows port 25 to be opened.

There are Switch emulators for iOS [0]

[0] https://github.com/emuPlace/Sudachi

They may exist, but the implication is they won't be allowed on the App Store.

All depending on an ambiguous ’Retro’ requirement. Would an out of production device be ‘retro’? If so, then Switch 2’s ~2025 upcoming release would retro-ify many games.

I guess we’ll see soon based on what passes app review.

No ads… no subscription… how? I’m not complaining but this doesn’t seem sustainable.

Also the ‘about us’ page 404s

We need this spyware banned immediately. I’m glad that this bill has bipartisan support.

Hi HN, I’m currently sitting in a testing center right now, and the technicial issues are real. Among other things, the testing app needed a last minute update, the preloaded test on the app failed to load for everyone, and the Wi-Fi is down/at a crawl from people using it to download said update. This is fun.

Also, for anyone wondering, the password for every student (the one that prevents people from taking the test at home) is 8 characters and *extremely* easy to guess. I won’t say it here, but given that this code grants access to take the test in the first place, you’d think it would be more complicated.

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