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Some anecdotal experience: I travel to Asia for vacations and majority of the time, I catch a minor cold. The endless coughing and runny nose can really sap my energy. A friend suggested wearing a mask. Once I did, the air I was breathing became warmer and my throat and lungs felt less dry. It really helped a lot. I was glad there were so many others around me wearing masks so I didn’t stand out at all.

I have nasal allergy. Sometimes the allergy manifests itself persistently, but as soon as I put on a surgical mask, the runny nose and irritation just stops completely.

I believe there's an association between dryness of airways and possibility of airway infection (though it's not linear, IIRC the extremes are worse)

Yes! I was in delhi and kathmandu and wished that i had some mask to filter out the awful air pollution. My lungs and throat felt sore, and in the end i developed a cold which eventually led me to being bedridden for a day. I cant fathom how the regular people can tolerate that toxic from day to day, it's just awful. Maybe they cant but the overabundance of mopeds and lack of sidewalks makes me think otherwise.

This is actually one of the reasons: to prevent the wind and cold from entering the body [1]

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_medicine#S...

Agree! I was surprised to see that in the con column. What possible benefit is there for differing programming styles in a team?

I prefer my bikeshed already painted. It lets me get down to the assembly, and maybe even storing the bikes.

Assemblies and associations with names like "Nazi uber" and "Hate van"? No thanks. Shut it down.

You know, that's a really hard one.

On the one hand I don't want a bunch of hateful thugs running about rallying actual hate normally. I just have to imagine if I were in a non western country and they had hate rallies against westerners, for example.

On the other hand, say in Venezuela or Cuba where politicians rally (or rallied) around hate for the US and US citizens, I mean, hateful as it is, should I want that suppressed forcefully?

Maybe more worrying is who gets classified, do they go by the Dept of Justice tally? Or do they make their own assessment?

The constitution has very little to say about what assembly names are acceptable.

I have yet to see a good clean solution. I was fairly new to auth and node when I was given a similar task. Ended up doing a ton of research and I felt I was making decisions I should not have had to make. I recall the tutorials that the article mentions. I was not impressed with the end result.

Which do you trust more? The decisions of a government, or the laws of mathematics?

It isn't about trust in mathematics; its trust that in the future someone will still be willing to buy your bitcoin (with whatever, be that dollars or loaves of bread).

Is there a law of mathematics that you can't break the cryptography used by Bitcoin?

I don't find it heavy, just that the UI is not pleasant. From the icon, to the splash screen, to the many extraneous menu items and buttons. I find it painful to use, but there doesnt seem to be a good alternative. I guess that means I should create one.

Identity theft would be my biggest concern.

For jobs that take longer than Lambda will allow, I use Datapipeline to run a ShellCommandActivity, which can run a bash script on an EC2 instance.

Running an ECS task from Lambda is another option.

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