2. Years ago Greenspun graphed level of education vs pay scale. Salaries maxed out at a masters but plunged to high-school levels beyond that. See the graph below "Not So Very Serious Stuff" at:
Feser police means less time for policing. Officers must spread themselves thinner: policing per se, performing investigations and going to court, among other duties.
Reduced staff guarantee police have less time to pursue crime. The result is less recorded crime (while actual crime may be skyrocketing)!
So don't trust the statistics!. This is a good idea anyway in most major cities where there is strong political control. There is always an interest by those in power to reduce crime numbers in any way possible.
Trump should kill this. It is really a "cargo cult" project: "Stargate" indeed! Why, the very idea!8-))
Building unjustified giant data centers will soak up government and private monies and resources in construction that could be better used for other purposes, will divert our attentions and then will obsolesce in 10 years or less.
While we know how to write code for LLMs, we don't understand LLM technology: when it works and when it doesn't. (We don't understand human intelligence either, of course, which doesn't help.)
Rather than "getting ahead of ourselves" and building trillion-dollar "bricks in the desert" We should first invest much smaller monies exploring the theory of LLMs and such questions as whether LLMs are derivative of human intelligence and whether there are better alternatives.