...their equipment is terrible (they are using donkeys)...
I protest: donkeys are NOT terrible!
In fact donkeys are absolutely one of the best means of transport in the Ukraine conflict: donkeys maintain themselves, are loyal to their trainers and are reliable. If you allow them to guide themselves, they will almost always move you away from regions of conflict (i.e., they are self-guided and smart).
Furthermore donkeys are by their nature not instruments of war: there are no "attack donkeys" in this or other conflicts. Donkeys are animals of peace.
We've burned up Russia's military equipment, we've killed and wounded thousands of Russian soldiers, all ostensibly w/o sending a single USA soldier into combat. The neocons have drained off Russia's conventional firepower and male population for a generation by merely poking the bear repeatedly. The Russians can claim victory but it was a Pyrrhic victory.
Russia is now militarily a hollow shell, except for nukes. They're like North Korea but they eat better (they always did, though). Neither of those nations could engage the USA in a conventional conflict for longer than a half hour. This is sometimes termed "victory" or "success", and I don't think its a bad outcome.
Of course you can imagine fairy tales where the Russians are abjectly defeated and humiliated and such fairy tales would give you more happy Social Media discussions. But such viewpoints also cause multi-generational problems in peoples of Slavic mindsets who view history as a list of wrongs against their ancestors going back centuries.
NATO was created to counter the Soviet Union but after the USSR fell apart, NATO did not disband. Instead Europeans hired the USA for their defense. The USA enjoyed the status and power of being the dominant military force in Europe.
Unfortunately "entangling alliances" such as NATO tend to draw us into remote conflicts where we have nothing to gain:
Some seem to have forgotten how the neocons/CIA have stirred the pot in Ukraine for at least a decade under Democratic administrations. Some say it was a mistake to do what they (neocons) did but I think it was a good outcome. Russian is now like North Korea, able to "win" (and even that is questionable) only a nuclear conflict.
Furthermore Russia's population of fighting men is down, which will require that they return home to seed a new generation of cannon fodder (not an entirely bad assignment BTW in either Russia or Ukraine) for their czar-like leaders. I feel sorry for the handicapped wounded however.
Prolog has always had DCGs (Definite Clause Grammars) that allow you to write rules that resemble natural language grammar structures to parse and generate English sentences:
Learning to fix a roof is like learning how to build a boat hull upside down: if you can do it properly then you can make lots of money doing it. That said,
" if the job is less than $50k you can't find anyone who is interested"
is difficult to believe. I only use experienced roofers and make sure my and their insurance coverage is good. I've always felt roof repairs were well worth the price.
Experienced, good roofers and builders around here have enough new construction and full roof replacements that scheduling a small repair just isn't feasible. Those are not jobs they want, because they already have too many big jobs--some are fully booked 1+yr out.
Research grants are ripe fruit to university administrations. But the new guidelines limit the cut a sponsoring institution can take out of a federal grant to 15%.
For instance Texas medical schools/institutions would previously take as much as half the money in a US grant from the researcher and use it for whatever they wish. I believe Trump's measures are intended to cut back on such situations.
I'm fairly certain the institutions will find a way around Trump's measures, given time. It's a cat-and-mouse game.
He's only got one term. IMO better to cut the presumably unneeded limbs off than wait. Government, unlike people, can always grow a new limb if necessary.
There are also bills and other measures (not to mention his own words) trying to support the idea of a third term for Trump.
You can argue that these measures are not serious or not a real threat or things like that, but it would be inaccurate to say that the prevailing R view is that there is no possibility of term-limit shenanigans.
The President tends to get the praise or blame, no matter who actually did things. The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, and probably has more to do with inflation than anybody else.
So would you would take the vote away from " those on the right side of the IQ bell curve"? (That has been done before, you know. You might be somewhat uncomfortable sitting with those who once did it, however).
I protest: donkeys are NOT terrible!
In fact donkeys are absolutely one of the best means of transport in the Ukraine conflict: donkeys maintain themselves, are loyal to their trainers and are reliable. If you allow them to guide themselves, they will almost always move you away from regions of conflict (i.e., they are self-guided and smart).
Furthermore donkeys are by their nature not instruments of war: there are no "attack donkeys" in this or other conflicts. Donkeys are animals of peace.
Free a donkey today: send cash to
Free the Donkeys
123-rt45 Doskilvi via
Kyiv, UKRAINE 79013
(just kidding, but wish I weren't)