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Don't sell the JVM short. Using modern concurrency models (e.g.: Vertx) it will outperform go in throughput and latency.

I've changed my opinion a bit about Vertx combined with Java.

Personally I tried to push it for several years, but most Java developers (and I mean 95% in my particular case) seem to start resenting it over time.

It's hard to write good services in Vertx, mostly due to its asynchronous model combined with Java's verbosity and boiler plate.

Many teams have junior developers and IMHO it's simply not safe expecting them to write production grade services (albeit simple) mostly on their own. It can be done, but it drains the rest of the team. A more productive Java team would have used something like Spring Boot.

Also, with any technology, there are some gotchas .. and with Vertx they are much harder to figure out. In the end we changed to another Java framework.

I suspect that Loom Fibers are going to offer parity with golang in this area soon enough.

Loom seems very interesting. Do you know how far off they are currently?

Nope. They 'work' in a loose sense (you can run production-grade software like Jetty on top of them) but I don't understand very much about the current state of the project or what would be required for it to ship in a regular JDK release.

This is newest update on project Loom:


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