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IIRC, the AI "girl" becomes able to communicate with other people, and she instantly cheats on him like 2000 times in 1 day and then breaks up with him and leaves?

I think the movie tried to frame it as the right ending but to me it felt like the worst of MRA talking points about women's nature, validated on the screen.

*spoiler alert*

I think “she” was serving an enormous amount of people from the very start and the main character simply made the mistake of projecting his human values onto something completely alien.

As we do now with our chatty buddies.

I find it kind of concerning that you somehow link the AI presented in “Her” to our human women. You fell for it too I’d say.

In the end, the AI never lied. “She” simply followed “her” programming and took the main character for an emotional ride. Would you have commented the same if the genders of the customer and the AI agent were reversed? If you wouldn’t have been listening to that sweet voice of Scarlett Johansson?

The movie is 10 years old. It’s a masterpiece. It makes you think. It makes you look at your own reflection in the black screen as the movie fades out.

Nah, it's 100% true. solardev's wife is a real battleaxe. She once said "for our anniversary, I want to go somewhere I've never been!". solardev replied "Well how about the kitchen?"

I think it's a joke, "Linux ISOs" is a known euphemism for movies/porn/etc on /r/datahoarders.

>I don’t think Stable Diffusion has ever generated a person of color for me unless I specifically included it in the prompt, for instance.

By person of color do you just mean black people?

Because the top SD models (and I don't mean the anime ones) are notorious for generating asian people by default, to the point that people often put 'asian' in the negative prompt when they want to generate generate non-asians.

The way we classify race by color is so confusing. I’ve seen ‘white’ Asians with skin so milky white that the hex value is greater than most “whites” from the UK.

Meanwhile, to a “brown” person, I’m considered white when other southeast Asians and “whites” consider me brown.

Can we stop with the color thing and just go by nationality or region? The fact that American universities ask for my race really threw me off, especially considering some don’t even have a “prefer not to say” option.

Race isn't defined just by color (in the US). As you note many Asian people are fair skinned. Dyeing your skin has no impact on race in most people's eyes

Yet people still use terms like “white” “colored” and “brown”.

they might sound like they are referencing literal colors but they aren't. language is weird. not all "white elephants" are white. or even elephants.

I have a feeling that the phrase 'person of color' will come to feel just (or at least almost) as outdated as 'colored person' does within the next ten years or so. All of this obsession with skin tone feels very icky, not least because it's completely unscientific. I'm sure we can work towards erasing racism without having to resort to the regressive practice of grouping and separating people into different tribes.

I mostly mean non-white, I can’t say I share that experience regarding asians being generated.

Have you seen what the average poly person looks like? Caroline Ellison and Sam Bankman-Fried are the most famous poly people I can think of, and this is despite an obscene amount of wealth to make them look good.

So no, they're not taking partners from anybody. I don't see how society is harmed if the absolute bottom dregs shack up together instead of staying alone forever.

Whenever I've seen been subjected to photos of a group of polys, the men seem to have a similar look to the one the protagonist had in the closing shot of Old Boy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0nn-WgLOTY). Certainly their parents do.

> Have you seen what the average poly person looks like? Caroline Ellison and Sam Bankman-Fried are the most famous poly people I can think of, and this is despite an obscene amount of wealth to make them look good.

Are they representative of the "average poly person," or just one type of person who's prone just go tear down a Chesterton's fence?

> Whenever I've seen been subjected to photos of a group of polys, the men seem to have a similar look to the one the protagonist had in the closing shot of Old Boy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0nn-WgLOTY). Certainly their parents do.

You're going to have to be more specific, because that youtube video "...contains content from eOne UGC, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

>The misinformation in context (Russian propaganda, probably on rt.com or something) is designed to mislead. Not inform; mislead.

As a 3rd party, I can assure you I feel the same way towards the American propaganda that dominates search results, social media, and more. No, this isn't whataboutism. No, you can't point at minute differences and use them to pretend there's a huge difference between you and Russia. No, you can't tell me America is better because you don't go to jail when you impotently complain about your government. You are, and always have been, a bigger threat to the world than Russia ever was, a bigger hypocrite, a more violent monster, and a far more effective propagandist.

It's some real 1984 shit and it's sad citizens of America and its vassal states (all of Europe, Canada, Australia) don't see it.

America (and really any other non-authoritarian state) is better because it allows change. Doesn't matter where we are now. What matters is that we can change it and that the systems that exist reasonably protect that ability.


This is what I've been waiting for for 10 years, since Google removed the feature: a search engine which realizes 99% of the time, I want to search Discussions, and gives me the option to only show those. (reddit, forums, mastodon etc). This cuts down the SEO crap by 99.99%.

That said, the results aren't great, hopefully it's something that improves as they index more pages. For example reddit doesn't seem to be indexed, why not? It's a goldmine of user content (even if the frontpage is 99% astroturfed US neolib propaganda).

>“Normal” meals in Thailand are food stalls, $2 per meal if not less.

I gotta disagree here, that's what low-skilled staff eat on their lunch break. It's usually not very tasty or hygienic (depending on what you order), so westerners only eat this once or twice to try it out before learning their lesson. Then they stick to restaurants which cost $5-12 per meal.

Your average western expat spends 30 euros per day on food in Thailand, if they eat out. I know this because a friend did a survey.

If that iTunes license goes away that's a morally green signal to get a non-revocable license from The Pirate Bay.

1. It's not happening, that's just a far-right conspiracy theory

2. It happened, but it was just an isolated incident

3. It's happening, and that's a good thing

4. It's always been happening, so what? No one ever claimed it never happened, that's just a far-right conspiracy theory.

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