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Anyone reading this, don't expect a smooth experience for desktop Linux under Hyper-V.

Hyper-V's team only cares about supporting servers. You're not gonna run a full-screen Ubuntu VM without a lot of banging your head against the wall, unless you spend days trawling random Github comments and reddit posts and fixing it whenever it breaks.

If you want Ubuntu use Hyper-V Quick Create instead of booting the .iso you downloaded. That takes care of the integration things.

I'm the opposite, I need these desktop hypervisors because Hyper-V is trash for anything but a WSL shell or server VM.

I upgraded to Windows 11 for WSLg (figuring it would replace my Linux desktop), and it was buggy trash. You can't even get a high-resolution Ubuntu desktop (from Microsoft themselves, their own quickbox!) without jumping through hoops, searching all over reddit for knowledge obsoleted by the next update, tweaking arcane settings and running misc Powershell scripts. To say nothing of the occasional freezes.

By enabling WSL2/WSLg, your Windows host is now a privileged guest running under Hyper-V as a hypervisor. Which means lightweight desktop hypervisors like Virtualbox run like trash.

I ended up removing WSLg/turning Hyper-V off, using Virtualbox for desktop Linux, and using WSL1 (not 2) to have a quick Linux shell without enabling Hyper-V.

I'm now considering Workstation due to the superior graphics in the guest over Virtualbox.

If you are running Windows 10 with secure kernel, driver guard, among others, this features require Hyper-V.

Secondly Windows 11 doubles even more on having Hyper-V running for even more security capabilities.

I also think the future is type 1 hypervisors, and in regards to performance, my computers are beefy enough to hardly notice any major impact.

As for Linux configuration problems, business as usual, there is always something that needs hand holding, and I have been using distributions since Slackware 2.0 in 1995's Summer.

I also mostly used Virtualbox only when not allowed to use VMWare products, due to cheap project delivery conditions.

I'm a casual Docker user, ran maybe 30 images my whole life. I've never used any of these flags and didn't know most of them even existed.

Are these serious threats? I mean it seems like common sense that if you give a malicious container elevated privileges, it can do bad stuff.

Is a VM any different? If you create a VM and add your host's / directory as a share with write permissions (allowing the VM to modify your host filesystem/binaries) does that mean VMs are bad at isolation and shouldn't be used? Because that's what these "7 ways to escaper a container" ways look like to me.

Containers are called "Leaky Vessels" for a reason...

"Container Escape: New Vulnerabilities Affecting Docker and RunC" - https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/blog/prisma-cloud/leaky-ves...

VMs offer a much better isolation mode.

Thanks, that link made me much more confident in using Docker.

I mean come on: "Attackers could try to exploit this issue by causing the user to build two malicious images at the same time, which can be done by poisoning the registry, typosquatting or other methods"

So basically ridiculous CVEs that will never affect people not in the habit of building random Dockerfiles off Github with 2 stars. Good to know. Only the 1st one isn't dismissable out of hand, I can't tell if it's bogus like the rest./

Try reading the author list of AI papers. Even those from western universities and labs. If you can't spot a pattern, then there's Sum Tin Wong with you.

Prepare for the talking points, folks.

Within a day, you'll start seeing the same words used across "journalism" organizations, about how "Iran is a destabilizing force for the Middle East", "sudden, unprovoked attack". Some articles about how wonderful life is for LGBT people in Israel.

If we're lucky, maybe this time around no one will say that Iranians behead babies or stab them in their hospital beds in the maternity wards. It was laid on a bit too thick last time, I felt.

Yep. I do this for Windows. I have a Surface laptop which requires tinkering to get Linux working on it (keyboard doesn't even work out of the box, you gotta use a USB keyboard until you install a custom kernel off Github).

I couldn't be bothered. I just keep Windows running and run Ubuntu in Virtualbox. With an SSD there's no noticeable performance penalty except in accelerated graphics (in which case you should be using VMware).

>We're all upset about this. Not because Redis deserves to get paid, it's that they acted like they were being good stewards of the open-source community and then they changed their mind.

I'm an open-source zealot and I have no beef with the SSPL.

Redis is still an open-source project for 99.99999999999% of entities on Earth. The only people crying foul about this are tech giants and the corporate drones at the OSI. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but normal people don't care about either of you.

I'm not going to shed a tear for your trillion $ market cap company being asked to contribute a little more in exchange for all the wealth they siphon from the rest of the world.

If the tech giant you're cheerleading for is such a fan of open-source, why don't they open-source the management layer like the SSPL asks? This would resolve this beef overnight, right?

The SSPLv1 has fatal flaws that were identified by the open source community during its review for OSI approval. Some of those flaws were attempted to be addressed in the SSPLv2 draft that was never finalized, which is an acknowledgment that the flaws exist.

There isn’t really any way for someone who wanted to offer software licensed under SSPLv1 to comply with the obligations of the license in good faith. This is what makes those obligations a “constructive restriction” [1].

[1] https://meshedinsights.com/2021/01/27/all-open-source-licens...

There are some conditions that don't fit with the OSD (in the view of some, opinions are divided). That's fine. It's allowed to have licenses that don't fit with the OSD. These licenses are not flawed in any objective sense.

The important thing here is that distributions are gonna start moving the packages to non-free repos or removing it altogether. So you'll have to get it as if were a closed source project anyways.


Follow the guide all the way until you get to "Loading our model in Oobabooga". Then ignore the rest. You can do inference in Ooba under the Notebook tab.

(You can also ignore the "enabling HTTP API" parts, but it's quite handy, it's an OpenAI-compatible API which means you can use any OpenAI-compatible web UI)

This isn't Twitter or your polycule's Wednesday night political discussion, my friend. Being proud of rejecting historical facts doesn't give you as many virtue signalling points as you think.

>even an unhinged TV personality can not single-handedly destroy a country and what it has stood for for the last 70+ years.

A war-mongering, propaganda-spewing, dystopian corporate empire beheld entirely to the military-industrial complex and megacorps?

You're right, I don't think he can turn the ship around.

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