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Bottle digging, i.e. looking for and collecting old bottles, typically buried or submerged.

Wife and I live on a floating house in Oregon outside of Portland. Taking my paddle board to various beaches on the river to pick up trash has become a beloved hobby of mine. Fantastic way to get exercise, get out in nature, and clean up my community.

I kept finding old, antique bottles during outings: Coke bottles from the 40s and 50s, little medicine bottles from who knows when, old beer bottles from brands no longer in business. I eventually learned that there's a whole hobby around this called "bottle digging", even an active subreddit (r/bottledigging).

I've since bought a nice snorkel and mask and have been diving for old bottles on clear days, when river visibility allows it. Thinking about taking it to the next level and getting scuba certified.

If you like finding things, you might like bottle digging.

I enjoy this as well, but live in an area where finding bottles isn't too common. That hobby has been replaced with shark teeth hunting. I have a decent collection of them (maybe ~300).

I've also learned how to make pendants out of them.

Although, if I were you, I'd be looking for old necklaces, watches, etc. in that river. It excites me to imagine finding some old gold coins or something.

My dad and I did that when I was a kid... we were always in search of the Ruby Red beer bottles. We also looked for insulators on the ground near the telephone poles next to old railroads.

We frequented a subdivision that was being built on land that was a former city dump.

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Thanks for the heads up—first time I'm hearing about this, will investigate.

Glad to hear paper journaling is working out for you, fair assessment of concerns around online journaling.

> I really don't want to talk to AI.

I've received similar feedback from a few users, the "Kind AI" feature has had low engagement, and I'm not using it much myself—I think I will probably remove it this weekend.

"displaced person": I wasn't familiar with that term until I just Googled it, I'm sorry to hear that.

The concept of a supportive life coach / informal therapist is what I'm most excited about when it comes to the potential of AI. I recently added a feature along the same lines in my project (https://kindmind.com/) that I called "Kind AI".

I envision a future similar to what's portrayed in the movie, "Her", but it's a supportive coach speaking to you at any given time, encouraging you, telling you are good enough, and helping you identify and correct negative thinking patterns.

Did the glassmorphic vibes. What tools/libraries did you on the CSS side or is that custom styling?

Thanks! This is custom styling and I've used styled-components.

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