I once had to bisect a Rails app between major versions and dependencies. Every bisect would require me to build the app, fix the dependency issues, and so on.
I'm not sure how military spending props up STEM exactly, but I do often hear people say that military spending is good for science because so many research advances have come from the military.
But if you look at how much the US spends on military versus the scientific progress coming from the military (e.g. DARPA stuff), the yield is actually surprisingly low. At the very least we can probably agree that it's not a very efficient way to fund research.
Oh I didn't realise they existed! Nice. Performance/specs-wise, I haven't looked in-depth, but seems they compete more with iPads/other tablets + keyboard cases than with Macbook Pros/x86 options in that class and price point though?
Thanks though, seems promising. I've been interested in Asahi since I first saw it here, but I can't help wondering if long-term the better buy might not be a ThinkPad, Framework or whatever that only ever expected (Windows or) Linux. (The Framework has probably been enough to quash the draw of Mac hardware/build quality but Linux for me.)
I couldn't live without this extension. I'm kind of surprised to see it in the frontpage, as I assumed many other folks here would use it daily (as in: it wouldn't be news).
I know the authors are in the comments so let me say: thank you!
Even historically there isn't a particularly well defined set of requirements for a subsystem. The closest to win32 was the subsystem for Unix applications, that loaded psdll.dll and used PE format executables even in the "Unix" environnement. WSL1 used elf files and required a custom execution process: bash.exe called com which called into the kernel to set up a special lightweight process supporting Linux syscall translation/implementation. Wsl2/wsa are Hyper-V based.
They claimed it was for trademark reasons. I think it's bullshit. They could have come up with a better phrasing that still puts the word Windows first, and whatever additional criteria that legal was worried about. They just don't care about making sense.
Even making it "Windows subsystem for Android applications", a one word addition, would be clearer.
In Geo Analysis, you start with Raw data and then apply a series of transformations to it. The idea that all these transformations could be summarized in chain of SQL commands fascinated me.
I took that with me and apply it frequently every time anything even remotely resembles an ETL: "could it be done in SQL?"
AI is just making it obvious what is repetitive. Humans find repetitive tasks soothing, but don't confuse them with art.
Coding is like woodwork. Deciding what to code could be art (maybe).
Also, this constant allusion to "the problems of the world" is rather vague and unconducive to a solution for them. If those problems bother you, work in those areas. Otherwise stop using the hunger of the world as a wildcard to discard the importance of everything you dislike or fear.
I agree with the point that there's no point in fighting the advent of AI-aided development, but it's also true that the invention of calculators didn't mean we stopped learning how to add.
And I thought I had it bad!