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102. Eschew advice books.

I sent an unsolicited 25 page paper about memes that I wrote, as just some (fairly pretentious!) guy without a college degree, to Professor Dennett, in the early oughts. And he just went ahead and read the thing and gave me very kind feedback on it.

I'm sure he was a busy person, and didn't have any obligation to respond to me, at all. It touched me deeply. What a generous and gracious soul he was.

I mean these words in a non-supernatural way, of course. :-D A toast to Mr. Dennett's wonderful memory.

A couple of thoughts: I’m unable to go back with my browser’s ’Back’ key. not being able to revisit an activity reduces the site’s usefulness. Also, I’d recommend adding a feature that lets users add activities.

Noted, thank you!

Seems to be more or less impossible to play on my iPhone.

Do you mind sharing which browser + iOS version you're using on your iPhone? And is the issue the design or that the music isn't outputting when you try to play?

I'm on iOS 17.1.1 Safari and the sound doesn't play. Shame, I'd love to try it.

Edit: Ah, it's because the phone was in silent mode. That usually doesn't prevent website sounds playing. Not sure what's different here.

Thanks for the report!

I've noticed that 1) silent mode and 2) not wearing headphones sometimes causes the muting, but I'm still trying to figure out why exactly some iPhones seem to play fine with headphones and why some iPhones require headphones.

I am on Brave / ios and it’s silent.

There’s an additional factor to this that the “leaving your AirPods in when talking to someone is rude” crowd don’t realize: AirPods are actually very effective hearing aids. (https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/11/study-airpods-pro-ar...)

This is how I use them. I have moderate hearing impairment and a modest budget, and have been hesitant to plunk down thousands of dollars for decent hearing aids. When I realized the $250 earphones I already had were really good hearing aids, and figured out how to set them up that way, it was life-transforming.

I do try to take a minute to explain to people that my AirPods help me to hear, when I think about it. But if you suffer from stuffy judgments that people who wear AirPods are inconsiderate a-holes, you might want to think twice about that.

I think this is a misunderstanding. The EU bans if there is a possible hazard; the US bans based on calculated risk. While it’s possible (but unlikely) there could be cases in which the EU rules are safer, the EU rules also result in harmful, expensive absurdities such as banning GMOs.

There isn't an EU-wide GMO ban, just regulations around import, labelling, isolation distances between GMO and non-GMO crops. Individual EU countries have opted to entirely ban GMOs, but that's another thing entirely.

Am I the only person who hates it when people say “anyways” when they mean “anyway”?

Perhaps it's acceptable in moderation, like "ain't". It's needed for a rhyme in a well-known song by Billy Joel, for what it's worth. On the other hand, there is a different song by Billy Joel in which "anyway" is used for a rhyme.

No, I'm not a Billy Joel expert or fanatic. I just happened to notice, all right?

That stray character doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, so yeah, stylistic complaints are subjective and beside the point.

We're not in school.

Creative people suffer from a lack of neural plasticity? Interesting…

I think neural plasticity is better allocated to the niche specific ideas they're working with than to re-learn the UX/UI some Product Manager looking for a bonus or raise or whatever, thought a good idea.

I've had to disable the new bubbles download from chrome in so many places already, even my fucking dentist couldn't produce a recipe because they couldn't find the new UI.

professionals like their tools to be reliable and not at the whims of capital greedy corps.

For people familiar with Scheper’s work: What are the “three challenges” he refers to in the hero’s journey?

I haven’t heard anyone express this before, but when it comes to my death and the deaths of others, I take comfort in the idea of the Block Universe. On the Block Universe concept, time isn’t real in the way we think about it—everything that ever happened or will happen exists in a timeless, eternal block of spacetime. (This video by Sabine Hossenfelder explains it nicely: https://youtu.be/GwzN5YwMzv0.)

If this is true, then our lives are eternal—not in the way envisioned by religious people, but eternal in a very real sense. It’s true that I am finite in time in exactly the same way that I’m finite in space, but just as I don’t lament the fact that my body isn’t infinitely large, I shouldn’t lament the fact that my life doesn’t extend through all of time. (I wouldn’t mind living for a lot longer, but that’s a different matter :-D.)

I realize this conception of immortality will be too abstract to provide any consolation to many people. But ideas of an afterlife or reincarnation are abstract, too. This one at least has the advantage, to my mind, of being plausible.

It’s not that I once was not, then I was, and after I die I will be no more. My life, my presence, this experience—it’s eternal and ever-present.

It's a nice concept but it's not how we experience time.

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