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Do you just hold this number of node in the database or also need to visualize them all in one view?

visualize them in one view so I can understand how data is flowing from input to output

We've done a very similar procedure just with FalkorDB as a Graph Database. Notice if you already have a schema/ontology it might be easier might you might miss some entities in the text you did realize exist.

So in our in GraphRAG-SDK we are running two phases, the first is sampling the data to suggest a schema and the second is using this schema to ground the LLM to this schema (as you suggested)

Check https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK

Would love to hear your feedback once you do try GraphRAG.

Nice demo! It so easy to see that Vector RAG just can't answer complex queries that are more that Sematic Search results.

We also build a similar demo based on the UFC dataset - https://github.com/FalkorDB/ufc


That is cool! Would love to see how it works with FalkorDB as the Graph Database for the knowledge Graph https://github.com/FalkorDB/FalkorDB

This is exactly why we're working on the GraphRAG-SDK to ease the process. You might want to check out https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK/ and we would love to hear your feedback

Indeed, if you build the Knowledge Graph in a "naive" way but just asking the LLM to generate a Knowledge Graph you'll probably end up with a very "dirty" Knowledge Graph full with duplications.

Can this be handled by a second (adversarial?) LLM that searches for bad entries?

The GraphRAG project is great and really shows the why Vector Databases can provide a full RAG solution when it comes to none trivial search queries. But in order to build a full an accurate Knowledge Graph we found out you need more than just loading the text to LLM.

For that we wrote the GraphRAG-SDK that is also generating a stable Ontology. https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK

These are Knowledge Graphs, perhaps not RDF but Knowledge Graph can also be based on properties Graphs

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