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bloop (YC S21) | AI/ML Engineer, Compiler Engineer | Full-time | London (UK) | Visa Sponsor

At bloop (https://www.bloop.ai) we modernise legacy code, translating old languages to new(er) ones. Existing translators produce code that is unreadable, and the alternative of rewriting an old system from scratch in a new language is unfeasibly expensive for many projects. We're developing a new approach that uses LLMs to automatically generate readable, maintainable code.

We're working to modernise code for a cohort of enterprise customers. You'll join a small group of compiler and ML engineers who are obsessed with the technical challenges posed by code translation.

We love:

* LLM pipelines

* Static analysis (Tree-sitter)

* Rust

Apply here: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/bloop/jobs or directly to gabriel@bloop.ai

Yes that's a great point. At the moment we in the 'Results' section we display the code snippets returned by the semantic search engine. These don't always line up with the code that GPT is referring to because we include as much of the file that the snippet is from in the prompt.

We're working on a new interface to make this clearer, where we'll display the lines of code that GPT has referenced in its answer.

We currently support Go, JS/TS, JSX/TSX, Python, Rust, C#, Java, C/C++

This is a very competent set of supported languages for a startup. I think it would be stronger marketing to just list them out, and to omit the repetition of JSX/JS, TSX/TS.

If I see "10+ languages" but it's actually 10, no wait, actually 8, then I'm just getting progressively let down.

It would be nice to have this displayed somewhere prominently. I tried adding a lisp project and it sort of just spun around indefinitely until I clicked back.

Yes I agree! I'll update the README. We'll be adding some more information to our website about how we implement code navigation soon.

We currently support code search which you can access through a conversational interface (think Bing Chat for your code). We don't currently support editing code but are looking into a mechanism to create pull requests from bloop.

Thanks! Qdrant is great :)

bloop (YC S21) | Senior Software Engineer (Rust) | Full Time | Remote or London (Visa Sponsor)

We're bringing neural code search to the masses. To do this we're developing efficient, fast indexing and retrieval mechanisms that enable lightning-fast search and scale to massive amounts of code.

As a Senior Software Engineer you'll work at the heart of this, collaborating with a small, talented team to design and implement the core engine that powers bloop search. You'll work on the forefront of information retrieval and data storage, using techniques pioneered in academia and the latest open source search projects and developing some of your own too! You'll get to show off too, as we will open-source the first version of the engine.

You'll love what we're working on if you're interested in the implementation of:

- https://github.com/quickwit-oss/tantivy

- https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch

- https://github.com/BurntSushi/fst

You'll be joining a small group of engineers who are obsessed with the challenges posed by search, and who want to build tools to improve the process of writing and maintaining software.

More retails about the role here: https://bloop.jobs.personio.com/job/748329?display=en

Apply by emailing join@bloop.ai or through the Personio link.

bloop (YC S21) | https://bloop.ai/ | Senior Software Engineer (Python) | London | Full Time

At bloop, we’re building an in-IDE search engine to make it easy for software engineers to find and share code.

Today developers spend too much time scouring library documentation and open-source repositories looking for useful code. Our neural search engine automates this menial process, freeing up time for developers to focus on the most enjoyable parts of the job.

Behind the scenes we do lots of:

  - Machine learning on source code
  - Parsing code and manipulating ASTs
Our tech stack includes: Python, Typescript, C++, PyTorch, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes

If you want to build tools that directly help software engineers then apply! Senior Software Engineer: https://bloop.jobs.personio.com/job/674687

bloop (YC S21) | https://bloop.ai/ | ML Engineer | London | Full Time

At bloop, we’re building an in-IDE code search engine to make it easy for software engineers to find and share code. Today developers spend too much time scouring library documentation and open-source repositories looking for useful code. Our neural search engine automates this menial process, freeing up time for developers to focus on the most enjoyable parts of the job.

Behind the scenes we do lots of:

  - Machine learning for code

  - Parsing code and manipulating ASTs

  - Semantic analysis
If you want to build tools that directly help software engineers then apply!

Machine Learning Engineer - https://bloop.jobs.personio.com/job/477545?display=en

bloop (YC S21) | https://bloop.ai/ | ML Engineer, Sr. Software Engineer | London / REMOTE | Full Time

At bloop, we’re building an in-IDE code search engine to make it easy for software engineers to find and share code. Today developers spend too much time scouring library documentation and open-source repositories looking for useful code. Our neural search engine automates this menial process, freeing up time for developers to focus on the most enjoyable parts of the job.

Behind the scenes we do lots of:

  - Machine learning for code

  - Parsing code and manipulating ASTs

  - Semantic analysis
If you - or someone you know - wants to build tools that directly help software engineers then check out one of our open roles!

  - Machine Learning Engineer:  

  - Senior Software Engineer (C/C++):  

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