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Make money gambling?

More likely that the offense by twatter was more egregious than what the courts are used to.

Ah yes, an objective comment by a rational author.

Pretty far fetched benefits

At least OpenAI creates more noise than useful output if you try to make it tackle a problem this way.

Sedetary life style combined with lots of sausages, red meat an butter does that to a people. Alcohol is also a huge problem in Finland. Not uncommon for men to drink beer daily.

You lose all credibility with the butter is good nonsense. You can't even buy the unhealthy margarines anywhere. They have not been a thing for decades.

Where do you get it is bad? It's a staple of many cultures, way healthier than your. India upper class? France? Europe?

“If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.”

Poro (reindeer in finnish) is specifically developed to be used in Finnish. GPT etc. general models struggle with less used languages. Unfortunately this sale likely means this development will cease.

Reindeer is a great name, and gives me an idea - next time I create an Azure OpenAI resource (depending on model availability and data residency requirements, sometimes you need to create more than one) I'm going to start going through Santa's reindeer names.

Gpt4 or even 3.5 is quite good at Finnish. Was there ever a benchmark against closed source models?

More sedetary life. Before most people worked in physically active jobs and past times tended to be more active too. If you work in an office and watch TV when you get home, your energy use is obviously smaller than working in a field for 12 hours.

Apparently more sedetary life does not effect the apetite of most people.

I think this is just a convenient excuse, there were plenty of sedentary office workers in the 50s and 60s, and they weren't obese at nearly the same rates. It seems pretty clear from where I'm sitting that it's something dietary or environmental.

more sedentary than 20-30 years ago?

Sorry I don't believe it. I don't see much change in people's lifestyles, in fact with alcohol and smoking on the wane, and ubiquitous healthy-diet messaging, I think people may even be living healthier lifestyles now.

It's something in the environment, most likely the food.

Said the dairy industry.

I'm qurious what that code was doing that could be just moved to the backend. Usually forms have some validation for a better experience with the final validation on the server. Did you get rid of that and just show an error if the submission failed?

Near enough yes but it was a nice helpful error message with the form fully populated as they left it - as far as it looks the user it’s client side validation as the service responds with just the correct html for the form and htmx swaps out the chunk of html.

Its like old school for validation back in the CodeIgniter days.

So the 500 lines removed was literally just removing functionality in the first place (you should always validate on both sides anyway).

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