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V0.dev is an alternative as well, but focuses on shadcn and react.

Congrats on the launch. I enjoyed that it gave me progress updates as it worked.

Amazingly similar, and has many of the ideas I want to go to. Damn VCs going to commodotize their compliment!

I’m not a lawyer, but I do live in a one party consent state. I would imagine if I setup a service here, ensured all calls originated in my state, and the person who owned the account being used consented, it would be legal. Even without informing the person on the other end of the call.

Would this violate other laws outside my jurisdiction? Probably, but that just means I won’t travel there.

I actually hope I’m wrong.

I must not be reading this paper correctly because it appears that they only used 10 procurement contracts to do this study.

If so, the abstract and title feels misleading.

I’d be more interested in a study done on thousands of contracts of different types. I also have my doubts it would perform well on novel clauses or contracts.

Your reading is correct. Their primary aim was to compare some real lawyers' work with their wonderprompts to show off an upcoming service and how faster that is compared to humans. But they didn't have the funds to ask lawyers to review 15 or 50 or 1000 contracts, just 10, hence the cheat in methods and in conclusions.

This is not about drawing up a benchmark for an industry, let alone validating any useful method in general.

Ten docs reviewed based a single review 'playbook' (I think it's not in the paper, but probably max 20 questions per contract?) and compared across 3 different providers/roles + LLMs...

I’m sorry but WTF?

We can disagree on politics, but calling for the death of politicians publicly — especially as an influential member of an already regionally important company — is disgusting.

This behavior cannot be tolerated. I don’t care how inebriated someone is.

I say this as someone who worked for a YC company (that is still in business) for almost a decade.

I like to joke that the test should simply be “can this person get their medication filled if they run into any impediment?”

And they vend it out to you one refill at a time too (at least with my provider), and due to the stimulant shortage you have to go to hospitals to get it filled and even then they don't have it available for some time

I ran out of meds once but thank God my lady forced me to go get them asap because she couldn't handle me off the meds anymore

Flexport is commonly discussed here because it’s a ycombinator company and brands itself as a tech company.

The main reason I know Flexport exists is because up until probably a year or two ago there was constantly a Flexport is Hiring being promoted on the front page of HN. Either it’s unprecedented growth or there’s some turnover requiring that level of constant posting. Starting to uncover that it might have been the latter

Here are the reasons I chose it for a few projects: single binary distribution; easy concurrency; low system overhead; small language; garbage collection; semver respect; and opinionated styling.

I used it for pushing data around on a server and a cli. The easy concurrency was the killer feature for the server, and single binary distribution for the cli.

This is a feature in many commercial products already, as well as open source libraries like PyOD. https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod

I was diagnosed in the 90s. I’ve taken medication on and off ever since, with the vast majority of the time being off. On the surface I’m very successful, probably the same as you, but struggle inside just completing daily tasks.

I suppose you’re struggling with something which is why you got a diagnosis. So try the medications if you want, start low dose and only increase if necessary. If coffee really helps, then a stimulant is probably a good starting point. You may find some doctors who are really hesitant to prescribe them. If that’s the case, find a new one who is willing to help without making you do a little dance for them. I’ve heard horror stories like requiring the patient to submit to drug tests, in person visit to get a refill, unwilling to prescribe more then 30 days at a time, etc. There’s no legal requirement for this in my state and probably none in yours.

Being diagnosed just means you have a more informed world view of who you are and things to watch out for. Have fun and stay weird!

Yes, coffee really does help--and fails to keep me up at night if I drink it late. Thanks for the tip about doctors being hesitant--we'll see what happens with my primary care.

I suppose I'm the same as you in the aspect that I'm "successful" but many definitions, and I'm not struggling to the point where my life is falling apart, but there is often unresolved anxiety related to things that demand my focus.

I love finding this out, and learning more about it. Thanks for your input.

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